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myOtaku.com: clefairy

Saturday, April 7, 2007

   Okami...and other stuff
I got Okami the other day.(yno, the one with the wolf?)Well actually, I didn't want it and when I got home from a friends house I found out that my sister got it for me (well, my mums money, they went shopping).Anyways its actually a REALLY good game.The graphics are awesome and I like the storyline.I especially like feeding the boar pigleets cos they are so cute!

I also got Soul Calibur II last month (yeah I know its an old game, I got it cheap cos I wanted a fighting game but I couldn't get Tekken for PSP)and I love Talim.Her pink outfit is so cute!Talim is the best.I also like Taki in that white outfit and the stage as well.

Because I loved SCII so much, I even got the soundtrack.I like Braver Sword, Braver Soul best.

Long post, eh?

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