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myOtaku.com: closet pervert

Thursday, September 8, 2005

   Hella BUSY
4:37 P.M.

Just got home about twenty minutes ago. Christ, I've been !!! When I do come online, I only check the webcomics I read and occasionally chat if I've got the time. I babysit pretty much every day now, and if I'm not, then I'm out at the arcade or something. So now you know why you haven't seen me in a while.

I've got funny things to share, but I'll wait until another post. I need to do some shout-outs, so you guys know I still lurv j00s.

Amanda-chan - Your layout has been completed for about a week now ^^; I just haven't been able to catch you online. I really need your password so I can start tweaking, because there are some things I can't do unless I have access.

Kris - Hi! Again. *shrugs*

Zappa - I don't know how much trust you think I have in you anyway, I explained to you that the internet doesn't make me comfortable a looooong time ago.

Newbeh - Come to Six Flags with meh!!!

Other dudes that were at AFest - Sorry about teh suckage. That is why all of you should've pooled some cash and funded my way out there. Then it wouldn't have been so bad. XP

Lindsey-san - Hope your ceremony goes well for you!

Kaori - Sorry about the messenger thing. Send me an e-mail versus a PM the next time you can come on and chat.

J-man - Hope things at school are going well for ya, dude.

Disasterpiece - What was with that text message!? I'm sitting in the middle of Sociology and I burst out laughing! - -;

Everyone else that I forgot or didn't have anything specific to say >> - I seriously hope all you guys are doing well, and that school (to those it applies) is also being a little less boring and/or shitty.

Huggles and a jelly bracelet (your color of choice) to all!


Okay? Good. :D Dewa mata!

Lemon Tea
Lemon Tea...
Strong willed and a bit feisty in temper you stand
out from other people! Creative but dangerous
you have few friends and those that have been
accepted into your small group are special and
unique just like yourself. Once your mind is
made up that's it and no one can change it. You
can think clearly and figure out just what to
do in a tense situation which is a rare gift.
You arent twisted by societies rules and
regulations and are rebel by nature!

What type of Tea are you? {-With Anime Pictures!-}
brought to you by Quizilla

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