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Emerald T.
round off back-handspring!! =^-^=
Anime Fan Since
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i like a lot, but inuyasha is my all time favorite!
to become an anime character ( i can try! ) , to improve my drawings,and to become a famous singer
drawing, watching anime, singing, song writing, performing, sleeping, playing video games
drawing, circus arts,singing, prophesying
Wednesday, February 18, 2004

owwwww.... my back hurts so much. my friend seems to think it's a spazum ( *nervous laughter..oops ) but i'm not sure how it happened, it might have been from tumbling,
but i don't remember bailing on any tricks, or i could have been trampling, but anywho, what's done is done, ( the same goes for trying to do doughnut ( a trick where you roll over and try to touch your feet to your head ) anyways even though my back was feeling wierd and making it worse *slaps hand to forhead, stupid! ) well that's the cirkids mentality, but still, my friend done way worse than me, so i can't feel too stupid ( she's currently training on a hurt ankle along with several other cirkids ) my coach says that if it's still hurting by friday, i should see a physiotheripest (i think that's how it's spelled *sweatdrop ) or a massage theripest. don't know why i wrote this...maybe i was hoping for sympathy....or maybe it's cause i'm really bored....ya, that's probably it.. =^-^=
on to other things, i'm really happy, because i just got back from an anime store ( they were having a blowout sale, a horribly priced blowout sale! ) i got two chobits posters, a slayers poster, a hack://sign poster, an ah! my goddess wall scroll, two tokyo mew mew keychains (mint and lettuce) and a 3 set dvd inuyasha episodes ( episodes 75 - 100 ) =^o^= yay! when i saw the total price i almost fainted though $100! AHHHH! *sweatdrop and i'm going back there soon....uh oh...gah! but it's all so good! *tear...*sigh
sorry for the delay on the tarot thing, but i also need to type out what each card means, and there are soooo many, plus i'm really busy with cirkids and school, so i don't get much time to work on it anyway. sorry again, i'll try to finish it asap =^-^=
wow this is a really long post...well, laters =^.~=

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