wonderland online!

Sorry that I don't have much time and so can't visit or even reply to past comments yet. I just wanted to give a quick update because of all of you out there supporting me.
yesterday I went to my doctor and then the hospital. i got an ultrasound done and the good news is that the problem is not my ovaries! ^_^ It seems that currently I have no cysts.
It seems that my problem may be kidney stone(s). Right now my doctor is thinking we should wait a bit and see if my symptoms calm down on their own. If anything gets worse though, I should go get a CT-scan to see if I have kidney stones.
KyoKrazy, superham99 is, or at least was, a wonderful wonderful "real life" friend. She's struggling right now and she's kinda taking it out on me. I just hope that we can get through all this...cause right now...she's making it seem that our friendship won't survive. And it makes me really sad.
Well, I'm feeling kinda dizzy so I'll wrap up this post.
Yesterday after the whole hospital visit and stuff I was so zonked I just went to read manga online. Yes, I found a site with furuba scans/fan translations. I read volumes 14 through 19! Oh yes, I'm so
I still plan on getting all the books though...oh 14, when will you come out in WI????
19 is the best book ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't wait for it to be published.
Well, like I said, I'm not feeling very well...but I have to do some house cleaning and then I'm cantoring mass at my church and Kamenki is coming over to hear me and spend time with me.
Thank you, thank you for all your support and prayers. It means so much to me...crying...really...
Talk to you when I can.
-12:24 PM central time, July 15, 2006