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Saturday, January 14, 2006
Contraception: a Caution or a Crime?
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I would like to use this opportunity to speak about my knowledge on the church’s view of contraception as well as my experience with contraception. The church teaches that contraception goes against God because it attempts to take God’s power and prevent life. Some forms of birth control are murder because they kill an already conceived fetus. The church does allow birth control in some instances however—it is allowed to treat a medical problem in women who are not sexually active.
I have polycystic ovarian syndrome, which means that my uterus lining is too think and my ovaries produce too many cysts. I was told by at least eight doctors that birth control was the only available option for me. The birth control treated my ovaries and uterus well, I suppose. My lining went from too thick to almost too thin, but my cyst pain disappeared.
The whole time I was on birth control, even though I was not sexually active, I felt guilty. Something foreign was being put into my body. I’m used to hormone therapy—I take insulin for my diabetes. However, the birth control was a man-made hormone treatment. I had almost no pain, but I felt miserable. The birth control made me extremely dizzy and headachy. My whole body would be sore, my breasts were especially tender.
I felt like a slut—I thought if men found out that I was on the patch, they would find me easy and try to take advantage of me. I tried to always cover my patch in shame and eventually changed to the pill. I avoided men and sometimes even women, I felt cut off from other people. I just could not get over the sense of guilt. I would often cry because of being on the birth control and feeling ashamed.
I mentioned feeling guilty and ashamed, but that is not all the birth control did to mess up my emotions. I would get extreme mood swings and was often a witch to everyone around me. I seemed like an independent woman who wanted to be completely in charge of her own life, but in secret I would sob.
I read an article that asked all those on certain birth controls to have a blood test done because those treatments often caused blood clots. I asked my doctors for a blood test and was refused. My doctors told me the pills were good for my overall help and would even help regulate my diabetes; however the pills made my diabetes go haywire. I was soon using more than double the insulin I used too and my blood glucose level was still far too high, making me sick.
I finally met a new doctor who told me that birth control was not the only way. I got put on a natural hormone and could not feel better. My pain has greatly increased, but it is worth it. My mood swings are gone, even my monthly cravings are lessened. My new doctor revealed some lies about birth control to me. Birth control is known to make other hormonal problems, such as diabetes, worse—not better. She also told me that birth control keeps working after it is stopped. Even though I had only been on birth control for four months, the effects would last for another year.
I am very upset that I was told by doctors to go on birth control in order to avoid uterus cancer only to find out that birth control contributes greatly to both uterus cancer and breast cancer. I already had an increased risk for cancer because it runs in my family.
The object of this paper is, I am sure, very different from that of my classmates’. However, I wish people to be more aware of the lies of the overly-medicated society we are living in. Birth control is not the answer! There are other methods to turn to that will help you instead of harm you.
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On a serious high
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For all those of you who haven't seen Chronicles of Narnia yet...GO WATCH IT, I DEMAND YOU!! Seriously, it is awesome. I read all the books and saw all the original movies but that was so long I've got to re-read / re-view ^^ My bf were discussing religious symbolism the whole's just so rich!!!
We held hands a lot which was nice. it's wierd...for the first three months we dated, everything was slower than slow. Then, the day before our three month anniversary we kiss twice, now we're cuddling, holding hands, and we kissed again tonight. It's's so fast >_< Time to slow down again. My body is very important, my sexuality is very kisses are gifts. They are flower for people to view at any time, but hardly ever caught. Well, anyway, tis really late...I'm gonna watch another 1/2 episode of DNAngel (I'm addicted--I blame you Tora!!! ^__^ ) brush my teeth and get to bed...then wake up to a weekend of homework ^___^;;;;
So what are you all up to this weekend?
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Friday, January 13, 2006
Not much to say
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I'm really tired and sick...sad
I have lots of homework and confirmation class...
I have a double date tonight to see cronicles of narnia
more later, bye
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Thursday, January 12, 2006
Ode to the Precious Purse
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Well, I have part of my ode done...I would write more...I'm having so much fun...but I have so much other homework to do!!! TT_TT Maybe I'll write more of it after my "un-fun" hw is done.
I though you guys may want to see it thus far...unfortunately, archaic language was a requirement.
Some may calleth thee bag, others calleth thee sack,
I calleth thee purse; thou art far more than simply pack.
As I pusheth back thy leather strap, and undoeth thy zipper,
I canest see there ist more to thee than many do discovereth.
With thy floral pattern, yellows, greens, and blues sufficeth
To fulfilleth the average person, they seeth naught of sacrifice.
Inside thee, thou art only brown, but thou hast so much to giveth,
That if, one day, thou shouldest disappear, I couldest hardly liveth.
Thou containest my life, my joy, my comfort and salvation.
Inside thee lieth my books and earphones, my candy and my chap stick.
Thou holdeth my trinkets, my pens, and my change,
Inside thy hidden zipper, what remainth? Naught that I explaineth.
Thy “swish” comfortest me, a sound of simple peace. A “thunk”
When thou saveth me from a wall, so I may stayeth in one piece.
Thy smell ist fair, of newest leather, but thy taste—I taste thee never.
I canst use thee in so many ways, I liketh to useth thee as a weapon some days.
O, fairest purse, without thee, I wouldest crumble!
It is in, gasp, losing thee, that I am madest humble.
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Writing an
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Yep, I'm writing an ode, amoung many other things. Thanks for knowing that I won't be around sites...*sorry*
I was sick all week and I'm trying to catch up on all my homework tonight, and on the weekend I have more homework, forensics practice, confirmation practice, a date, and mass. Next week is finals >_< ahh~!
So...more later, ne? Ja!
LONG LIVE ANIME, SOON DIE BUSH (just kidding're okay, but honesty??? Banning anime??? Probably about the dumbest, lamest thing I've ever heard) Sign to Save Anime
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Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Off to to bed
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Goodness, I hate being sick, but I guess I've got to offer it up, right? I mean, there are people who have it so much worse than me. I think about that and then I realize how selfish I am for complaining. I realize I have it a lot worse than some other people, and I've been having to go to the doctor and hospital a lot...but what about shut-ins? What about people who are in the hospital 100% of the time instead of only 50% to 75%? And I have wonderful people to support me!!! I have my family and my friends and my boyfriend. I thank God for each and every one of you!!! Thanks for helping me through *virtual hug*
Well, I'm getting really light-headed and dizzy and I vow to stay at school no matter what tomorrow!!! Even if I pass out at school instead of going home and then passing out, I will stay at school!!! HAI, I WILL! If I pass out they can just lay me in the office until I wake up and then send me back off to class. yep-yep
Well, it's getting hard to type too...ick...I'm gonna have to go brush my teeth and try to sleep. ;-;
bye ^___^
Please continue to keep me in your prayers, and I'll continue to pray for all of you. I'm sorry I don't have a scripture for this post, but I'm gonna try to get a scripture in each post again.
Oh people like the new theme? Cause I love it >__<
I probably won't be on here for the rest of the week cause of the sickness and plans on the weekend.
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Nothing to report
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Yeah, I don't have much to say. I have of lot of different sicknesses piled up on me right now so I've been very sore and tired and light-headed and such and I missed all day of school yesterday and 1/2 of school today...I'm not sure if I'll be able to go tomorrow or not.
Right now I'm working on some religion homework on the theology of the body.
Who's all seen DNAngel? I just started watching it and I love it >_<
Everyone please go visit My "sissy" Kamiya She's having a really hard time~ *gives hugs to sissy*
Well, more later, I would really appreciate some prayers to help me through the sickness and other hard stuff that I'm going through in my life right now.
I hope everyone understands that I won't be on here and won't be able to visit sites for awhile. I'm so sorry...I'm such an idiot...I feel like such a doofus when I'm sick...
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Sunday, January 8, 2006
Play wonderland online!
My boyfriend is the cutest thing evur~! >_< He picked me up and brought me to an friend/anime party even though he doesn't like anime and we listened to his ipod and cuddled...and...kissed!!!! TWICE!!!
Sorry I won't have time to visit sites today, I'm finishing up some jobs and resting and going to confirmation class.
Oh, btw, this is my bf and my 3 month anniversary and he sent me an anniversary card~! He's just too adorable >__<
hm...anything else to say quick b4 I vanish? Oh yeah, thanks to everyone who's been visiting!!! Sorry I'm so busy that I can't visit very often *shame* Um...Um...Um...
Guess that's all... if anyone wants to talk about anything evur, they can e-mail or IM me or YIM me or MSN IM me or PM me...
hehe, lol ^.^ :P
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Saturday, January 7, 2006
Prom ^//^
Play wonderland online!
I bought my prom dress off the internet and it just got here!!! I tried it on and it fits perfectly, except for the straps, which I have to alter. It's pale blue with rinestones...I'll put a picture up after prom maybe... So, when is prom that you bought the dress so early, you ask? Not till April...^^;;;;
But my bf and I are already talking about it...
And when I got back down here to the basement, "Something about the Way You Look Tonight" was playing ^//^
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Friday, January 6, 2006
Destruction of Magi (A story I'm working on) Character Profiles...
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Èý±¾Äµµ¤-Mimoto Botan
Alias: Name
Meaning of name: Mimoto means 3 originations and Botan means tree peony
Age: 24 Favorite Food: crepes
Eye Color: dk blue Culture: French 50% (father), Japanese 50% (mother)
Hair Color: black Weight: 135 lbs
Blood type: A+ Height: 5¡¯4¡±
Understanding the Character: likes natural foods, doesn¡¯t eat many sweets or much meat, is a mage, her mother was very sickly, had a younger brother, father was a rich businessman, has very light skin tone / clear complexion
Positive-Would do anything to protect the ones she loves, even if it cost her life; maternal
Negative-overly dramatic, viewed as an innocent wimp who needs protection, hides her past from people, a bit eccentric
Alias: Seraneth, Oto
Meaning of name: Hinoto means top (in rank)
Age: Very old (she¡¯s immortal) Favorite Food: sweets
Eye Color: Sapphire Culture: Japanese 100%
Hair Color: Black Weight: ¡
Blood type: AB Height: ¡
Understanding the Character: Has an extreme love for Yasha, resides within Botan¡ªhas little control in her present form¡she is a mage(in fact¡ªthe most powerful one in the world)
Positive-Has the ability to be calm in any situation and think things through
Negative-She often doesn¡¯t use that ability, she lets her feelings get the better of her, she is very feisty
Èý±¾½¡Ýo-Mimoto Kensuke
Meaning of name: Mimoto means 3 originations and Kensuke means help healthy
Alias: Ken
Age: 22 Favorite Food: Chinese noodle
Eye Color: Dk Brown Culture: Japanese 75% & American 25%
Hair Color: bronze (dyed) Weight: 180 lbs
Blood type: A- Height: 5¡¯8¡±
Understanding the Character: Husband of Botan, doctor/fighter(marital arts)
Positive- Extremely protective and loving, genius (doesn¡¯t admit it)
Negative- Short temper, easily confused, tends to do things w/out thinking
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