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Friday, May 6, 2005
I am now a member of the Kyo-Kun fan club!
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I now have my banner for being a member of the Kyo-Kun fan club. It was so hard to choose. Queen of Anime has a whole web site dedicated to this club and there are so many banners w/so many wonderful pictures of Kyo-Kun!!!!! *o* Drools...
I think that anyone who is not a member of that club should join it. *The banners are so wonderful ^__^ *
*Goes off in happy land* Kyo-Kun, Kyo-Kun, Kyo-Kun...drooling all over the place. OH NO! MY FRIEND K-CHAN IS GOING TO KILL ME FOR STEALING HER MAN!!! NO K-CHAN, I DIDN'T MEAN IT!!! Although I have been dreaming of him lately...NO, I MEAN!!! Example of dream...walks up to alter...I'm sorry Kyo, my love for you has been a charade, I really love....
*Is dragged away by a murdurously jealous K-Chan* NO!>>>>>grips computer>>>>>AHH!!!
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Pictures, mwahahaha!!!
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Yeah, so I am quickly acquired a bevy of beautiful pictures and plan on making buttons or giving people pics for avatars upon request. I have only InuYasha and Furuba so far, but yeah, I'll go by request. So far I have made a button "welcome to myO" thing for Yasha-Chan. PM me if you want pics or are able to send me more pics. Thanks!
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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
Ha—Totally Random!
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I haven't spoken in French for awhile so here you example of a formal letter written en français.
Le 4th Mai, 2005
Madame Blume,
J’ai très hâte de devenir un membre dans votre programme. Je me demande si vous offrez une classe de l’Opéra française. Si oui, combien coûte, cette classe?
Si possible, je voudrais une chambre seule parce que mon asthme est très irriter par le parfum et par la fumé. Merci pour comprendre.
Visiterons-nous (le programme) la Louvre? Si non, est-ce que c’est possible pur moi de visiter ça moi-même? Est-ce que nous visiterons l’Arc de Triomphe et la tour Eiffel? J’espère que nous visiterons Lourdes au sud de la France.
Finalement, quels sont les documents requis? Aussi, pouvez-vous m’envoyer un catalogue? Merci pour votre temps. Veuillez agréer, Madame, l’expression de mes sentiments les meilleurs.
~Mademoiselle Cia
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Tora-Chan is still sick
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~Tribute to Tora-Chan~
Cia-Chan: T_T I’m so sad. My friend Tora-Chan is still sick. What am I going to do for her? I made pics for her, but the printer wasn’t working and I don’t have a floppy disk or money for one. T_T T_T T_T
Yuki: Cia-Chan? What’s wrong? You should calm down.
Cia-Chan: T_T (sobs in Yuki’s arms)
Yuki: *Transforms*
Cia-Chan: Oh no! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I’m really sorry!!!!!
Yuki: *sweat drop* *sighs* Its ok, we’re at home…
Cia-Chan: *Collapses on the ground sobbing* I’m so sorry!!!! T_T
Yuki: You know, Cia-Chan, you really have to calm down. If you’re too emotional you’ll get yourself sick and…*transforms*
Cia-Chan: Gack! *Turns away, preparing to gouge out eyes*
Yuki: (fully dressed again) …and no one wants that.
*Yuki gently lowers Cia-Chan’s arm from where it is covering her eyes and holds it gently* He leans in closer and says…
Yuki: …Least of all me.
Cia-Chan: ^///^ *BLUSH*
Yeah, so needless to say, I was thinking about your story and how Yuki and I are in love ^///^ and yeah…get well soon so I can talk to you, ‘k?
You being sick today…it crushed my dreams!!! it crushed them so hard!!!!!
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Sunday, May 1, 2005
Really, sad/mad day
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My friend told me what I've been telling peoples: that when you're sick or whatever, you have to let people know so that they can help you get better. The truth is that I've been going through A LOT of medical and doctor crap lately. T_T I am in a lot of pain and I'm starting new medicine today along w/my prescribed pain medicine. I'm not sure how it will affect me or my diabetes and I'm really scared. Please wish me well.
Anyway, Friday was unbelievably fun beyond all belief! I had a really good day at school and then I went to a play w/superham99 and Yasha-chan. Then we stayed over at superham99's house. We did lots of stuff including taking a million quizzes (check out my quiz results ^^) and play Tales of Symphonia. YEa!
Today we are going to Food Fair. My meds kinda make me nauseated so I won't be eating, but there's other fun stuff to do and it's always fun when the female mabaudachi trio is together!!! ^__^ (aka me, superham99 and Yasha-chan)
I ask you all to visit Alastor...'s site because he's sick and angelface 'cause it was just her bday two days ago. Dream wings updated as well, yea! Well I've got to go to church, then food fair, then read my 38 page US History assignment and answer the questions on it and then practice piano for like two hours. BUSY, BUSY DAY!!!
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Friday, April 29, 2005
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I am so emotional today. I was having the best day of my life, but when my mom picked me up she had to tell me more doctor crap (there's been a lot of that w/me lately) and she's mad at me and I don't think I did anything wrong. I cried because I was so upset with all the medical crap I've been going through but...
Well, I have no time so I can't talk about all the great stuff of today or my mom will kill me for being on the internet.
Anyway, I wrote this poem long before knowing about furuba but I think it goes w/furuba really well...I'll explain more later. For know, I'll just add the pic.

Now, this pic is just fun...tehehe...

This pic I love and it's my backgound on my computer right now. Thanks superham99...

I wish I could say more but I can't.
My dreams are crushed, they're crushed so hard!!!
*I want to change the world*
My t-shirt today reads: the choices I make define who I am. "I choose Life." Deuteronomy 30:19
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
Golden Week
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Tomorrow is Nature Day and the beginning of Golden Week. If all goes well, I will be going to a play and then sleeping over at superham99's house along w/Yasha-chan. Then on Saturday, I will work on the play my Children's Theatre class is putting on.
I don't have much to talk about... Yesterday was my first ever piano lesson and I went through 2 months worth of work in one night. I have my second lesson today.
My quiz didn't get accepted. T_T
Oh well, que sera sera. Sunday is Food Fair!!!! Superham99 will be selling raffle tickets and Yasha-chan and I will be following her around. It should be a fun weekend. ^__^ Well, I have more that I could talk about but I have to go. T_T
'Ta Peoples!
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Friday, April 22, 2005
lots of serious stuff...
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I’ve decided that, like so many others, I am going to start a pic of the post ^__^ However, if I add more than one post per day, I’ll probably only give one pic…Although I don’t know if I’ll be able to contain myself…*Sweat drop*…
Are there any Aida fans out there? I was listening to it last night and I’m still listening to it right now. I love it so much!!!!! Of course I have many obsessions outside of Anime and Aida is one of them. Actually, it’s a whole bunch of obsessions rolled into one (hey—I just found out that listening to it actually improves my typing…hmm, who knew?) Anyway, it’s a MUSICAL which is a ROMANCE about EGYPT with LYRICS BY TIM RICE and MUSIC BY ELTON JOHN!!!!!!!!!!!! There’s a Elton John concert tonight and I can’t go…T__T
Unfortunately, I’m finding out how my crushes and Aida intertwine w/each other…
PS—my obsession, as far as musicals go, was Joseph and the Technecolor Dreamcoat until last year when I first saw Aida and it was on Broadway *__* I still love Joseph though ^__^
I’m adding another post today, but it will be very serious…ok, here is my pic. Please enjoy! ^__^
*note--pics are not working on my computer right now, sorry. If I get it to work I will add it later*
…My wallpaper is now the pic I used for my card where it’s Kyo and Yuki saying What?!...
…I wish I could put Aida music on here as my song…
Ok, time for the serious post…
Alright, I’m going to make a really serious point. I’m sorry if anyone is upset my this or just thoroughly disagrees with me; but this is how I feel. This has really been on my mind lately and I want to be honest with my feelings and who I really am.
Ok, please do not take the following in a perverted way; It’s not supposed to be taken that way.
On relevant radio, an announcement was made saying that, on their own, neither the male or female body makes any sense and that is why God created male and female to join together. It spoke out against homosexuality and explained the beauty behind sex.
This announcement was so right! Our bodies don’t make one bit of sense. Why then is society obsessed with nudity and sex? Most movies now have a degree of sexuality to them and TV simply disgusts me because it’s all about sex.
I thank God for the gift of my virginity (BECAUSE IT IS A GIFT!). I think it is a beautiful thing and I fail to understand how people can enjoy such slandering of sex. Honestly, even quizzes are all about sex now! Sex was created to be such a beautiful thing and now it’s trashed. God gave it to us to have the power to CREATE LIFE!!! That is just so amazing! But now, seemingly everyone wants to have sex for pleasure and then kill their unborn child. BIRTH CONTROL AND ABORTION ARE FORMS OF MURDER!!! (unless the birth control’s taken to regulate ovary problems…) I JUST DON’T UNDERSTAND!!! ISN’T THERE ANYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD WHO IS AS DISGUSTED AS I AM OVER THIS?!
I’m sorry if anyone is freaked out now, but I’m still glad I said it. Someday, I will add a post on the evils of swearing. Anyway, I would like to share a prayer to calm myself (and anyone else) down.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to tell the difference.
*I want to change the world!*
By the way, while I'm all letting people know the real me and all, I'm kinda a Feminist. Not a strict one, but still. Thought you ought to know. If you want to know other stuff, just look up the dragon info in book 8 of furuba...that's basically me anyway. I'm open to all who wish to PM me.
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Finally getting offline...
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I'm finally getting offline and my mind is swimming!!! I didn't do everything I wanted to and my computer is being dumb *kicks computer* Oh no! I did't mean it, I love you computer-san *hugs computer* I'm sorry, i'm sorry, I'm so sorry!!! I'm sorry computer-san!!!
I wish I could say more, but I can hardly type...I hope I contacted everyone I was supposed to. Oh! Another of my cards added--a Ranma one, please check it out!
I have a retreat all day tomorrow meaning I don't have any homework due tomorrow.
I had the greatest French class ever today!!! Maybe I'll explain more mind is swimming...we have 2 french exchange students at my school, they don't speak much english but they're great.
can't type anymore, 'ta!
I hope that I successfully gave help to everyone who sought it today; if not I'm sorry!!!!!!!
I'm sorry that I'm so pathetic and useless T_T (sobs)
*here to help*
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