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Sunday, April 3, 2005
O.O I can't believe I'm even posting this
Play wonderland online!
I can't believe this result. Honestly, I'm just a naive, innocent girl who's really being taken advantage of here.
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So some of you noticed I have the dates for when books 8-12 of furuba come out...Thank you so much, superham99 for getting those to me!
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Quiz=I am Kirara
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Saturday, April 2, 2005
Feeling so Grateful
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Just wanted to say...(to all those who commented)
I was so happy when you commented.
Your comments broke through the clouds of grey.
Far from the sunny days that lie in sleep.
I'm waiting with patience for more comments,
when my smile will bloom renewed again--
knowing there's more beyond the pain of lonelyness (today)
And though the scars of yesterday remain
We can all go on living as much as our hearts believe.
We cannot be born again,
though we can change.
Let's comment! Always.
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OMGosh! I am so happy! I finally reached 100 visits to my site.
Proof= My Statistics
Total Visits 100
Popularity Ranking # 4341 (out of 23,778 active sites)
Total Members 117,955
^.~ This has been Cia-chan
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Spring Break is over and school starts again Monday. Plus, for my school it is the beginning of the new term, so we have all new classes. SAD, MAD, WORRIED, CONFUSED, DON'T KNOW WHAT TO THINK. I have US History...I like it; but the way it's fashioned at our school it's kinda boring...Children's Theatre=fun! ^__^ Chemistry (fun! I love Chemistry. I wanted to be a chemist when I was younger) and French. French is sometimes hard, but I do love to speak in French. Well, after writing it all out I guess I have a pretty good term ahead of me after all. I hope that everyone has a good upcoming week and good luck to all of those returning to school.
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The Pope died today. I don't know what religion people reading this are; but to me it is very serious.
How to make a Cia-Chan |
1 part pride
1 part crazyiness
1 part leadership |
Method: Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of wisdom |
Personality cocktailFrom
Yukirin's pictures are amazing. Her artwork is so incredible--it just moves me. Some of her characters I could write a story or history on; and the way she adds lighting and wow! it's just so amazing. thanks superham99 for the quiz and the pics!!
Also, I agree w/the quiz result and I'm happy I got the same as superham99 ^.~
 You are "Mei!" You have incredible imagination!! You are a definite art fan, and a deep dreamer. You sure have a very artistic personality!! =P
Which YUKIRIN CG are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Finally, yesterday, I added stuff and sent PM's and stuff and my internet/computer wasn't really working so I don't think they added. Therefore, some comments didn't add either. I know I commented for Master Kyo and some other peoples so sorry! Wish I could write more, but I have to go. OH! THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO CAME TO MY SITE; THANK YOU; THANK YOU; THANK YOU!!!!!
Oh! My friend superham99 got me started on DragonBallZ last night/this morning. YEA DRAGONBALLZ; YEA TRUNKS! Well, got to go. 'TA
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Friday, April 1, 2005
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My friend superham99 (who is over right now ^__^) made a quiz. I took it and here are the results--
I GOT PULLED INTO INUYASHA AND HAVE A LOW PERCENTAGE OF ESCAPING. MWAHAHAH!!! DIE KAGOME!! (Just kidding, just kidding, I'm so sorry!!!!!!!!!) I love you, Kagome ^__^ And I LOVE YOUR NAME, TEHEHE!!!
Anyway, my bro also took the quiz and here are his results--
Anyway, please visit my friend superham99's site. 'Ta ^__^
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Wednesday, March 30, 2005
This is the second time...
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This is the second time I got Yuki as who I'm most like. I kind of wanted to get Tohru, but I guess I'm just a mixture which most closely resembles Yuki/Tohru. With my answers, I thought for awhile I'd get Momiji. Anyway, THIS QUIZ WAS SO RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it ^///^ I LOVE QUIZILLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 You're Yuki - the mouse.
Which Fruits Basket Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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I'm in a very somber mood
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I watched DVD 4 of Fruits Basket today.
Quick Catch Up
This week has been a whirlwind week:
Sunday=Easter/My Birthday
Monday=ahh...oh, well
Tuesday=I ended up having a head injury and suffering a minor concussion. Very Scary!
Today=I had labs done, including a blood panel. Met with a nutrictionist. Did some shopping. Watched fruits basket. I was supposed to rest b/c of my concussion; but instead underwent extensive emotions via furuba. MY POOR HEAD!!!!!
Tomorrow=invite superham99 over?
Friday=eye appointment. Get second piercing in my ears ^__^
Please don't worry too much about the concussion. It was very minor (ALTHOUGH I SHOULD REST OR I'LL PUT MYSELF IN THE HOSPITAL T__T) However, those of you who are religious--I would appreciate if you pray for me.
Well, I should rest. Better go.
'Ta, Cia-Chan
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