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Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Play wonderland online!
My whole body is way out of whack and so today I had my first appointment with a special chiropractor. It lasted from 3:00 until just after 5:00 but I got a lot of things fixed. I'm a little tired out, but my legs are now even in length and my pelvis is back where it should be. I'm so happy. I'm sure now I'll continue to get better ^_^
Today I had two exams and a quiz. GAH! What a day! But it's over and now I just have to write an AP English rough draft paper by Friday. Friday I have two appointments. Oy! What a week. So, before I talk about the weekend...
LAST NIGHT I BOUGHT A FRUITS BASKET SCHOOL UNIFORM! ^//^ squee! That is, I ordered it (off ebay) to be specially made for me and shipped from Hong Kong. I'm so happy. Also, I have one job lined up for the summer but I recently applied for another one and am hoping to get it. Please pray for me.
Now, about the weekend. Saturday is my school's prom and I'm on court with a 1/5 chance of becoming prom queen (picked randomly). Tora is also on court and has the same chance of becoming prom princess. I'm so excited! I love my outfit! and my date is my good friend J-Kun.
Well, I have to go now.
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Sunday, April 23, 2006 a mood...sry
Play wonderland online!
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Friday, March 31, 2006
I'm crying...
Play wonderland online!
Today, something so important happened that I had to pause my break and post. I got accepted into the music program at my number one school!!! Not only that, but I was granted a $500 music scholarship.
Well, I have to go now and try to read over half of the book for my novel >_>
I am also going to try and have lunch with Yasha. I am going to try and send in for another music scholarship as well.
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Wednesday, March 22, 2006
A Break
Play wonderland online!
Starting today, I am taking an official break from otaku. I will not update and will not visit sites. I will still answer any PM's and e-mails and will get back to people who sign my guestbook. I may change the looks of my site now and then, but won't update or anything really.
I'm not sure when I'll get back...I'm dealing with a lot in my life right now, just as much good as bad, but either way my life is turning upside-down and inside-out. I need time to myself, time to get things in order and make sense of everything.
This week I have final exams, inbetween end of school this week and beginning of school next week, I have a project, next term is a tough term, I'm starting to be in charge of props for the spring job starts up at the end of the school year, I'm getting my college stuff in order...there's so much more going on too...
I'm really sorry. You guys have all been so wonderful, but right now I just need a break. I will keep my site "on" so that I can recieve PM's and everything.
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Oh...Oh God...
Play wonderland online!
Mon Dieu! Je pense que je dois aller à l'hospital. Je ne peux pas respire. Je suis très inquiété. Mon Dieu, Mon Dieu, qu'est-ce je fais? Je pense seule chose que je peux faire...est...pluere...
ohlala, mon têtê!
condamner ordinateur, condamner malaisement
Maintenant, je secoue.
Notre père,
qui est au ciel
que ton nom soit sanctifié
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Sunday, March 19, 2006
My Weekend
Play wonderland online!
Mood:  sick and exhausted
Time:  8:36 PM central time
Ugh, I'm family made me sick. Damion, looks like whatever you had, I have. My stupid sinuses and head and nose -_-;;
Ah well, I didn't watch Phantom of the Opera yet (borrowing a version of it from my french teacher) and my internet is working like crap, but otherwise I'm doing okay (other than the sickness) Actually, I came on here cause of some good/bittersweet news.
Well, first, I should start with Friday. I went to the humane society after school and then spent a good share of the night at Kamenki's house. Saturday I had my interview as well as some testing at School Specialty and guess what...?
I GOT THE JOB!!!! It starts in May and goes until about September. It is my first job and it is 40 hours a week plus overtime. Depending on what shift I recieve, I will make either $7.25 or $7.50 an hour.
Moving on... ^_^ ...after the interview, I went up to Tora's cottage. We had a rocky start cause my mom got really sick and had to go home. I still went even with my cold. Tora's family is just too nice to me TT_TT the trip was like an early birthday present. We even had a little cake and I got a gift of something for college ^^
It was so much fun! We walked out on the frozen lake, played with Sadie (the neighbor's dog), watched a bunch of movies, played Outburst, I knit, we played video games, we chatted, we listened to was awesome.
Remember how the other day, I said there was a boy I like and I gave him a message that I liked him?
He replied.
"aww.. well that is actually very sweet of you to say, I am flattered and thank you for saying something"
I suppose that's a nice way of saying "i don't feel the same". huh? Well, I won't lie and say I'm not hurt. But I wasn't exactly expecting him to say "i like you too" So I won't let it bring me down too low. I still haven't heard from my #1 school about my music audition and that's what's really bringing me down ...
Friday I have exams in French and Psychology so I'll be studying pretty hard this week...especially cause I might miss some school cause of being sick...
I also have a novel project to do in...a week >_> *way to procrastinate*
In other words, I won't be on much for awhile TT_TT Thank you all for supporting me and for the 14 comments on my last post...that has to be a record for me...
Well, gotta eyes are closing...I hate being sick...staying up til past two this morning didn't help either ^_^;;
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Friday, March 17, 2006
Play wonderland online!
Well, last night released a lot of emotion. I worked things out with my mom and cleaned out my closet completely. I am getting rid of boxes and boxes of clothes >_<
Well, I didn't do my "a beautiful mind" paper...i was just so emotional. In fact, I didn't do any homework last night at all. my mom is writing me an excuse for the paper to try and do it over the weekend and the other stuff I'm gonna try and get done this morning *i love waking up early and being a morning person ^_^ *
Happy St. Patrick's day everyone!!! *gotta love that little bit of Irish in me* Remember to wear green!
This weekend I am hoping to go to Tora's cottage with my mom and herself and her mom but my mom is feeling sick so it may not happen ;-;
Either way, i have my first job interview tomorrow morning!!! *runs around in a tizzy* wish me luck ;-;
I recorded some more sound clips of myself last night, so if anyone wants me to put them up here, I will. Just a warning--the recorded didn't like when I got loud ;-; lol
ja ne ashita minna
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Thursday, March 16, 2006
Loads of Stuff and not a load of time
Play wonderland online!
First of all, thanks to all who commented on my sound clip. The comments mean so much to me. Second of all, keep Damion in your prayers as he is still sick. Third of all, I love being an A #1 French student. Fourth of all, psych was hard. I'm dealing with a lot of stuff right now, medically, emotionally...I've even been fighting with my mom again.
Gah! I don't have time!!! Today was deadline for Yearbook so I worked really hard. These were my first pages and I was so scared they would look like crap, but my teacher complimented me and said they look really good, especially considering they are my first ones! >///< Well, I have to go, I still have to get two more pictures taken and put in the page and then I have to leave asap!!! I have tons of homework and cleaning to do -.-;;
Au bientot
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Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Me singing!
Play wonderland online!
Well, some of you have been wondering what my voice sounds like so I made a recording on my computer of me singing the opening part of "strongest suit" from Aida.
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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Play wonderland online!
Hey, I'm still not feeling very well. I saw my doctor and I have to see a ciropractor and get physical therapy. Right now I am working on some homework and such. Don't have time or energy to visit but I thought I would post to tell every one happy white day and happy pi (3.14) day ^__^
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