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myOtaku.com: closet pervert

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Alright, I'm not having a lot of time to post because I'm going AMV crazy. I'm making a couple right now, I need to get them done in like the next week.

In other news, I drank a blackberry sour last night and I was flushed for three hours. Now we know what really happens when I have a drink.

I'm also VERY hyper at the moment, so I'll spare you my insanity, however hilarious it may be to the few of you who take the time to read my posts.

Oh yeah, and I need to apologize. I'm not keeping up with you guys, I haven't made rounds in a couple of days. But do not fear, I still love all of yous, I'm just heavily occupied. PUNISH ME! *angelic grin*


...Gai and Lee are soooo gay together. - -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I mean... watch the beginning of the Chuunin exam episodes again, the second episode he appears in. It's just... Oh god... *collapses*

It's that time again, kiddies!

Really Long Survey (over 200)

Created by starsbleed2nite and taken 116472 times on bzoink!

What is your name?*growls* Tuesday Taylor Smith. Don't believe me if you don't want to XP
Are you named after anyone?Not a person, but rather a Lynyrd Skynyrd song. Everyone thinks I was named after Tuesday Weld or whatever her name was ><
What's your screename?I have like twenty, are you kidding?
Would you name a child of yours after you?No, I wouldn't curse another human with this name. - -; I mean, Thursday sounds so much better.
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?Sayler. And I'm not kidding. I don't know what the fuck my parents were on when they decided to name me.
If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?I don't think I would switch with anyone.
Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly?Tusday. OMFG How can people misspell TUESDAY!? I don't get it either. *shakes head*
Would you drop your last name if you became famous?Sure, why the hell not. Look, I have a horribly unique first name, and the most common last name in America. Go figure.
Your gender:Haku-esque, yo. XD
Straight/Gay/Bi:Bi under different circumstances.
Single?No, I have TONS of ramen! Which makes me not single.
If not, do you want to be?I don't mind being single.
Birthdate:October 17th, 1989
Your age:Nearly 16
Age you act:Between three and thirty
Age you wish you were:I don't really care
Your height:5'9"
Eye color:It varies, but normally it's grey.
Happy with it?Sure, I don't pay much attention to it.
Hair color:Brown with red and blond coming out of nowhere all of a sudden.
Happy with it?I sort of wish it was unicolored. - -;
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:Ambi with everything except writing, and I'm a righty.
Your living arrangement:In a dark bedroom in a small apartment with my okaa-san and niece.
Your family:...is stupid. >>
Have any pets?Depends on what you'd consider my niece...
Whats your job?Right now I help out my uncle at his diesel mechanic shop, but in October I'll be working at a BBQ joint.
Piercings?Two in each ear (yet I don't have any earrings >>)
Tattoos?Getting one soon
Obsessions?Anime. DUH! XD
Addictions?Pocky, online shopping, manipulating people's heads!
Do you speak another language?A good portion of Japanese and bits and pieces of Spanish.
Have a favorite quote?Where there's a will, there's a way.
Do you have a webpage?You're looking at it, chump.
Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it
Do you live in the moment?I guess >>
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?Not... very... much...
Do you have any secrets?Plenty.
Do you hate yourself?No, no point in hating yourself.
Do you like your handwriting?Um... I don't really care about it. It's pretty damn messy, though.
Do you have any bad habits?I bite my nails. And I'm very perverted. Is that a bad habit though, really?
What is the compliment you get from most people?I look like a movie star
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?Awkward Lifestyle
What's your biggest fear?Hm... maybe that I won't get to do the things I want to do in life. But I know I can do what I want if I try hard enough.
Can you sing?Yes, I can sing. Can I sing well? I guess so. People say that I can.
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?That's what cosplaying is, right? *feels ninja-cool*
Are you a loner?Yes, you could call me that.
What are your #1 priorities in life?Success, recognition, and general intelligence.
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?XD I would try to kill myself!
Are you a daredevil?Um... sure?
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?In the past, I have occasionally been afraid of my own mind. As in, randomly turning psychotic. Yes, yes, I'm a freak. Oh, I'm also kinda fat.
Are you passive or agressive?Aggressive.
Do you have a journal?You're looking at it, chump.
What is your greatest strength and weakness?I'm not emotional. This makes me the strong and logical one when emotions run high, but it's also hard for me to have the right kind of emotion when it's needed.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?I would want to make myself more in control of... myself.
Do you think you are emotionally strong?Yes, very. From a lot of experiences.
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?What the fuck? I could write a book on this question!!
Do you think life has been good so far?No, not really. There are many things that could've gone waaaay better, of course.
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?As corny as it sounds... one can really only trust oneself.
What do you like the most about your body?Probably my face.
And least?My middle. - -;
Do you think you are good looking?In general, I'm pretty easy on the eyes.
Are you confident?Yes. And I am confident in my answer. ^^
What is the fictional character you are most like?Um... going by my morals and my general attitude towards others, and also since my mind is plagued by Naruto at the moment, I'm going with Gaara. I'm just not AS psychotic.
Are you perceived wrongly?If I wish to be.
Do You...
Smoke?No. Baaaad idea. I have asthma and a history with my bronchial shit.
Do drugs?When they're prescribed.
Read the newspaper?No. I detest reading, especially daily/weekly/monthly/...annually >>
Pray?For the hell of it, sometimes yes. Though, it's mostly just me talking to myself.
Go to church?When I'm dragged there or there's some kind of concert.
Talk to strangers who IM you?Sometimes.
Sleep with stuffed animals?Yes. *holds up mattressful of plushies* Muahaha..
Take walks in the rain?If it's not lightning and I feel like walking.
Talk to people even though you hate them?If it benefits me in some way, then yeah, sure.
Drive?I can, just not legally. ^^;
Like to drive fast?Can't say that I'd know.
Would or Have You Ever?
Liked your voice?Yeah, that's why I fandub stuffs.
Hurt yourself?If running into walls counts, yes.
Been out of the country?Field trip to Winnipeg when I lived in North Dakota. Oh yeah! They forgot me and I ran three blocks down the middle of the street and slipped on ice and fell on my face. FUN!
Eaten something that made other people sick?Yeah, that was like every night that we went to the Jubilee restaurant when I lived in Florida. XD
Been in love?Not with a human >>
Done drugs?Didn't we already do this question?
Gone skinny dipping?Nope, I've done better than that. XD DON'T ASK.
Had a medical emergency?Yeah, major asthma attack when I was living in... um... I think that was Tewksbury, Massachusetts. I blacked out and everything.
Had surgery?Nope.
Ran away from home?I've stomped out of the house yelling "I'M LEAVING!" and stayed out until dark several times when I was younger, does that count?
Played strip poker?Nope.
Gotten beaten up?Yes, and he paid dearly for it. *cackles*
Beaten someone up?Quite. And every time it was more and more fun... *cackles again*
Been picked on?Yes, until high school I got picked on a lot. Until people started realizing that I didn't give a shit.
Been on stage?Quite often. I've done a lot of acting and singing in my life.
Slept outdoors?*nods* Camping ROCKS!
Thought about suicide?When I went temporarily insane in 8th grade, very often did I think about it.
Pulled an all nighter?Pulled one last night, man. It's nothing.
If yes, what is your record?Over 45 hours. I couldn't comprehend time very well after about 30 hours.
Gone one day without food?Yes, several times. Usually accidentally.
Talked on the phone all night?Ooooh yeah.
Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?Depends on what you consider sleeping together and if age matters or not.
Slept all day?o_O I am awake every night, so what do you think?
Killed someone?I pushed someone into suicide once. I'm really not that bad of a person, I didn't know it'd cause that, you know? And I moved before it all happened so...
Made out with a stranger?>> Not quite.
Had sex with a stranger?No.
Thought you're going crazy?I have gone crazy once. And yes, sometimes I feel like it's going to happen again.
Kissed the same sex?Yes.
Done anything sexual with the same sex?...Yes.
Been betrayed?Yes.
Had a dream that came true?A lot of my dreams seem to tell the future.
Broken the law?...Yes.
Met a famous person?Ooooh yeah. TONS. I'm not kidding you. Benefits of having parents in the food business and a father that works in GIANT-ass convention centers.
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?Not that I know of.
On purpose?No.
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?Yeah, probably somewhere along the line.
Stolen anything?Yes.
Been on radio/tv?Yes, a bunch of times. I've been on the radio a couple odd occasions, and I've been on the news and stuff a whole bunch.
Been in a mosh-pit?No, but something similar.
Had a nervous breakdown?Yes.
Bungee jumped?I wish.
Had a dream that kept coming back?Yeah, that tends to happen a lot.
Belive in life on other planets?Yes.
Astrology?It's fun to think about, but no.
Ghosts?Sort of. I'm kind of in the grey area on this topic.
Love at first sight?No.
Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?Yes.
Witches?Like, wiccan people, yes.
Easter bunny?No.
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?Yes.
Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?No >>
Do you wish on stars?For fun sometimes
Deep Theological Questions
Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?No.
Do you think God has a gender?I don't think there is a God at all >>
Do you believe in organized religion?No.
Where do you think we go when we die?Nowhere, we're dead.
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?Yes.
Who is your best friend?Um... Zappa.
Who's the one person that knows most about you?I think everyone might be equal XD
What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?It's not so important to finish first, it's just important to get the work done correctly.
Your favourite inside joke?Can't think of any.
Thing you're picked on most about?I'm weird.
Who's your longest known friend?o_O Um... *thinks real hard* Angel, I guess. Known him since I was 12.
Shyest?No one that I can think of is really shy. Maybe Brian.
Funniest?Tori. ^^
Sweetest?Tori. ^^;
Ditziest?Len. No doubt.
Friends you miss being close to the most?Um, no one really.
Last person you talked to online?Zappa.
Who do you talk to most online?Zappa, Tori, Tala, Brian, Iruka
Who are you on the phone with most?Nick, Quintus, Tala
Who do you trust most?Nick I guess
Who listens to your problems?It seems that if I were to discuss my problems with someone, most everyone I know would welcome it.
Who do you fight most with?I don't really fight with anyone.
Who's the nicest?Zappa
Who's the most outgoing?Quintus
Who's the best singer?ME! Um... I've not heard anyone sing *shrugs*
Who's on your shit-list?Depends, are we talking about people in general or just friends?
Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend?I'm a pervert, you answer that. - -;
Who's your second family?My mattress full of plushies. ^^
Do you always feel understood?Yeah, I guess
Who's the loudest friend?Probably Tori, this is a guess. ^^;
Do you trust others easily?No, not really.
Who's house were you last at?My cousins'
Name one person who's arms you feel safe in:My own?
Do your friends know you?Not really.
Friend that lives farthest away:Nick
Love and All That
Do you consider love a mistake?It can be.
What do you find romantic?A lot of things. I like things that smell really good.
Turn-on?Classiness, cleanliness, a bit of stubbornness, and I won't deny that looks play a part
Turn-off?TOO short, doesn't take care of themself, boring-ness, immaturity
First kiss?Don't want to talk about it.
If someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u feel?Wouldn't care much, honestly. I've been known to get pretty mad about it, though.
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or goingYeah, that's usually nice o_O
Have u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy outI don't think it really matters, does it?
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractivI'm not a shallow person, but not that I can recall.
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?Yeah, I think so.
What is best about the opposite sex?Usually more calm and easier for me to get along with
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?Immaturity.
What's the last present someone gave you?A go on the DDR machine.
Are you in love?With material things at the moment. ^^;
Do you consider your significant other hot?I hope s/he is...
Who Was the Last Person...
That haunted you?Matt O_o Get out of my head!!!
You wanted to kill?Steven - -; Sorry dude, I'm learning to live with your incessant... um... yeah.
That you laughed at?Tala
That laughed at you?Tala, I think
That turned you on?The author of that fanfic XD
You went shopping with?Quintus
That broke your heart?Never happened before
To disappoint you?Quintus. "I'm going to get some friends and we're going to see a moooovie!!!" -=3 days later, no calls=- "I feel neglected..." Me: "Why don't you do what you said then!?"
To ask you out?To hang out, Quintus. On a date, um... *shrugs* can't remember.
To make you cry?Can't even remember the last time I cried, actually...
To brighten up your day?Zappa
That you thought about?*looks up* Zappa
You saw a movie with?My niece
You talked to on the phone?Tala
You talked to through IM/ICQ?Zappa
You saw?My okaa-san
You lost?My uncle Rob
Right This Moment...
Are you going out?No.
Will it be with your significant other?N/A
Or some random person?N/A
What are you wearing right now?Final Fantasy concert Tee and boxers
Body part you're touching right now:My left thigh o.O
What are you worried about right now?This crick in my neck
What book are you reading?EW! No. No reading. Reading bad for me.
What's on your mousepad?Three cute anime chicks in sleeping outfits on white sheets looking as if they're just waking up ^^ OMG It's so cuuute *stares at it for a while*
Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling:Tired, painful, hungry, thirsty, cool
Are you bored?A bit
Are you tired?Yes
Are you talking to anyone online?Zappa
Are you talking to anyone on the phone?Nope.
Are you lonely or content?Content, I guess
Are you listening to music?Yes, right now it's Tsukiyo no Koi Uta by D

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