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Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Othello fanfic?!
Play wonderland online!
Kurama Clone 109 walks into the joint bedroom and sees Alicia sitting on the floor crying, with Kyo hovering over her. “What’s the matter?” he asks in concern. Kyo, who is past concern and just plain freaking out, looks up to Kurama and answers, “no matter what I say or do, she just keeps whimpering and saying she hates herself and cursing herself…Cia, it’s okay now, there’s nothing you can do, please come to bed!” Alicia continues whimpering without even looking up. With a sigh of resignation, Kyo slumps down on the floor next to Alicia and places his arms around her. Kurama looks to Kyo, then to Alicia, then back to Kyo. “I think I have an idea.” He gently picks up Alicia and leads her to the master bathroom, where he softly pleads with her to tell him what happened and to calm down. In a few moments, Alicia stops whimpering and Kyo can hear retching coming from the master bath. In an angry fury, he breaks down the door to rush in.
After between half an hour and forty-five minutes, Kurama deems Alicia sufficiently calmed and gently prods her toward her bed. “Now please get some rest Cia.” Kyo tells her, almost in a whisper. “And you, my lord?” Alicia asks, her eyes glazed over. ‘My Lord?’ Kyo thinks. ‘hmm…I could get used to being called that…’ he starts getting ideas. Kurama interprets the expression on Kyo’s face and speaks before Kyo can take action. “It seems she is so exhausted that she has reverted to the character of Desdemona.” Kurama explains. “WHAT THE HELL?” Kyo asks, failing to see the reason in this argument. Kurama sighs, ‘seems like I’ll have to take care of this one’ he thinks. He turns to Alicia, “My lady, it seems that your lord is so over-taken with concern for you that he endures some error of speech. Pray thee, let me speak for him.” Alicia turns to him, her eyes are still glazed over, but they are shining. “Of course, gentle Cassio.” ‘Cassio?’ Kurama thinks, ‘how did I end up as Cassio?’ “Who the hell is this Cassio guy?” Kyo asks loudly. Kurama sighs again. “Okay, I’ll explain this quickly. Cia is currently so exhausted and strained she thinks that she is Desdemona, a character from the Shakespearian play “Othello”. She believes you are her husband, Othello, and that I am your lieutenant Cassio.” “Why would I have a lieutenant?” Kyo asks in bewilderment. “Listen, all you need to know right now is that I’m a good friend to both of you,” Kurama explains, “and was often seen throughout your wooing.”
Kyo: //_?
“Never mind,” Kurama says, sighing once more, “just play along.” He turns to Alicia again, “My lady, you must to bed.” Alicia looks down, sighs, and then looks up to Kurama with a smile. “Aye, I’ll to bed. Cassio, pray thee, tell my Lord to come to bed.” Kurama gives a slight bow, “Of course my lady.”
***End of Part One*****
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