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myOtaku.com: cinnamon

Saturday, June 19, 2004

   Addicted to Reading, Records and...Alliteration?
Well, I haven't been here for a while, have I? *blows away piles of dust from site* Sorry, but I've been busy. I've miraculously gained a gap in my homework/nonexistant social life, and I have time to blob out, do stuff I've been meaning to do for ages, and sleep. And I need sleep. The graphics project I was talking about in my last(?) post kept me up until 4 in the morning, which left me suffering from a tiredness high , and only 2 and a half hours of sleep in the morning. Great fun.

Well, I've been re-addicted to records. Primarily by Enya. *blushes* Shameful, isn't it? But when I was a baby, it was the only thing that would get me to sleep at night. We just happen to have a dusty old record player, and some dusty old enya records, which I have bewen listening to of late. And I have come to a conclusion. RECORDS ROCK!!! I wish they released recent songs on records (darned alliteration) nowadays. That'd be kewl ^^. BTW, If you don't know who enya is, well, try visiting www.enya.com. She did some of the soundtrack for LOTR, and has had her songs used as backings quite recently.

Anyway changing the already boring subject, I have been attacked by a fetish for reading. I love to read, its just that I'm picky about what I read. Currently I'm reading David Eddings: The Belgariad and The Mallorean Series's(bad english ^^). Theyre really good, I recommend them; especially if you like fantasy.

Well, last night I went ice-skating with my youth group. I adore ice-skating, but I hadn't been for about 3 years until last night, so I didn't know if I'd be able to do it. I was never very good in the first place anyway -.-' I fell over once, and had a frozen butt for the rest of the night. It was funny. But thankfully, I hadn't forgotten, and I didn't injure myself, so if you ask me, it was great.

I went and got my hair trimmed thismorning, after grudgingly getting out of my nice cosy bed. I'm trying to grow it for my Y9 & 10 social, which should hopefully be fun. Any suggestions for a theme? I have correspondants within the committee who are arranging it, and they have no idea what to do for a theme. Anything would be useful, so long as it's not "create your own theme" which was last years disaster of a social. The only people who had a thwme were the ones who dressed up as skanky faeries. Dumb aye? So help me here, ok?

From the desk of a girl who has lots of peculiar obsessions

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