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Tuesday, January 30, 2007
I'll explain this as soon as I can but for now, all I can say is...
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Gomen Nasai
Play wonderland online!
I'm sorry I've been gone so long. As it is, I don't have the time for much of a post right now, let alone visiting others.
I got a sudden sickness--fever, throwing up...yeah...no fun X(
I'm kinda happy though cause my bf got me addicted to Megatokyo, which I'm now obsessed with. I read the four books that are out and now am reading through the archives online.
Long live LargoxErika!!!!!!! ��
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Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Play wonderland online!
I'm back, settled into my little dorm room with my room mate, Brittany. I picked up my books...one of them wasn't available, but it was optional anyway, got my mail...Cia, get your Capitol One Credit Card now!, ate some breakfast...watched ER...ate lunch and chatted with Brittany and her friend Amanda...went to my French class and IT ROCKED!!! One of my classmates, Natalie, has a sister with diabetes...it's always nice to find someone who understands ^^
And everyone is really nice and the teacher is awesome and we got a bunch of homework but it's due Thursday and I don't have any more classes today, so I have plently of time to work on it ^^
So I'm working on my French homework while watching Full House on ABC Family and looking forward to watching the ABC Family premiere of "Love Wrecked" Sunday night after Mass.
Yep, this semester is looking up ^^ And I've managed to avoid my -ex so far...>_<''
*sucked into the goodness which is Full House*
TT_TT *cries over the "drama" that is Full House* lol
Well, talk to you all later Today/Thursday
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Monday, January 15, 2007
fun, fun...?
Play wonderland online!
Wow. I haven't been on in sooooooooooo long. And, well, it's cause I went through a whole heck of a lot *le sigh*
I won't go into it all now, just know that I'm doing a lot better and I'm gonna try and update twice a week--on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Also, Whitedragon33 and I are no longer together...I don't plan on being with anyone (other than friends ^^) for quite awhile...and it seems that Pyro-Chan and Superham99 on no longer on MyO!! *tears* TT_TT
Well, I don't have much time...have to finish packing so I can move back into my dorm room in a few hours...coming back from break... But I wanted to let y'all know I just added a bunch of greetings (InuYasha Movie 4 variety ^^;) so please, if you don't mind, check them out.
Talk to you all soon.
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Wednesday, December 6, 2006
RaNdOm! LOL Yea!
Play wonderland online!
I can't sleep T_T It's 4 in the morning, I have a class @ nine, and I can't sleep. And my grammar sucks at this time of day :sigh:
So I'm playing games on gaia and listening to music. And, yeah, it struck me. I love the song "Looking Through Your Eyes" from Quest for Camelot (AWESOME movie! If you haven't seen it, go watch it NOW!!). Anyway, the introduction to the song sounds like a song from Disney's Beauty and the Beast. Y'know...that opening one with the mythical forest view thing? Ah well...I was like "wtf? that's weird" and so I thought I'd share.
Oh! And yesterday was officially declared ninja day, so happy belated ninja day everyone. :ninja:
And today is St. Nick's Day!!!! Yea!!! Presents of candy in my stocking! :whee:
So um...yeah...:cute:
Talk to y'all later :sweat: ♥
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Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Thursday, November 9, 2006
Monday, November 6, 2006
Play wonderland online!
It's been a long time and I don't have time to say much at the moment, but you all must see this AMAZING video:
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Friday, September 29, 2006
I'm sorry...but wait until you hear this...
Play wonderland online!
Well, I have a few minutes between classes so I thought I'd catch up a bit.
I'm so sorry I haven't posted or visited in so long!!!! Life is so beyond crazy right now!
Okay, so since posting last I have:
-learned how to play a bit of piano ^_^
-gone to the hospital because of an alergic reaction o_O;;
-made a bunch of two friends
-gotten invited to two parties
-gotten a boyfriend ^//^
-gone out on dates and parties so I've been going to bed at around 1AM all week!!!
-gotten my first D in a music class
-skipped my first class...and second...and third >//<
-gone insane over diet caffienated soda!
-gotten sick TToTT
-been alone with a guy in my bedroom with the door shut and the lights out for the first time in my life! as well as the second time...and the third...>//<
*It's not like that you perverted people!*
We play games like Dungeons and Dragons and talk and watch anime and hug and cuddle and come up with characters/stories....nothing bad.
I �� my boyfriend ^//^
He lives in my building and we've known each other for 3 weeks and have been dating for 1 week. He's coming to my hometown with me this weekend and we're going on some double dates with some friends of mine ^^
It'll be the first time I'm overnight with a guy...
Well, I gotta go to class soon, but I'd better fill you in on the hospital story.
Okay, so my alergies have been getting worse and about a week and a half ago I had a bad reaction to lip gloss (my favorite one too!) and had to go to the hospital in an ambulance!!! Holy f*** was it scary! It was my first time in an ambulance and I was crying. And then I couldn't reach any of my friends or my parents and I had to call a cab to get me back to campus! It was my first cab ride as well! Oh God, it was so scary! And since it was an alergic reaction I had to have all this benedril and stuff and so I was so tired.
As soon as I got back to my room, my boyfriend stopped by. (We were going to have lunch together and then check out the booths different clubs had put up) And he was like "hey" and I was like "I just got back from the hospital" and he was like "what??? are you okay??? do you just want to stay here?" and I was like "no, I should eat something" so he took me out to get some food and then walked me back to my room and I slept for 3 hours and my parents came and they were crying...oh man, I do not want another experience like this. And now I have to make an appointment with an alergist!
Thank God I have a great boyfriend and great friends who look over me. I'm sick with a cold/flu right now and my boyfriend came up to my room (I live on 3rd floor, he lives on 2nd floor) and was like "I'm going to make you something and make sure you take your medicine"
gah! He's so cute! And he makes me happy. Like the other day he told me how cute I look in pink ^//^
and...AH! I have to get to class!
Talk to you all much sooner this time, I promise.
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Thursday, September 14, 2006
the weirdest lyrics evur
Play wonderland online!
ARTIST: Billy Joel
TITLE: Captain Jack
Lyrics and Chords
Saturday night and you're still hangin' around
You're tired of livin' in your one horse town
You'd like to find a little hole in the ground
For a while, hmm
/ G - Cmaj7 - / / / Bm7 - D - /
So you go to the village in your tie-dye jeans
And you stare at the junkies and the closet queens
It's like some pornographic magazine
And you smile, hmm
/ " / / / Bm7 - E7sus4 E7 /
But Captain Jack will get you high tonight
And take you to your special island
Captain Jack will get you by tonight
Just a little push 'n' you'll be smilin'
La da da, oh, yeah, yeah
/ A E D E / A E D - / : / G - Cmaj7 - / /
You sister's gone out, she's on a date
And you just sit at home and masturbate
Your phone is gonna ring soon, but you just can't wait
For that call, hmm
So you stand on the corner in your new English clothes
And you look so polished from your hair down to your toes
Oh, but still your finger's gonna pick your nose
After all, hmm
So you decide to take a holiday
You got your tape deck and your brand new Chevrolet
Ah, there ain't no place to go anyway
And what for, hmm
So you've got everything, oh but nothing's cool
They just found your father in the swimming pool
And you guess you won't be going back to school
So you play your albums and you smoke your pot
And you meet your girlfriend in the parking lot
Oh, but still you're aching for the things you haven't got
What went wrong, hmm
And if you can't understand why your world is so dead
And why you've got to keep in style and feed your head
Well, you're twenty-one and still your mother makes your bed
And that's too long, oh, oh oh yeah yeah
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