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Tyler, TX
Member Since
Soda Thief
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Making it over halfway across my computer desk shelf with anime DVDs.
Anime Fan Since
...forever. Seriously.
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To collect more anime paraphernalia than most otaku I know, and get big in the voice acting biz. Also looking at getting into UT and majoring in Sociology.
Playing video games, watching anime, fan dubbing, drawing... is there something else to do? o.O
Well... I can sing and dance, but only for cookies. And I'm a ninja in training. What? Don't believe me? It's true.
| closet pervert
Tuesday, July 5, 2005
Alright, here we go.
For those of you who are just cruel people who don't give a damn about me and my life, scroll to the bottom of this post for information on the CWC (Cloud Watchers' Club).
So, I'm in Texas, FINALLY! A fucking lot has happened, of course. Let's see... starting with the first day I was without my baby (my computer, duh).
Well. We were up incredibly early for a truck that wasn't ready for us to load until later that afternoon. So, for hours, I was the only one moving boxes. A lot of boxes. Then, when things finally started moving, I was playing roll the ball with my little sister and friend (oh come on, it's so classic you have to love it) and then we somehow turned it into a live reenactment of Shoot the Cactuar from FFX-2. Finally left, and just watched Naruto in the truck which I got to ride in.
The next few days were filled with nothing but travel and annoying relatives. I know on the second day we were trying to find SOMETHING on the radio, and we came across some good jazz. They went in to a news report and said it was going to be a high of 33 degrees... I just sort of stared blankly. Then we found out it was a Canadian radio station, and I was smart and remembered that we Americans are very strange and use Fahrenheit. I also spent one night in Arkansas at my second cousin's house, and he's a good deal younger than me. I think I was a bit too rough on him, but I'm not good at handling kids. I actually got him to read D.N. Angel and we played that new Star Wars game (it kicks ass!!!)
But, I didn't really have a good night's sleep until the second night here in my apartment. My uncle's house had howling daschunds at four in the morning, and I was trying to get my cous Stephen and myself to watch Appleseed (WHICH IS TOTALLY AWESOME, YOU MUST ALL BUY THIS MOVIE) but we were both about to pass out. Anyway, the apartment is alright. It's kind of small, but my room is SO much bigger than the one I just had. Like triple the size. With a walk-in closet. And that means I get the computer in my room, too! *cheers*
Other than that, I've mostly just been unpacking and decorating. The great thing about where I live though, is that any store or restaurant you could dream of is like within a mile radius of my complex. Easier to get a job, too... Alright, enough boring facts, let's get down to business.
Yes, yes, it is that time. I'm starting the CWC (Cloud Watchers' Club) for the most awesome Shikamaru. Because I'm nice, I'll say again how to join. Basically, just send me a PM or e-mail describing why you think Shikamaru Nara is teh awesomeness. I'll post the quotes I like the most up in my profile (I'll be making a CWC section shortly). I'll then send you the code for the image you can stick to your blog. I'll be making more than one, and members can change them as they become available. There will probably be a few icons being made, but I think I'm going to leave those for request-only purposes. If all goes well, I might get a forum going, but that's thinking too far ahead for me... Well, I'm having some stomach issues (I ate WAAAAY too many fajitas and churros) so typing is not something I'm all that fond of doing right now. Dewa!
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