Monday, February 27, 2006
Dreadful Monday...
It really sux, but atleast all the test taking is over with already! Yay~!
I changed my layout so I hope ya guys like it!! Lookie the avi! Isn't it so kawaii!! LOL! XD
Well, this w/e wasn't really at all exciting... except for yesterday, but that's about it. Otemba, my 2 cousins, and I went to the mall and went to go play in the arcade. My mom wanted us to go have fun instead I guess, instead of having a party like that. She wouldn't have like that idea anyways. So, we were playing DDR most of the time and then our other friends came. That was really unexpected...^^; We all suxd though... I guess it just wasn't our day or something. XD I wasted most of the money I had... and only had about 5 left. My dad doesn't know... I think he would get mad.XP
After we went to go drop off my cousin we went to go get some food and got home. We were supposed to be there by around 5:30 ish but we got home like around 7. My mom looked kinda mad... and my dad, well, I dunno... O_o So then I ended up playing games until 11 or so and then fell asleep at... 1 ish? I don't remember, but it was late.
Hope ya guys have a good day~!!
Ja ne~!=^^=
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