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Sunday, March 27, 2005
Happy Easter Everyone!!!
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Today is Easter birthday!!! ^__^ Yea! I had to wait all of Lent for it, but I finally recieved and read furuba #7. YEA!! Now I just have to buy 1-5 and then get 8 and 9 and 10 and 11 and 12 and... Anyway, I got a MuVo...which means that I can listen to my anime music constantly Mwahahaha!!!!! I also got LOTR vhs #3, loads of sugar-free candy (I'm diabetic), body lotion, pin, jewlery, SWICHFOOT: the beautiful letdown CD, yeah that's it. I am so happy and so blessed!!! I got to sleepover at my friend superham99's house and she sent me like 9 anime e-cards for my birthday. She is the sweetest person alive! She is so caring--I love her.
Well, anyway, all my realitives are coming for Easter so I have to go. Oh! My parents also got my flowers with glitter sprayed on them. ^^ Yea! I don't mean to brag though T__T
Oh! I'm making a furuba themed calendar for 2006. If anyone wants a copy of it; PM me and I will try to e-mail it to you or something. I just love to make calendars...I think I might make an InuYasha one as well. Well, I really, really, really, have to leave. Everybody have a great Easter! 'Ta!
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Friday, March 25, 2005
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I was completely honest with all my answers and I still got Yuki-kun...Yea. Although I could also see myself with Kyo-kun or Haru-san or...
Who's Your Sohma Guy? Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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My birthday is in two days...My family went to holy hill today; but I was sick so I had to stay home :( Oh! So I made my site blue and then changed it back to pink. Don't worry--I'll change it back to blue soon enough. I just love blue so much ^^ I like this combination of pinks though. I kind of based it off of my inner child quiz result. Well, Spring Break has officially started. Yea ^__^ Maybe sometime I'll edit my post style. Anyway, got to go. 'Ta!
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Monday, March 21, 2005
random :)
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So today was my last day weightlifting for gym class. After today I have more more day of class(run the mile) and then the final and then NO MORE HIGH SCHOOL GYM CLASSES!!!!!!! SCORE! I was going to put a pic in time...I screwed up my colors for my site, yeah I know they're kinda ugly...don't have time to update them right now. Blah, blah, blah!!! I'm really in a Haru fase... NEway, I have to write a paper, do pre-calc and study for finals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So more later--Ta ^__^ Oh! I had my speech today and it went well ^__^ (So Happy)
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Sunday, March 20, 2005
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I'm only 16 for one more week, tehehehehe..
I do like to write stories/poems. Oh fun, I LOVE QUIZZES! tehehehehehe! I only have two more days of term until finals and then spring break and no more gym class EVUR! MWAHAHAHA!
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Fire/happiness *AWE* Love it!
 The Goddess of Fire and Happiness. You are a ball of energy. Always compassionate and full of life, you can make anyone feel happy and you are exceptionally uplifting. You are an individual beauty.
Which gorgeous goddess are you? For girls! (breath taking pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
 You like the ones that understand you.
What kind of guy are you most attracted to? (CUTE anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Oh my gosh…it’s so true. I just love it. I’m glad my defenses are melting away and I’m able to become more of my own self that I love so much. Wow.
 In your eyes, people see kindness... You're just so... so... so... Sweet! You're kind and love to give others in need, a helping hand. You're pretty shy but can be warm and friendly towards those you know, and those who know you best. Your sanctuary would just be any place that is warm, cozy, and inviting to all people. You love to show signs of affection to your lover but a small simple talk does the trick as well ;) Sadly, your kindness can be used to your disadvantage. People can use you, and take advantage over your sweet and sensitive mind.... But fear not! With you being so kind and generous, people look up to you and adore you ^-^ No one would dare hurt you because they can't bear the thought of your sweet smile turning into a frown :)
What Lies Behind Your Eyes? brought to you by Quizilla
I'm sad I haven't had time to update this. Today is the last performance for Celebrate Easter. Today is also Palm Sunday *one week till my bday* 15th was the ides of march--the legedary day on which brutas betrayed ceasar. The 17th was of cource, st. patricks day--yea, i'm irish...well, no time--GOT TO GO! bYE! Oh! wish me luck--i have a speech tomorrow!!!
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Saturday, March 19, 2005
New Quiz
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 Dark Purple Well, well arent we the sarcastic type? You have a very witty mind thats filled with artistic, observant, and intelligent thoughts. You think a lot about nothing dont you? Its ok to think about nothing, because when you think about nothing, interesting thoughts occur. Youre deep too, which is surprising because, like I said. Youre witty and sarcastic. Go You (rate me)
What color is your mind? (Anime Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
Sad. I wish I was a better person--not so sarcastic; but I've had some tough times that made me that way. This quiz result is right on the money.
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Monday, March 14, 2005
Wierdest Day of My Life/ White Day/ Pie Day
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Happy White Day Everyone!!!!! It is also Pie Day--3.14 Yea for math! My math class got pie today! Neway, today was the wierdest day of my entire life!!!!! I won't go into detail, especially because it's still happening. One thing though, quickly, I had my presentation on religion in Anime/Manga today. I got so flustered--i didn't even do it justice! ;__; Can someone explain to me how to put scanned pics on my site??? Also, I'm new at the whole anime/manga thing. PLEASE COMMENT--YOUR COMMENTS ARE INVALUABLE. Well, I'd love to write more, but I'm running late for musical practice. 'Ta!
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Sunday, March 13, 2005
Robin Williams
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Hey, who knew that Robin Williams was an Anime Fan? That is pretty cool, but I wasn't expecting it. Adam posted something about it on the main page...NEway, if you want to see the whole interview in which Robin Williams talks about his being a fan of anime, follow the link below. The link on the main page wasn't working.
Well, I still have tons of homework; but yesterday I succesfully made cookies for my class for White Day for part of my presentation on Anime/manga. Wish me luck on that presentation and a speech I have a friday. I also have musical practaces all night every night this week--performances are this coming up weekend. Well, better go. I want to thank anyone who's ever commented. I love comments! Please comment! Well have to go; lots of love; ^__^ Cia-Chan
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Saturday, March 12, 2005
I love carmabell's quizzes so much!
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I should be working on my project (on religion in Anime/Manga). However, I've been working on it hardcore and needed a quiz break. I've also been watching a lot a InuYasha ^__^ tehe. I saw Aida last night--it was pretty good. I was a little disapointed, it was a little disapointing after seeing it on broadway. I successfully passed my love of Aida on to my best friend though. Mwahahahahaha! NEway, as for my element quiz, I love my result but I dunno. I really think I'm Earth. At least I was until a good share of my naiveitie was cruelly taken away from me. Everyone take camabell's quizzes! They are so great! In case I don't have time to go on later since this week is an insanely busy week--Happy white day everyone!!!!!
^__^ Cia-Chan
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