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BA English Language - Language Major
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NaMCYA 2005 Grandfinalist, Q.C. Science High School Scholar, National Scholar
Anime Fan Since
I dunno... when my brother became an anime fan, I suppose. :D
Favorite Anime
Ruruoni Kenshin, Gundam Wing, Full Metal Alchemist, Kyou Kara Maou, Midori no Hibi, Ghost Sweepers, You're Under Arrest, Daa! Daa! Daa!, Naruto, Bleach, Dragon Ball Z, Gakuen Alice, Gatekeepers, Vandread, Tsubasa Chronicles, El Hazard, FMA, Kyou Kara Maou
to be a successful Public Relations Officer in any field, to be a Diplomat/Ambassador, highly acclaimed classical singer
singing, playing instruments, watching anime, writing non-, fan- and fiction. Reading fan-, fiction.
classical singing
| Clair Chanteur
Wednesday, June 9, 2004
I've been at this the WHOLE day...and night
O_O it's already 3:40 in the morning...
Sleep still hasn't kicked in... (no, I'm NOT insomniac...I just haven't been able to adjust properly with the time. you COULD say i'm jet-lagged. ^.^)
Anyway, I woke up at aroung 2:00 in the afternoon. Mu aunt arrived with her daughter, and she was the one who woke me up. ^_^
We were about to eat lunch when my brother arrived and so we ate all together. ^.^it was fun, specially with my lil' cousin beside me. (she is just so cute! (=^.^=))
then after eating lunch, I went to my parent's bedroom and watched some TV. I watched until about 4? or 4:30.
anyway, er, after watching TV, I went back to my room, switched my pc on, took a shower, then logged on here on my site to see if my GB's working yet.
I was able to log in at around 6, so when I logged in and saw that my ggb STILL doesn't work, I immediately called Shimonoseki and asked for her help (again). ^.^
Anyway, i'm really really thankful for Number 5, Blue Hawk, and Shimonoseki for helping me! I really really am...^.^ I just hope that I didn't take too much of your time... ^_^'
Incase you're wondering what ways we've tried to make my GB work...well here they are:
1. I made sure (lots of times) that the Guestbook is "ON". (like many of you told me to do so)
2. I turned it "OFF" then checked what would happen (as suggested by Shimonoseki) then seeing that it *clearly* was not the way, I turned it back "ON". I was hoping it would work at last but as you can see, it still is NOT working. (-_-)
3. I made a new account. With the same settings and all. (only the name was different... it was CLAIRE not CLAIR) But the guestbook STILL didn't work. >.<
4. I transferred to my Dad's computer. We thought the problem might be with my pc so, maybe if i used *another* and a *different* computer, it would work. But alas! It still didn't work!
5. I let Shimonoseki sign in on my account with *her* computer to see if it would work. again, it didn't.
6. I let Number 5 sign in on my account with *her* computer to see if it would work. again, it didn't. (by this time I was getting *really* annoyed. >.<) Number 5 told me it might be a glitch.
7. Blue Hawk (a friend of Number 5, whom she asked for some help too) asked me some questions about the problem with the gb, and she concluded that it might indeed be a glitch. They both told me that Adam might be doing something or er.. creating something new that may have caused the glitch.
and there you have it! ^.^ of course I needn't mention how I bugged people asking what's really wrong with the Guestbook...
Thank soooo much Number 5 and Blue Hawk! and sooo sorry for taking your was F-U-N talking to both of you though! ^.^ wheeee!
heehee! thanks again! (I'm really really greatful!)
anyway, there, after that, I went back to my room, transferred back to my pc (my twin's finished with her home work anyway) and continued chatting with Number 5. unfortunately, I got disconnected and when I logged back in she's gone! >.< i'm sooo sorry Number 5!, I checked my friendster, and logged on at mIRC, and there... before I knew it, it was already 3 in the morning... actually, now it's already 4:14 a.m. heehee! ^.^
so I guess i'll try to get some sleep already!
**hugs everyone***
i love you guys! thanks for visiting my site even if it's not much!
and thanks to those who keep offering their help! **mwah** It's appreciated. (=^.^=)
"Continue à sourire comme ça. tu ne sais jamais qui pourrait tomber amoureux de ton sourire." Autumn Willow ^_^

Sweet isn't it? ^.^
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