Well, I have part of my ode done...I would write more...I'm having so much fun...but I have so much other homework to do!!! TT_TT Maybe I'll write more of it after my "un-fun" hw is done.
I though you guys may want to see it thus far...unfortunately, archaic language was a requirement.
Some may calleth thee bag, others calleth thee sack,
I calleth thee purse; thou art far more than simply pack.
As I pusheth back thy leather strap, and undoeth thy zipper,
I canest see there ist more to thee than many do discovereth.
With thy floral pattern, yellows, greens, and blues sufficeth
To fulfilleth the average person, they seeth naught of sacrifice.
Inside thee, thou art only brown, but thou hast so much to giveth,
That if, one day, thou shouldest disappear, I couldest hardly liveth.
Thou containest my life, my joy, my comfort and salvation.
Inside thee lieth my books and earphones, my candy and my chap stick.
Thou holdeth my trinkets, my pens, and my change,
Inside thy hidden zipper, what remainth? Naught that I explaineth.
Thy “swish” comfortest me, a sound of simple peace. A “thunk”
When thou saveth me from a wall, so I may stayeth in one piece.
Thy smell ist fair, of newest leather, but thy taste—I taste thee never.
I canst use thee in so many ways, I liketh to useth thee as a weapon some days.
O, fairest purse, without thee, I wouldest crumble!
It is in, gasp, losing thee, that I am madest humble.