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myOtaku.com: Chuugi2472

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

   Wow...I was gone!
Wow! I haven't been on in a LOONG time! >_<
Ok,ok...more like just a few days. O.o

But mom and dad decided to limit my computer to two hours a day,and I can only get on between 2:00 and 4:30...SUcks,doesn't it? >_<

And for the last few days I haven't been able to get on because I missed my times I COULD get on...and I was at wal-mart or somthing like that,so I couldn't get on for the rest of the day. >______<

But annnyways...How are you all?
I've missed ya!

Wow,I got a tan yesturday!
Woo hoo! ^___^
Haha,I know you all wanted to know that..
Also,Im working on Shiro,and I know I have said this before,but I SWEAR I'll get those character studys up sometime this week whenever I can. >_< .. If I don't miss the times I can get on the computer...

Bleh,this week has been end of the year tests...They are annoying,but so far,i'm doing pretty good. So thats good. ^_^

1.Do YOU have a time limit on your computer?
2.If so,how long can you get on?
3.Have you started your end-of-the-school-year tests?
4.Do you like the number 13? O.o (I do,its my lucky number! ^_^)
5.Did you post 10 random/weird things about yourself in your last post like I asked? :P No Pressure...;)

Well,thats all for today!
~Chuugi~ :D
Oh yeah,I put up a new fan art a few days ago! *points at it* Go look! ^_^

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