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Emerald T.
round off back-handspring!! =^-^=
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i like a lot, but inuyasha is my all time favorite!
to become an anime character ( i can try! ) , to improve my drawings,and to become a famous singer
drawing, watching anime, singing, song writing, performing, sleeping, playing video games
drawing, circus arts,singing, prophesying

Monday, April 12, 2004

hey people, i know i said i'd show you all how to do tarot reading a long time ago, and i'm sorry i'm taking so long, it's just that i'm really busy with school and with the cirkids performances coming up we're rehersing almost every day. so i decided to just show you how to do 'the ancient celtic method' of tarot reading, and you can decifer the cards by eithergiving your own feeling on what the card means by looking at the picture, or go and buy a book that will tell you exacly what it means (note: the book isn't always right, and the best thing you can probably do is do a mix of reading the definition and going on your own instinct) here is 'the ancient celtic method' (note: i use the 'waite deck' for my tarot reading, but there are many kinds :
first: pick a court card to represent the subject of reading (this could be you or someone else) if the subject has blond hair and blue eyes, select a wand; light brown hair and hazel eyes, a cup; dark brown hair and brown eyes, a sword; black hair and very dark eyes, a pentacle (if none of these descriptions fit the person exactly, let them choose one they like). for a man, select a king in the proper suit; for a woman, a queen; for a young man, a knight; for a youth or child (male or female), a page.
this card will be the significator. place it face upwards in front of you.
second: ask the subject to shuffle the rest of the deck thoroughly so that some of the pictures will be reversed (meaning some of the pictures will turn up upside down, giving a reversed definition), as the subject shuffles tell them to think of their question they want answered (should be a 'how will (something or someone) fair' type question - not a yes or no question!) (note: the question does not have to be said out loud)
third: get the subject to cut the deck into the piles toward the left with thier left hand, then put the deck back to gether with your left hand towards the left so that the deck is shuffled again.
fourth: turn the top or first card over. cover the significator withit and say "this covers him/her/me" . the first card represents the general atmosphere that surrounds the question asked.
fifth: turn up the second card and lay it across the first saying "this crosses him/her/me". this card, lying on its side is never reversed. the second card shows what the opposing forces may be, for good or evil.
sixth: turn up the third card and place it below the significator, saying "this is beneath him/her/me". the third card shows the foundation or basis of the matter, something that has already become a part of the subjects experience.
seventh: turn up the fourth card; place it on the left side of the significator, saying "this is behind him/her/me". the fourth card shows the influence in the subjects past.
eighth: turn up the fifth card; place it directly above the significator, saying "this crowns him/her/me". this card represents something that may happen.
ninth: turn up the sixth card; place it on the right side of the significator, saying "this is before him/her/me". the sixth card shows the influence that will operate in the near future.
tenth:(the cards are now disposed to form a cross, with the significator, covered by the first card and crossed by the second, in the center) now turn up the next four cards in succession and place them in a strait line, one above the other, on the right-hand side of the cross.
the first of these cards (the seventh) represents the negative feelings or fears the subject has on the matter.
the second of the four cards (the eighth) represents the opinions and influence of family and friends.
the third of these cards (the ninth) represents the subjects hopes and ideals on the matter.
the last card, which is at the very top (the tenth) tells the outcome of the matter
the tarot cards are very flexable, and can be defined in many ways (it is up to the reader to go on their instincts when defining the cards.
final note: while tarot reading can be fun, and can give off amazingly acurate results sometimes, it is not a good idea to rely on them fully for makeing decisions. the cards can be very tricky and can sometimes mislead you to believe you will fail, when what they really mean is that you will succeed. but the most important thing is to rely on your instict.
any questions, please ask
good luck =^.~=
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Friday, April 9, 2004

yay suger! What Happy Lesson Teacher-Mother Are You? What Anime Rose Are You?
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Friday, March 26, 2004

this is getting kind of scary, so far, 6 people in our school have gotten cancer, and 2 of them have died! one of them was one of our councilors, alot of people were crying, and, well although i didn't really know her, that's not what usualy makes me sad, it was everyone else crying that made me sad...i'm starting to feel like all i can do is watch, like, being on the wrong side of mirror.
 Inuyasha. Quite the weird bunch aren't we? You all have something that is strange about you and even though you really care for each other, you don't show it much. Heck, you probably don't realize how important you are to one another until someone is gone.
Which anime group do you and your friends resemble? brought to you by Quizilla What Cosplay Type Are You?
 Your Inner Eye color is special!
What's your Inner Eye color ? (new pics ^^v) brought to you by Quizilla
img src=""
feeling are you?
(3) |
Friday, February 27, 2004

yay! i decided to try to make Ayames outfit! it shouldn't be too hard i don't think. well, i'll try and see what happens =^.~= What Inuyasha Villain Are You?
 You're Chi!
What Clamp Girl are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Spring! You are a child of spring. You bring life to the dead earth after the winter. As a spring child are you caring, ctreativ, fresh ,sweet and so pure! You love to hang around in the nature and look after their creatures. Sometimes you can be suddently depressed and sad and you isolate yourself in black clouds and you don't let somebody to you. Your tears are the raindrops which fall down day after day. You should live in the season with the two faces, in spring. Your friends are the kids of winter and autum because they are as silent as you are. The summer kids are a bit to energetic for you but you can get along with all of them very well!
In which season do you belong? brought to you by Quizilla What Neko Are You? What Anime Angel Are You? What Anime Clover Are You?
 your weapon is the sword, you are mysterious, and don't always think like normal people, it's not that bad being the sword, they're cool.
What is your weapon? with anime pics ! brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a centaur, you live in the forest, as far away from humans As you possibly can, i can sort of see why. but therefore, I don't know much about you!Please rate! i luv to know what people think!
The ultimate mystic creature quiz!improved! brought to you by Quizilla
 Your element is earth: Wise, solitary, mysterious and loving. You are very wise. Your wise as in you know things others do not, you can see past stereotypes and see the real people behind their facades, and people will often come to you for help and advice. Quite solitary and somewhat shy around people because you prefer animals and plants, animals aren't afraid to show themselves or what they are feeling and plants are fun to nurture. You are very strong in your silence if you set your mind on something you will often times pursue it to the end. Sometimes you just want to get away, so you seek refuge in the forest where you can have time to think and try to sort out your emotions. The sound of the wind usually calms you, especially moving through the trees. Life to you is something precious and should not be taken for granted.
.:-|What is your true element?|-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
 Reserved, quiet, wise and free spirited
You are a sprite of the Earth: You have a deep connection with the earth and all its creatures, preferring plants and animals to people you are quiet and reserved. You understand things on a different level and can often see straight through to a persons true intentions. You are mysterious to everyone even those in your family, they may live with you but that doesn't mean they 'know' the real you. Being inside the house for long periods of time can be torture, you crave the outdoors and love simply escaping up a tree or into the forest where you can be free. Although you may be smart you are easy to judge a person because you fear what they 'may' be going to do. You are wise in things that most overlook and you are very creative in many aspects like art, music, etc... Although try as they may to seek you, you are a free spirit. Just let them try to catch and put you in a cage.
.::=What type of mythical Sprite are you?=::. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla wow, that's completely me!
 Really fun!
Anime fun chick! brought to you by Quizilla
 Your a Guradien Angel! Guardien Angels are also knows as Warrior Angels, because they are the army of God. Not always meaning that they are in war, simply that their job is to protect unwary humans from dark dragons, or other evil demons. Warrior Angels are not always friendly with humans, but they will watch over them all the time. Humans say that when a miracle happens, thank your guradien angel.
What Kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only) This Quiz has amazingly Beautiful Pictures! brought to you by Quizilla
 the helper
what kind of kawii kitty cat are you or might be like? brought to you by Quizilla
 Katana! Traditional japanese sword!
What's your Weapon? brought to you by Quizilla
 You have an animal soul! Arent you lucky! You are very interactive with animals and can understand them even if you dont speak their tongue. The birds arent afraid of you, deer can eat out of your palm, and every dog will roll over for you. As an Animal Soul, you follow your instinct, sometimes making rash decisions, and not thinking properly. If you dont understand something, you reject and push it away, and can get very disastrous when angry. At the same time, youre a very kind person who can make people feel better, and are understanding and compassionate. One of the great things about you is that your rarely jealous, and know that you have to share and help other people if you want to survive this world. You are very loyal and optimistic, and can make it through the toughest times.
What Kind of SOUL do you posses? (For Girls only) Incredible Anime Pictures! brought to you by Quizilla What Tenchi Muyo Girl Are You? What Flame of Recca Character Are You?
You're like Suzumi!
 You are a very serious and calm person, though you can be angered easily by smaller "unimportant" things. A past love ended in tragedy and you can become lost inside if reminded of the subject.
 You're a dreamer! You like to daydream about many fantasies and wishes. You enjoy the fine arts and have many interests. You are a good person and great friend.
What Kind Of Anime Girl Are You? (Really Pretty Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 The court! You can play basketball, tennis, soccer, baseball, you name it. Fiery and strong, you strive to do your best.
~ What Location Represents You? (cool pics)~ brought to you by Quizilla
(6) |
Wednesday, February 18, 2004

owwwww.... my back hurts so much. my friend seems to think it's a spazum ( *nervous laughter..oops ) but i'm not sure how it happened, it might have been from tumbling,
but i don't remember bailing on any tricks, or i could have been trampling, but anywho, what's done is done, ( the same goes for trying to do doughnut ( a trick where you roll over and try to touch your feet to your head ) anyways even though my back was feeling wierd and making it worse *slaps hand to forhead, stupid! ) well that's the cirkids mentality, but still, my friend done way worse than me, so i can't feel too stupid ( she's currently training on a hurt ankle along with several other cirkids ) my coach says that if it's still hurting by friday, i should see a physiotheripest (i think that's how it's spelled *sweatdrop ) or a massage theripest. don't know why i wrote this...maybe i was hoping for sympathy....or maybe it's cause i'm really bored....ya, that's probably it.. =^-^=
on to other things, i'm really happy, because i just got back from an anime store ( they were having a blowout sale, a horribly priced blowout sale! ) i got two chobits posters, a slayers poster, a hack://sign poster, an ah! my goddess wall scroll, two tokyo mew mew keychains (mint and lettuce) and a 3 set dvd inuyasha episodes ( episodes 75 - 100 ) =^o^= yay! when i saw the total price i almost fainted though $100! AHHHH! *sweatdrop and i'm going back there soon....uh oh...gah! but it's all so good! *tear...*sigh
sorry for the delay on the tarot thing, but i also need to type out what each card means, and there are soooo many, plus i'm really busy with cirkids and school, so i don't get much time to work on it anyway. sorry again, i'll try to finish it asap =^-^=
wow this is a really long post...well, laters =^.~=

Who's Your Anime Boyfriend? What Robot Girl Are You?
You are most like Suzuka!
Find out Which
Outlaw Star character you are.
 You're Element is Night. You're a loner who is very creative but never show your work to anyone. You may smile a little but sadness or loneliness surround you and other can feel it when they're near you. You have a dark or unusual beauty that makes you mysterious and you probably have a lot of secrets that you've never told anyone. You're beauty is intriging and unorthidox but the real thing that makes you special is your eyes. Something in them makes them like
What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES) brought to you by Quizilla What is Your Outlaw Star Personality Disorder?
What is your strong point?(pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are...theOtaku itself!
You're no newbie to the online anime scene, and everyone respects you. After all, a long time (and a name change or two ago!) you're the one who started everything off. You evolve slowly, but everyone knows each change is worth the wait. You've stuck around through thick and thin, and everyone can depend on you to be there.
Which theOtaku site are you? brought to you by Quizilla
What Maiden are you? brought to you by Quizilla
(3) |
Featured Quiz Result:
 You're the angelic / mysterious being! You are a very enigmatic person indeed, no one really knowing whether or not you're human or some kind of spirit up until the very end of the story. Often you appear to the hero more or less in dreams, or appear out of nowhere when no one but those you wish to speak to are around. You are kind to the core and appear to be perhaps a bit timid, although you end up saving the hero and/or party on more than a few life-or-death occasions with your mysterious powers. You seem to want to end the strife of the land and wish to guide the chosen few who are destined to do just that on their paths, although it will probably take quite a bit of brain power to figure out what exactly you want them to do since you can only provide snippets of information or advice in complicated riddles. You may have some connection to either the forces of darkness in the land or an ancient power, but only time will tell. Although you may not be able to offer assistance directly to those in need, you give it your all and for that the heroes give you their thanks.
What Female Fantasy Archetype Are You? (For girls-->Results are anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla