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Being the yaoi fairy xD
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Two words, "Gundam Wing"
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s-CRY-ed, DeathNote, Trigun, Miazaki movies, D. Gray-man, Sailor Moon, Ouran High School Host club, Yami no Matsuei, Sukisho,FLCL, and paniponi dash!
Work for Tokyo Pop one day ;3
Drawing, singing, acting~ :D
Psh, like you'd wanna know.
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Friday, July 27, 2007
New manga series submitted! Check out 'Autumn's Winter' or me, kay? :]
And Teneo updates coming soon ^__^
Here's Chihaya from that manga I gave you as a present. I really hope you didn't throw it out ;o;

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Contests Contests Contests
With them all going on, I'm wanting to do my own.
Maybe in August or something <3
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Thursday, July 12, 2007
Hello loves! I'm back from vacation! {Well, I've actually been back since Saturday but whatev xD}
I've updated Teneo, so take a peek at that :D
And I'm going to "Wicked" today in Lansing x3
I'm waiting for my mom to get home so we can go :DDD
See ya ^__^
p.s. I'm a little Okane ga Nai obbsessed right now o3o
And for faster updates on Teneo, I tend to update more on smackjeeves. I'm fayettS on there so you can read it more xD
Right now the Teneo on here and Smackjeeves are caught up with eachother. But usually, I'll update my smackjeeves' Teneo more ^^

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Thursday, June 28, 2007
Hello lovelies :3
Thank you all for 100+ Votes! ^___^
I submitted some new art, {one of which being my dad's drawing xD} and I posted up Teneo! ON smackjeeves, I'll be more likely to update faster so my name on there is fayettS and you'll see Teneo under my name =3
Nothing much to report except I shall be leaving on Saturday for a week's vacation up north to visit family as I do every year x3
So I'll disappear for that time and soon after be active again =D
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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Rawr ;3
Hetty is nekkid :D
Sorry I'm not updating often! I've been on deviantart x3
A lot of my real life friends are on there and it's plain awesome :D
Geh, I'll submit a picture in a while, kay?
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Friday, June 1, 2007
I forgot to post ;>;
Nothing much has happened. School ends on the 13th and my dance recital is coming up soon ;3
I think I've improved drawing wise 8D
You be the judge D<

I'd submit them but they're in PNG format ;>;
I'll save up for that format converter you can install :3
Well, I'm off I guess.

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Thursday, May 17, 2007
I don't know howto convert files into other formats like PNG to JPEG. Or vise-versa.
Like there's some oekaki drawing I'd simply love to show you but I'd like to post them.
In other news, my school's choir concert was on Tuesday.
Even though I was sick, people
said I did well, considering I
had to do narration and sing
the first half of a song ;;e3o
It was dumb because the choir teacher said I couldn't do any
other narration because she said I had enough parts.
And this other girl got to
sing the national anthem at the begginging, "Hopelessly Devoted to You" from Grease, and 3 other parts in songs where she got to
sing by herself.
I didn't think that was fair
at ALL but the choir teacher
plays favorites and the girl's actually pretty nice, but come
My parents said she over-sang.
Not to make me feel better,
but, my parents being professional
musicians, I took their word for it.
I LOVE this theme so it'll be up
for a while. The song might change
but this background is STAYING.

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Sunday, May 13, 2007
I'm siiiccckkk...
I've been coughing, sneezing, and don't get me started about the nose-blowing
I'm not sure if I'll go to school tomorrow. I've been feeling crappy all weekend, getting too hot, then getting the chills, flemmy cough, ect.
And loosing sleep over it.
I woke up at 5AM yesterday because I felt awful.
I'm getting my glasses tomorrow! I haven't been able to see blackboards very well or text far-away and I'm only getting a mild perscription.
My grandpa's a retired eye-doctor and we were talking about the pressurein my eyes being high.
He said I have a chance of being blind when I'm old.
But surgery can prevent it and when I go to the eye doctor next year, I'm sure it'll be taken care of.
I have new art up!

As if that'd ever happen
But I like the artist and I wish I knew who it was.
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Sunday, May 6, 2007
This song, Sparrow by Scattered Trees, the one playing right now, is GOD IN ALL WAYS SHAPES AND FORMS.
I want to get that starbucks CD. All the artists on it, including Scattered Trees, work in Starbucks across Amercia and happen to sing and play as well.
This is my favorite song on the whole album.
I listened to the album online.
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Friday, May 4, 2007
Is it me or is the berries and cream commercial getting extremely old?
On gaia a few days agp, everyone was using the mirror image link and screaming "BERRIES AND CREAM!!!1!11!!one"
D :
I love my theme right now. I find the coolest
wallpaper here on theO!
: D
God, Kazusa Takeshima's art is god in all forms.
-pulls hair-
I at some of her manga online {looking meaning I can't read Japanese}
Her art is simply gorgeous. Her wide-eyed uke characters are so awesome. She draws long hair and wide eyes.
Enough swooning
D :
I was looking through some of my old art of mine from December and before and holy pancakes! I've improoved! But I actually saw a really good piece, considering how I drew then.
It was a cover for an idea, which I completely forget now, and it was called "Bleu."
I have no idea or memory of what it was about
x D
All I know is that there'd a character on the cover with long black and white hair. I think it's split down the middle.
Then there was a guy with feathery black wings and a little girl with a metal arm.
Geez those ideas were every where.
x D
I might make up something for it. But I want to
draw Teneo. I want to just never have energy.
I'll get cracking on it soon enough.
I love drawing Hetty {Teneo character.} I think
he was the first to be created then Twiggy.
He's so cute and fun to draw!
I drew him a little while ago and posted it here but hardly anyone paid attention to it.
x D
I want to draw Twiggy more. He'd kind of fun but
the harder to draw of the two. I'm always like,
"Are his eyes too wide? Ears too long? Smiling?! @__@;;;"
Another fun Teneo character is Clyde {I'll introduce him once Hetty and Twiggy get situated.} He's Twiggy's good friend from high school. He's a freaking hippy.
D x
A hippy who can sit through the scariest of scary movies and not be phased.
Unlike Hetty, who'd be scared out of his wits
at the slightest scary thing. He gets scared easily now because of his douche bag of a dad.
Both are extremely different form Twiggy, who can sleep through the awesomest of movies.
x D
He gets up early for jobs, thus catched up on sleep whenever possible.
x D
That's all for now
lots of love kids.

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