Birthday • 1990-02-26 Gender •
Female Location • Houston Member Since • 2004-06-17 Occupation • Student Cloud Sama
Friday, October 14, 2005
Hello~!! XD
How's everyone doin'? I'm just here... with a really cwappy sore throat... or whatever it is. *sigh*...TT_TT
Man, yesterday, I stayed after school to go try out my new uniforms for choir. It was really fun~! It took me a long while til I got everything together. I ended up getting some of the guys pants. Because? They were a lot more comfy than the girls pants. Then I had to get my dresses... >_< ... I hated them! They have puffed up sleeves, well, only one of them. But still,they're dresses!!
Next week we're gonna be having a choir lock-in! Yay~!! Me so happy. We're gonna go to the fright fest at sixflags! XD That'll be my second time going to the fright fest. We're gonna be going after school, like around 5, and then come back at 12 and go to the school to have the whole party there. We'll have games, food , tv... etc. I can't wait~!! XP
Yeah, this w/e we'll be going to the Hong Kong Mall... with Otemba that is. Yay~!! It's been a long while and I'm really craving some food and a Teahouse drink!*drool*....O_o...*swipe*...