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myOtaku.com: Chuugi2472

Monday, March 12, 2007

   Yay! Im back! ^^
WARNING: This post is rated R for Random.
Please Approach With Caution

Omg! Im back! HURRAHH!!!

I missed you guys TONS! (Even though I was gone only one day...Hahahah :P)

I had a fun treehuggin,nature scoping,shopping,random time! ^.^

While I was down there,Me and mom went shopping. It was fun ^.^

Omg,I <3 Red Rocket stores! If I worked at a store...I would work there. ^.^ Its random just like I am. And I do <3 randomness.

Mom couldn't pull me outta that store. I was like kid in a candy shop. I bought a batman shirt that says " Crime Fighters Never Sleep!". And its the older batman from the older movies.(the older one is sooo funny.Its like cheesey. Omg,your gonna have to watch it.I crack up every time I see that movie...It was made like in 1950 o.O)

But anyways...I also bought some random Naruto stuff I found! And loads of patches for my jeans! Hurrah! (I collect patches...Weird hobby,I know o.O) One of them has stick people on it and there is one stick person jumping off of a ramp over his friends and it says "friends are for jumping!" on it. And the other one is a Gir patch from Invader Zim that says "I am Gir!Hear me ROAR!" ^.^ I <3 that show...O.o

I also got this flippin sweet Katana!!! Its AWESOME! It has a black sheath and it has kanji writing on the sheath and blade. ^.^ *is ubber happy* My little brother got a wooden practice one...And hes been smacking me with it >______< I think I have a huge bruse on my arm now...Those things hurt!

Anyways...I bought random Naruto stuff I found in some random shops. I got this lunchbox (decorative) that has naruto,sakura and sasuke on the front and on the back it has Kakashi messing up Naruto and Sasuke's hair with his lil smile that he does (Haha...I love that expression! ^______^) And then I found little statues! And they had one of Lee! And I flipped out and bought it. XD And they had kakashi's book...Except it was like a note book.And on the inside it has kakashi chibi paper. ^.^

Also...I went to Cades Cove. It was so pretty!There were wild daffodills EVERYWHERE,and tons of deer running around.They were so cute ^.^ most of them were baby deer.

I also Hugged a tree ^.^ I hugged it for Brittney too 'cause she likes huggin trees.I named the tree Lee Jr. ...'cause it had a squirrel that was living in it. O.o *crickets chirp and all of you guys are staring at me* Ok ok,I know...I named a tree...But you all should know by now I am VERY random. ^.^

Ugh...Today I had a TAG meeting at the library. >.< I must have people-a-phobia or somthing because I get nervous whenever I try to talk to them...I get soo nervous its not even funny.I dunno...Im fine with posting and talknig to people on the internet (like you all) and Im fine with like talking to people at a job or somthing (like if I worked at MacDonalds or somthing...) But I get extremely nervous if its just me and a group of people randomly talking...I hope ya know what I mean. Im fine if they talk to me first,but me just directly talking to them...I can't do it. Its like five million things run through my head at once...And they are all really stupid things like " Ahh!what if they think im stupid for no reason!" or "What if I try to say somthing,but I get tounge tied?!".

Ehh >___<;;...I have a problem or somthing.
Do you ever feel like that?

Well *yawns* Im tired,so I think I'll go to bed.

Thanks for reading! ^.^


P.S. I SWEAR Janken will be up TOMOROW! I have it uploaded to the computer,but I have drawn another page while I was gone on Vacation. And I want to add it all at once. ^.^ In the whole thing,I have 4 pages so far. ^.^

It might not be that awesome at first,but I swear It'll get better! ^^

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