The Pope died today. I don't know what religion people reading this are; but to me it is very serious.
Personality cocktailFrom
Yukirin's pictures are amazing. Her artwork is so incredible--it just moves me. Some of her characters I could write a story or history on; and the way she adds lighting and wow! it's just so amazing. thanks superham99 for the quiz and the pics!!
Also, I agree w/the quiz result and I'm happy I got the same as superham99 ^.~

You are "Mei!" You have incredible
imagination!! You are a definite art fan, and
a deep dreamer. You sure have a very artistic
personality!! =P
Which YUKIRIN CG are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Finally, yesterday, I added stuff and sent PM's and stuff and my internet/computer wasn't really working so I don't think they added. Therefore, some comments didn't add either. I know I commented for Master Kyo and some other peoples so sorry! Wish I could write more, but I have to go. OH! THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO CAME TO MY SITE; THANK YOU; THANK YOU; THANK YOU!!!!!
Oh! My friend superham99 got me started on DragonBallZ last night/this morning. YEA DRAGONBALLZ; YEA TRUNKS! Well, got to go. 'TA