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myOtaku.com: ChristianOtaku

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Brasil vs Ghana results (and other things)
WOOO! Yesterday my karate classs was so eventful! And fun! Because one of the teachers there was going away to go try out for the US Air Force (Sad I know) And he was a black belt and he had started taking martial Arts since he was like 6 or 7! And so we had sort of a going away party! Karate style! And so first all of us got to fight him! (Even his little brothers were there! Fighting him! His brothers were 2 little (Like 3 feet tall maybe I don't know!) boys who were like 8 years old and they were already black belts 0_o! And his other brother. Some guy around his 14 or 15's) Well first everybody (Even the teachers) Got to fight him in a group. Just everybody attacking all at once. And he beat us all! There where all types of levels there! From beginners to experts! But in the process whyle I was attacking he grabbed in a sort of headlock and pushed my teeth back! >.< Ouch. Well after that we went one on one And nobody defeated him. He even sent 2 of his brothers flying! Literally! And after that he did a sword technique in front of us and with some other guy they did a part with some stick things. I want to learn how to use those weapons >.< They have classes though ^_^ So I'll take them when I'm a bit more experienced with karate.

Oof! Well SOCCER RESULTS! BRASIL WON! WOOOOO! 3-0 OH YEAH! AND TODAY FRANCE AND SPAIN WENT HEAD TO HEAD! BUT I HAVEN'T SEEN THE WHOLE THING BECAUSE RIGHT NOW I'M IN A LIBRARY USING THIS COMPUTER. So anyways there's not going to be soccer matches for 2 days. >.< Aww man! But! Now only 4 teams remain! Brasil! Portugal! Argentine! And I don't know! Either France or Spain! And they are going to face off! WOO! Well that's all for now.

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