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"I want to change the world." Become a CLT, marraige, babies
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Saturday, February 19, 2005
Don't Really Have Time To Talk...
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Thanks to everyone who's visited my site and commented on stuff. I don't really have time to write--so busy! X_X (No sleep) Z_Z Ahh! So NEway, I wanted to mention that I took a quiz once where Akito was in love with me. tehe When will I get those quizzes on here? Maybe this weekend--probably not T_T however, I'm really, really busy lately. I'm having problems with my diabetes. Also--school equals, umm--"nothing's wrong, I just have to work hard" Thanks Tohru for a great quote, tehe. I really have to go...T_T T_T T_T (so sad!!!)
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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
quiz rap
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I have some time before class, so I'm discussing yesterday's quiz results. I love that I got Tori for my kiss. ^_^ Tori is my absolute favorite character. I understand him. I feel simmilarities between him...then again, I feel similar similarities and ties to Yuki. Anyway, moving on...So when I put the "who will you date" quiz on here I didn't know who'd I'd be dating cause the picture didn't show up. I geuss I can understand getting Ayame though. I mean he loves the dragon right? '-' tehe. And Ayame is, well, romantic isn't really the right word is it? But I can't believe he doesn't say anything to me when he picks me up. How out of character! You'd think he'd say something along the lines of how cute I look? Am I ugly? ;_; I'm rushing cause class starts soon and I want to get to the last quiz. so, Haru hits on me. I knew it! I have a dream of him getting this crush on me...and then, eventually, me liking him back...and me subdueing his black side with cuteness ^_^ (I spelled subdueing wrong ;_;) Well, I wish I could write more, but I have 10 minutes until class. Oh! What do people think of CLAMP/Saint Tail as well as Mink and Girl Got Game??? I'm thinking of starting Saint Tail. As for CLAMP, I loved Clamp School Dectectives and will be started Man of Many Faces and Card Captor Sakura soon. But Suki--the worst magna I have ever read. The story and artwork are both horrible!!! I have 5 minutes ahh! o_o I just saw the second Inu-Yasha movie last night and I loved it!!! Ooh...I'll have to talk about it more later. Bye! ^_^
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quiz rap
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I have some time before class, so I'm discussing yesterday's quiz results. I love that I got Tori for my kiss. ^_^ Tori is my absolute favorite character. I understand him. I feel simmilarities between him...then again, I feel similar similarities and ties to Yuki. Anyway, moving on...So when I put the "who will you date" quiz on here I didn't know who'd I'd be dating cause the picture didn't show up. I geuss I can understand getting Ayame though. I mean he loves the dragon right? '-' tehe. And Ayame is, well, romantic isn't really the right word is it? But I can't believe he doesn't say anything to me when he picks me up. How out of character! You'd think he'd say something along the lines of how cute I look? Am I ugly? ;_; I'm rushing cause class starts soon and I want to get to the last quiz. so, Haru hits on me. I knew it! I have a dream of him getting this crush on me...and then, eventually, me liking him back...and me subdueing his black side with cuteness ^_^ (I spelled subdueing wrong ;_;) Well, I wish I could write more, but I have 10 minutes until class. Oh! What do people think of CLAMP/Saint Tail as well as Mink and Girl Got Game??? I'm thinking of starting Saint Tail. As for CLAMP, I loved Clamp School Dectectives and will be started Man of Many Faces and Card Captor Sakura soon. But Suki--the worst magna I have ever read. The story and artwork are both horrible!!! I have 5 minutes ahh! o_o I just saw the second Inu-Yasha movie last night and I loved it!!! Ooh...I'll have to talk about it more later. Bye! ^_^
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Monday, February 14, 2005
Furuba Quizzes!
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Here are some quizzes I tried to add earlier...As a general rule, I try to avoid the "who will you date/marry" furuba quizzes and go for more original/creative ones. Besides, every time I take a marraige one I marry someone different. I've been married to Haru 25 years, Momiji 3 days, Kyo...the list goes on and on. Maybe we all have problems with committment? Or maybe I'm just not compatible with anyone ;_; Anyway, here goes...
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._. (Sigh)
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I put a huge post on here yesterday and it destroyed itself. ;_; ;_; ;_; Maybe there was something wrong with my quizzes? Well, I'm not rewriting it out of spite. Anyway, I just finished Girl Got Game volumes one and two and Mink volumes one and two. I love them both! ^-^ I didn't know if I'd like them at first, but now I'm really into them.
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Sunday, February 13, 2005
So I was taking quizzes...
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While I was taking my Fruits basket quizzes, I discovered all these quizzes that didn't work. How Sad :(
I'm trying to avoid the "who will you date/marry" quizzes now and trying to go for more original/creative ones. Every time I take a marraige/dating one I get a different person. I love the Fruits basket sleepover/life type quizzes I've taken. I've got to get them posted on here. I love them! tehe
well, better go :( I've got homework and a Celebrate Easter (musical) practice tonight that will last like four hours and I have to leave for it in two hours. Ahh!
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Thursday, February 10, 2005
random :)
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I love the results to my angel and elf quizzes but what's up with the results to what my true character is? It started loading this really cute pic and then it re-loaded with that one. Sad.
I forgot to mention in my intro that I also like peach girl. What is wrong with me?! I love romantic comedies so much. I'm also addicted to reading. If I'm not reading something "normal" or for school or manga I grab children's books laying around my house. I remember once my brother had a literature book to work in over the summer once and I read over at least twice. A school literature book that I had already used for school. How pathetic is that? :) Yet I'm smiling...
I also wanted to explain why I like Inu-Yasha music so's so traditional. I LOVE traditional Japanese music :) :) :) I'm beginning to love traditional Japanese stuff more and more. I'm making my own kimono. Yea!
Well, I'd better go...I'm busy IMing people and taking more quizzes and registering for the ACT and doing math homework...OH DARN IT! I JUST REMEMBERED I HAVE TESTS IN EVERY SIGNLE CLASS TOMORROW!!! AAHHHH I'VE GOT TO GO!
Please visit my site and sign the guestbook! I'm a fun person; I promise!
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Tuesday, February 8, 2005
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I know, I know. I love quizzes way too much and take way too many. I just love them so :) I took about a million fruits basket quizzes, but I didn't put them in here yet. Maybe someday when I have time...I'm beginning to think that time is just an illusion; but maybe I've been reading too much Siddhartha. But what I mean is--there never seems to be time for like, really important personal stuff. Like writing or creating music. Oh, well. Anyway, I've been on the internet WAY TOO LONG!!! I'm a Junior=I have TONS OF IMPORTANT HOMEWORK. Sigh...I'm just unhappy because I can't really sing because I'm getting over the flu/cold/sinus crap. However, thanks to my friend superham99 I got to read a really great story involving Kagome, Inu-Yasha, Yuki, Kyo and ... ta-ta-la-la... me! However, she had Kyo fall in love with me and me him which is really, really great except that I was a Yuki supporter since day one. Although now I'm going after Hatsuharu even though he's younger than me. He just has such a great personality. And I could subdue his black side with my cuteness :). Yea, yea, yea, yea, yea...dream :) (I'm picturing it :) Well, better go. 'Bye to all. Just so everyone knows--Animegirl2004 has a really great site with great quizzes.
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I just love quizzes so much!!!!!
Play wonderland online!
Pink angel below ļ ļ ļ
 You're a "Pink Angel". Now, just because it may be a little bit of a feminin color doesn't mean you're all girly and whiney. You're very self-less and love to bring good news to people because you like seeing people happy. You have better manners than most and people love how polite you can be. You're friends love that they hardley ever get in arguments with you and can barely get mad at you! You're friends and family mean so much to you and it takes more than a fight to break you away from them. (If you cannot see the picture, go to my homepage and scroll down near the bottom. I have the results from all my quizess that have pics)
What Color Angel Are You? (PICS) brought to you by Quizilla
What Guys Love About You
 Guys just shy and sweet you are!
What Do Guys Love About You? (with pics :3) brought to you by Quizilla
I am an Elf!!!!!
Which Mythical Being Resides In You? brought to you by Quizilla
I am Sango
 You are Sango. You are loyal and your friends can always trust you. You are kind and nice and really just a great person. Yay for you!
Which InuYasha Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla<
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I'm in a quiz kind of mood...