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the mountains.
Member Since
student, kimono/kanzashi maker
Real Name
beoming a Christian; can play most songs except classical on the piano by ear
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Bleach, Trigun, Naruto, Fushigi Yugi, Ceres, digimon, anything Yuu Fullmetal Alchemist , miyazaki movies (does that count?)
becoming a pro musician, getting my kimono business going, getting good at ballet, getting a man ;)
ballet, martial arts
piano player, guitar (a little), singer, seamstress, hairstylist, and i can cook japanese food and pastries. :D actual dinner is harder.
| clockwork faerie
My name is michelle, i'm 17, and i like to draw. :) mostly manga, but anime too. i have been drawing anime ever since pokemon came out when i was 6 years old. :) now my tastes are a little different. my latest anime craze is Bleach; but old favorites are Fushigi Yuugi, Trigun, DNAngel, Naruto, anything by Hayao Miyazaki.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't copy & paste this into your profile.
I believe in Christ and I'm not ashamed to say it. If you do and are not afraid to say it then copy and paste this into your profile.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
new fanart
hey all! :D So I don't have a lot of time before I have to be out the door to go to work, but I just wanted to let you know that there are 3 NEW FANARTS up in my portfolio. :D And that my boyfriend and I are doing amazingly. yep, that's all. Have an awesome day, minna-san!
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Thursday, May 1, 2008
I'm alive
Hi all! :) I know, you're going "WHOA, she updated!!!"
Yep. :) there's not too much to tell; i'm super busy with college but I get out on the 13th (yessss) so after then, I'll just have work. There is 1 new fanart up. It's sort of old but new; I found it at the back of my sketchbook and realized that I hadn't scanned it for y'all, so there it is if you want to go see it.
Ok so today it is like, 50 degrees and dropping (it's snowing outside and it's starting to stick to stuff) and I couldn't find my coat this morning but I had to go or I would have missed the bus, and I can't miss the bus because it's the last one; so I just went without a coat. SO now I'm like frozen and slightly dripping and it's hard to type. But oh well. I'll dry off sooner or later, I suppose. :J
have a good day everyone!
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Wednesday, February 6, 2008
hey y'all. :D so there's 2 new fanarts up; one of a random girl and one of Ruki & Uruha from the gazette. Pleaseee comment, comments are my favorite. :D
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Saturday, January 26, 2008
more life
hi guys. :D Haven't posted in awhile, so sorry! There is a pencil drawing in the works of Ruki and Uruha from the band Gazette; it's almost done, I should have it up later tonight.
SOOOO today the Singing Youth of Denver small groups had a singing workshop from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. Whew! we has a professional voice coach come in and critique and help us out; we are SO much better now, it's insane. So i'm really tired but it's a good kind of tired. :) there's a concert tomorrow; excited for that.
hmm back in school now. :) it's so busy! but it's nice to have a schedule/routine again, even though it's crazy.
hmm, I think like 2 of the guys in SYD like me, and they're completely my bestest friends ever but I don't know how to tell them that I already love someone else without breaking a friendship. :\
We played some really funny games today; one being "honey, if you love me" where everyone sits in a circle and you start with 1 guy who goes up to a random girl and tries his best to get her to smile (namely, by saying "honey if you love me, will you please please smile?" and she has to answer back (without smiling) "honey, I love you, but I just can't smile." good times.
yep. That's about my life right now; do feel free to request pictures to be drawn or PM me to just chat about life; whatever. :) peace out!
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Sunday, January 6, 2008
hey, TWO new artworks! :) one is Sailormoon, and the other is Kadaj, from Advent Children. :3 enjoy!
HmmM. My love is now 1,000 miles away, and I feel kind of stupid because he just left this morning, and I already miss him like crazy. XD But he just called me and we had hour and a half long phone conversation, so that helped. :)
Love takes work. But it's worth it.
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Featured Quiz Result:
i kind of thought this was who i'd get. ^_^ i like to do stuff with my hands...
yep. ^>^ it's me.
it's true; this is who I am. :)
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