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Emerald T.
round off back-handspring!! =^-^=
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i like a lot, but inuyasha is my all time favorite!
to become an anime character ( i can try! ) , to improve my drawings,and to become a famous singer
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drawing, circus arts,singing, prophesying
Monday, April 12, 2004

hey people, i know i said i'd show you all how to do tarot reading a long time ago, and i'm sorry i'm taking so long, it's just that i'm really busy with school and with the cirkids performances coming up we're rehersing almost every day. so i decided to just show you how to do 'the ancient celtic method' of tarot reading, and you can decifer the cards by eithergiving your own feeling on what the card means by looking at the picture, or go and buy a book that will tell you exacly what it means (note: the book isn't always right, and the best thing you can probably do is do a mix of reading the definition and going on your own instinct) here is 'the ancient celtic method' (note: i use the 'waite deck' for my tarot reading, but there are many kinds :
first: pick a court card to represent the subject of reading (this could be you or someone else) if the subject has blond hair and blue eyes, select a wand; light brown hair and hazel eyes, a cup; dark brown hair and brown eyes, a sword; black hair and very dark eyes, a pentacle (if none of these descriptions fit the person exactly, let them choose one they like). for a man, select a king in the proper suit; for a woman, a queen; for a young man, a knight; for a youth or child (male or female), a page.
this card will be the significator. place it face upwards in front of you.
second: ask the subject to shuffle the rest of the deck thoroughly so that some of the pictures will be reversed (meaning some of the pictures will turn up upside down, giving a reversed definition), as the subject shuffles tell them to think of their question they want answered (should be a 'how will (something or someone) fair' type question - not a yes or no question!) (note: the question does not have to be said out loud)
third: get the subject to cut the deck into the piles toward the left with thier left hand, then put the deck back to gether with your left hand towards the left so that the deck is shuffled again.
fourth: turn the top or first card over. cover the significator withit and say "this covers him/her/me" . the first card represents the general atmosphere that surrounds the question asked.
fifth: turn up the second card and lay it across the first saying "this crosses him/her/me". this card, lying on its side is never reversed. the second card shows what the opposing forces may be, for good or evil.
sixth: turn up the third card and place it below the significator, saying "this is beneath him/her/me". the third card shows the foundation or basis of the matter, something that has already become a part of the subjects experience.
seventh: turn up the fourth card; place it on the left side of the significator, saying "this is behind him/her/me". the fourth card shows the influence in the subjects past.
eighth: turn up the fifth card; place it directly above the significator, saying "this crowns him/her/me". this card represents something that may happen.
ninth: turn up the sixth card; place it on the right side of the significator, saying "this is before him/her/me". the sixth card shows the influence that will operate in the near future.
tenth:(the cards are now disposed to form a cross, with the significator, covered by the first card and crossed by the second, in the center) now turn up the next four cards in succession and place them in a strait line, one above the other, on the right-hand side of the cross.
the first of these cards (the seventh) represents the negative feelings or fears the subject has on the matter.
the second of the four cards (the eighth) represents the opinions and influence of family and friends.
the third of these cards (the ninth) represents the subjects hopes and ideals on the matter.
the last card, which is at the very top (the tenth) tells the outcome of the matter
the tarot cards are very flexable, and can be defined in many ways (it is up to the reader to go on their instincts when defining the cards.
final note: while tarot reading can be fun, and can give off amazingly acurate results sometimes, it is not a good idea to rely on them fully for makeing decisions. the cards can be very tricky and can sometimes mislead you to believe you will fail, when what they really mean is that you will succeed. but the most important thing is to rely on your instict.
any questions, please ask
good luck =^.~=
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