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myOtaku.com: Cia-Chan

Saturday, March 12, 2005

   I love carmabell's quizzes so much!
Play wonderland online! I should be working on my project (on religion in Anime/Manga). However, I've been working on it hardcore and needed a quiz break. I've also been watching a lot a InuYasha ^__^ tehe. I saw Aida last night--it was pretty good. I was a little disapointed, it was a little disapointing after seeing it on broadway. I successfully passed my love of Aida on to my best friend though. Mwahahahahaha! NEway, as for my element quiz, I love my result but I dunno. I really think I'm Earth. At least I was until a good share of my naiveitie was cruelly taken away from me. Everyone take camabell's quizzes! They are so great! In case I don't have time to go on later since this week is an insanely busy week--Happy white day everyone!!!!!

^__^ Cia-Chan

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