wonderland online!
*sweatdrop to Yasha and Tora*
Of course you can be Gure-San Yasha (laughing in the background)
Tora, would you like to play Aya-San?
Just kidding, just kidding, please don't hit me! *dodges frying pan*
What voice parts do you sing, Sojiro and Shunuske???? Hatori should be a base or a what-cha-ma-call-it oh! baratone and Ayame should be a tenor.
Hmm...Shigure should be a base...can you sing base Yasha? >.< JK
Haru should be a tenor, Hiro an alto, Kisa a soprano, Kagura an alto, Akito an alto/tenor (will Akito even sing???), Kureno (I know I spell his name wrong)...hmm...he should be a base. Kyo I see as base, but Adam sings more of a tenor....hmm...we'll have to work on that. As Tohru I will be singing alto/mezzo soprano.
Yep, I've decided to write out the entire musical and post it on here!!!!!! By that, I of course mean that Weber-Sama, Rice-Sensei, and Elton-San will be writing it >.< I just submitted 4 cards, so I'm a little hyper again ^^
I have Phantom of the Opera Music in my head!
The musical can have a Phantom of the Opera feel to it. Oh, I can just hear the minor keys.
Weber, Rice, and John: I love it! ^^