wonderland online!
Okay, so I know I'm a little late on this, but I've been an official member of myO for 2 years now! *go me--throws confetti*
More about that later, first let me explain that awful post from a little while back.
For awhile there, it seemed my whole life had fallen apart. What I thought was my life, my everything, my boyfriend who had proposed to me and asked me to wait to marry him after finishing school...broke up with me. And then decided to be an ass to me.
And the friend I turned to...the guy I thought would only ever be a friend...has turned into the most wonderful caring boyfriend a girl could ask for. It's like my whole life has been turned inside out and upside down...yet...I'm appreciative...?

LOL, yeah, had to find a good "confused" look. :P
Yeah, appreciative. I've been taking time, healing. And I realize that I was never even that happy with the man I "loved". I'm sorry, that doesn't make sense, does it? Well, you see, he was constatly trying to get me to change who I was deep down inside to the core. To give up my main beliefs and values to turn into his idea of who I should be. I got to the point that whenever someone said they wanted to talk to me, my heart beat a thousand times a minutes because that must mean that I'd done something wrong.
I took some time off from relationships (though in hindsight, very little time) and I'm still healing. The new bf and I are taking it slow, just taking time to get to know one another and talk. It's nice.
Alrighty then, now that the set-up is there, the main reason I made that post is because I almost ended up in the hospital!! I was really sick for about 2-3 weeks, and my doctor thought I might have appendicitus! I'm thankfully doing much better now, and am able to tell you about my anniversary ^^
So, yep, some of you may have noticed the special background made for me by my bro,
Hiroko-Kun. Well, there is a special trick to this wallpaper and that is...
~*~Cia-Chan's 2-Yr Anniversary Wallpaper Anime and RPG Knowledge Contest!!~*~ LOL
So, yeah, for the next 2 weeks, you guys will be guessing the body behind each letter of this wallpaper.
From you I will need: The letter you chose, the name of the person or persons in the letter, and the anime and/or video game that person or persons is/are from.
Different prizes will be awarded based on the difficulty of the letter selected and the correctness of the answer provided.
~*~In order of difficulty, easiest to hardest~*~
A: Quite Easy (I will provide the winner with a special avatar for his or her site)
I: Still Pretty Easy (I will design a special banner of friendship for the winner to display on his or her site)
E: Getting Harder (The winner of this will recieve a friendship banner as well as be advertised on my site for 2-3 weeks)
N: Relatively Difficult (The winner of this will recieve: an avatar, a friendship banner, and be advertised on my site for a month)
M: Impossible (The winner of this will earn the title of causing Cia-Chan to go "WTF, how did someone actually decipher this?!" and also, I will design an entire theme for him/her and advertise him/her on my site for a month)
So....ready? You have two weeks to research. There can be multiple winners for the easy letters (A&I) but no one person can recieve prizes for more than one letter.
On your mark...ready...set...go!