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Somewhere in Finland...
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Student...or something like that.....^_^;;
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Well...I'm alive...
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I woke up..
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Angel Sanctuary, Chobit, D.N.Angel, Gundam Seed, Time Stranger Kyoko, Ragnarök etc.
To live this live which I get...
Writing, singing, reading...
I'm pretty good in writing...heh...or then it's Nina...I am not so sure...
| Chrystaltear
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 10/11/05:
 The Bright Side Your angel seeks for the bright side. Your angel is part of you. Thus, you are the kind of person who values the positive side in things than most things in this world. You are aware that there are many depressed people, because they always think negative. You avoid doing that, so you always think positive. And you try to cheer people up by looking at the bright side of things. In love, you seek for someone who can cheer you up. If you ARE down, you want someone who can help you back up and keep you smiling. Go you!
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What's Your Angel Seeking For? .:BEAUTIFUL Anime Pics AND Music!:. brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 10/06/05:
Yay!! I like Kyoko...^_^
Kyoko is the kingdom's first princess, but her real identity is the daughter of the god of time, Chronos. She wants to be loved for the person she is, not a princess. Sometimes she may seem a little selfish, but at heart she loves freedom and is determined, persistent, kind, and will go all the way to help and protect people. Kyoko likes to do stupid things, has weird logic, and she likes to be adorned with attention.
Which Stranger from Time Stranger Kyoko are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 10/03/05:
*sitting on the roof, watching the night sky* Oh, the moon and stars are sooo beautifull!!
 You are a Daughter of the Moon! Also known as a Moon Sister, or a Moon Child. You are serene, and solemn, even though sometimes you dont know why! You can be shy around most people, but in front of friends, you are very fun to be with. You may not speak up all the time, but if someone is being picked on, you sure glid over there fast and stop it! You are very wise, and very beautiful, and most of the time you may have blond or black hair.... and very light skin... however, times are changing... and more and more Daughters of the Moon have darker skin and green hair.... Dont worry about being you, just break out a little, have some fun, and get a few more friends, friends never hurt you, (or are supposed to. *glares ferouciously at quiztakers*
What Daughter Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 10/03/05:
Teehee...Humans can't see me...if they try they see only Adylia...*evil laugh*
 You are the Mythical Horse, the horse people dream of having. Your huge mantled wings allow you to soar effertlessly in the wind, and your horn makes you a fearsome apponent. You are the Lord of all animals, and as such, no human has seen you. The gods ride on your back, for pleasure, into war, anyware. You have even led the Coach of the Sun, when one of the leading horses was sick. You are beautiful, powerful, and pure in heart. YAY FOR YOU!!!!!
If You Where A Horse, What Type Of Horse Would You Be? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 10/03/05:
 You are the black dragon.Either you're born so hatefull and agressive or someone has done terrible things to you in the past.YOu feel torn from within and every beat of your heart hurts.YOu inleash your anger on any creature near you or you hurt yourself or your area.....YOu would be better of if you were dead or saved by an angel...
Which Dragon Belongs at your side? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 10/03/05:
 Either you love Charmed and watch it every day, or you guessed all the right. Either way, CONGRATULATIONS! You are truly Charmed!
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Are You TRULY Charmed? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 10/03/05:
 Witch. You are a witch. You're probably unsure if you're evil or not.You better go get your broom and black cat!
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What type of monster are you?(for girls) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 10/03/05:
...*sits and fells into memories* I just can't let go..
 Forsaken angel. Forgotten, or just stuck in the past? You long for what was, and maybe never will be again. Some things just need to be let go....
What Element Angel Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 10/03/05:
Result Posted on 10/03/05:
Well, no one doesn't really understand me..just they kind of understands..I think..o.O
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