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Someplace Cold
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Wedding Singer
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Cia is my real name.
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Sailer Moon, Card Captor Sakura and Digimon
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-_- Isn't just a bit obvious?
"I want to change the world." Become a CLT, marraige, babies
music, reading, computer, video games, dating, writing, studying biochemistry
Hmm... writing and singing
Friday, September 29, 2006
I'm sorry...but wait until you hear this...
Play wonderland online!
Well, I have a few minutes between classes so I thought I'd catch up a bit.
I'm so sorry I haven't posted or visited in so long!!!! Life is so beyond crazy right now!
Okay, so since posting last I have:
-learned how to play a bit of piano ^_^
-gone to the hospital because of an alergic reaction o_O;;
-made a bunch of two friends
-gotten invited to two parties
-gotten a boyfriend ^//^
-gone out on dates and parties so I've been going to bed at around 1AM all week!!!
-gotten my first D in a music class
-skipped my first class...and second...and third >//<
-gone insane over diet caffienated soda!
-gotten sick TToTT
-been alone with a guy in my bedroom with the door shut and the lights out for the first time in my life! as well as the second time...and the third...>//<
*It's not like that you perverted people!*
We play games like Dungeons and Dragons and talk and watch anime and hug and cuddle and come up with characters/stories....nothing bad.
I ¢¾ my boyfriend ^//^
He lives in my building and we've known each other for 3 weeks and have been dating for 1 week. He's coming to my hometown with me this weekend and we're going on some double dates with some friends of mine ^^
It'll be the first time I'm overnight with a guy...
Well, I gotta go to class soon, but I'd better fill you in on the hospital story.
Okay, so my alergies have been getting worse and about a week and a half ago I had a bad reaction to lip gloss (my favorite one too!) and had to go to the hospital in an ambulance!!! Holy f*** was it scary! It was my first time in an ambulance and I was crying. And then I couldn't reach any of my friends or my parents and I had to call a cab to get me back to campus! It was my first cab ride as well! Oh God, it was so scary! And since it was an alergic reaction I had to have all this benedril and stuff and so I was so tired.
As soon as I got back to my room, my boyfriend stopped by. (We were going to have lunch together and then check out the booths different clubs had put up) And he was like "hey" and I was like "I just got back from the hospital" and he was like "what??? are you okay??? do you just want to stay here?" and I was like "no, I should eat something" so he took me out to get some food and then walked me back to my room and I slept for 3 hours and my parents came and they were crying...oh man, I do not want another experience like this. And now I have to make an appointment with an alergist!
Thank God I have a great boyfriend and great friends who look over me. I'm sick with a cold/flu right now and my boyfriend came up to my room (I live on 3rd floor, he lives on 2nd floor) and was like "I'm going to make you something and make sure you take your medicine"
gah! He's so cute! And he makes me happy. Like the other day he told me how cute I look in pink ^//^
and...AH! I have to get to class!
Talk to you all much sooner this time, I promise.
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