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BA English Language - Language Major
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NaMCYA 2005 Grandfinalist, Q.C. Science High School Scholar, National Scholar
Anime Fan Since
I dunno... when my brother became an anime fan, I suppose. :D
Favorite Anime
Ruruoni Kenshin, Gundam Wing, Full Metal Alchemist, Kyou Kara Maou, Midori no Hibi, Ghost Sweepers, You're Under Arrest, Daa! Daa! Daa!, Naruto, Bleach, Dragon Ball Z, Gakuen Alice, Gatekeepers, Vandread, Tsubasa Chronicles, El Hazard, FMA, Kyou Kara Maou
to be a successful Public Relations Officer in any field, to be a Diplomat/Ambassador, highly acclaimed classical singer
singing, playing instruments, watching anime, writing non-, fan- and fiction. Reading fan-, fiction.
classical singing
| Clair Chanteur
Friday, September 17, 2004
a very long post. read if you care. ^_^

First of all, I want to thank all of you for the endless encouragements you gave me this past couple of weeks. Especially on the day before the big day.
Second, I want to say sorry for not coming in yesterday. When I arrived here, I was really supposed to go online first thing and tell you how it went, but my friend sorta came by my house and after she left, the events of the day suddenly tired me so I went to bed.
I hope y'all aren't mad at me. :(
Sooooo... Going on, if I'm not mistaken you'd like to hear how it all went yesterday? ^_^
In any case, I'll still type it here. So if you don't want to know you can just skip this part and go right on to the comment box. ^.^
.:the days events:.
The day started with me going to school in civilian (not in uniform). I went straight to the Himig room (for those who does not know, "Himig Xientia" is our official school choir. "himig" for short) and guess who I saw first and greeted me first? *surprise surprise* HIM! ^^o
(As I went in through the main gates of the school I heard his very LOUD shout of my name. ^.^)
I went in the room, dropped my bags off and went up to my classroom and got my rubbershoes ((I left them in my locker so I had to go to school wearing my Sketchers Flip-flops. it's pretty though. ^.^) (F.Y.I. Almost all my shoes are Sketchers. haha! and almost all our(me and my siblings) bags are addidas. So a lot of people wonder if my family's a sponsor of either one of the brands. ^_^' )). I went back to the room and we started to vocalize. At around 8 or so, the show started. After the doxology, we sang our National Anthem.
The program went on and because HE was the Grand Champion of the previous singing contest we had at school, HE sang! (It was hard not to fall in love with his voice there! He's just simply great. ^^o (Of course I'm not being biased here. it's true!))
Anyway, after he sang, we (Himig) also sang an intermission number titled "Kalesa". It's a fun song. ^_^ We had fun performing it too. ^^o I was just a bit nervous cuz there's a part there where only 2 of us sang, me and Ate(meaning "big sister" or a form of respect for a girl older than me) Eden.
After the program, we hung out at the Himig Room. The 04's (those who graduated this 2004) visited us. We missed them so much! ^.^
For lunch, we (me, Hannah, and 8 other people(4 seniors and 4 04's)) went to the Mall and had our lunch at the Food Court.
At around 1:30, me and Hannah went to Ricky Reyes (a known and somewhat expensive beauty salon) where my mom told me to have myself made up. (face and hair). we finished at around 3:00 p.m.
They picked us up and we went home for me to dress up.
At around 4:50, my brother, Hannah and me, drove off to U.P.
(dad still had to pick my sister up. my grandma on my mother's side had to pick my aunt up together with my cousin and her yaya, while my grandma and grandpa on my father's side took a taxi going to U.P.)
We arrived at U.P. college of music at around 5:10. I saw Christine already there waiting for us. I saw my grand parents. I went up to my teacher's room where I had vocalization at around 5:30.
We finished around 5:55.
We hurried down to the hall where they were waiting for me to get in place. (I was the 11th person to perform. the last of the first batch.)
We had the opening and after that on to the performers.
After my performance, I bowed, acknowledged the pianist and waited for the other 10 performers, then we bowede together. After that we went out through the backstage.
While going down I heard someone call me and I saw HIM with Armie (a friend of mine who's a member of Himig too!), hannah and christine.
After a little talk about my performance, I went on home with them.
.:end of the day:.
I'd have to say when I first saw myself with make-up (yuck. I dont' normally like make-up... but what can I do? I can't have myself look like a monster up there can I? ^^o (a simple lip gloss and a powder would have been fine for me. -_-')), I was a bit unsure if it suited me well. I asked Hannah if she thought it was ok. And she said, "honestly and truthfully, you look great! Ang ganda mo!" (you look beautiful!)
I felt a bit better but was still a bit unsure.
Fortunately, after everyone saw me, they all (or at least I think all of them did. maybe not. who knows?)thought i looked pretty. (wah.)
So I was ensured that I at least did not look like some clown out to go to a birthday party.
After my performance, when I saw *him*, I suddenly felt as if I did so terrible that I might as well jump off from the top of the stairs so I could break my leg and therefore bring the attention from how terrible my performance was to the horrifying sight of my legs bleeding and broken. But of course, I couldn't bring myself to do that. -_-
But *surprise!* When I got to them they were all smiles and told me how well I did up there. At first I thought maybe they were just saying that because they were all my friends, but then my aunt came up to me, hugged me, and said "Ang galing naman! Hanep!" (You were great!! (uh, Hanep is an expression here so I don't know how to translate it in english.))
And my lil' cousin ran up to me and hugged me too!
My aunt said out of all who sang in the first batch, she thought I was the greatest. Ofcourse she could've been biased, after all, I am her neice, right? ^_^
But then my grandma(on my father's side), texted me(she was still inside the hall) and told me how "beautifully" I sang. All of her friends thought I sang "quite wonderfully" according to her. And that's saying something cuz my grandma's not only a well-known Proffesor of Music here in the Philippines, but she's also the first Filipino to ever graduate Orv Schulwerk in Austria. Not to be boastful or anything but I'd just like to point out how great the compliment is coming from her and her friends. ^.^'
But I still think it wasn't the best of my performance. something about it makes me think I could've done better. *shrugs* oh well. maybe next time.
So there. I'm just glad I didn't do anything to ruin the show. ^^o
And HE came!!! I'm soo glad!
and you know what made his coming just to watch me even more special to me? He lives way over to Bulacan (a province which is FAR from U.P.). He came all the way to U.P. just to watch me! yay! hm... actually, all of them live far away from U.P. Only Christine lives somewhat near. ^_^ And I'm really really glad they came just to watch me. *is touched*

I'm thinking of giving them something to let them know how much I appreciate them watching my first ever concert recital. ^^o
Any suggestions? ^^,
Wow... this turned out to be quite a long post! I'm sorry...
So I'll make this quick.
Today we had a Mass to celebrate the foundation day of our school (37th year). After that we had the Cheering Competition in the afternoon. Juniors won!!!! Woohoo!!! We won 3rd Year in a row!!! woot! Sophomores came in 2nd place which was quite disappointing because I really think the seniors deserved to win over them. >.<
After the cheering competition, Christine and I hung out at the cafeteria to cool down. I was drinking and thinking about something when someone suddenly grabbed my shoulders. I turned around, surprised and guess who? That's right! it's HIM! ^.^
We talked about things, (both of us aren't going to go to the Battle of the bands.) After a while, my ride arrived so I had to go. ^_^
and now here I am, typing this.
Hehe... sorry to bore you...
I'll try to go to your sites now!
I hope you had a great week!
Thank God It's Friday!!!!
woot! ^.^

of course, there was no microphone there. It would've ruined the true quality of the singers if there was. ^.^
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