wonderland online!

So, yesterday i was really not feeling well and feeling like a bitch and struggled through work and got home to hate messages from superham99...long story...that should have led me to what happened today
it didn't
okay, so tmi warning ahead....
I have PCOS (Polycistic Ovarian Syndrome)
In lamens terms, I have problems with my ovaries that make normal women's problems a major crisis...when I discovered I had PCOS I actually was in so much pain i stopped breathing for like 30 seconds and went to the emergency room. Since then, I have vowed to never let pain get the better of me. I have built my pain tolerance up higher than anyone i know. I go to my chiropractor and he does procedures on me that make other people scream and i make no sound. Sometimes I'll start crying and not realize it but it's my body's way of dealing with the pain...
Because of this, I hardly ever take medicine. But today I took the maximum dose of prescribed pain medicine that was given to me when I got PCOS. Then I drove to work. Once I got to work I started feeling awful. I wanted to curl up and die. I was feverish, my face had turned purple, I was lightheaded and even started having to run to the bathroom every 1/2 hour...but I stayed at work. Oh yeah, I'm so much worse than Tohru. I was asked/told to go home about 5 times...finally after i took my insulin injection and my blood glucose started dropping scare-ily (yeah, i'm diabetic too) I was forced to go home.
I couldn't make it home
as soon as i left the parking lot i felt extremely sharp pains in my back. I couldn't control my reaction, I started wimpering and screaming out in pain. I pulled into the nearby mall, tested my blood sugar. It was dropping much, much faster than was safe. I wandered about the mall looking for a pay phone (just my luck, i left my cell phone at home -_-) couldn't get in touch with my mom for like an hour and a half....
ah well
finally got home
freaking out over my appointment tomorrow, well today according to otaku time, praying i won't have to get surgery.
I have been sobbing...I'm just...for once...
I admit it.
i'm really scared
and I'm asking for your prayers
Thank you.
11:22 PM Central Time, July 13, 2006
right now i'm very ill