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s-CRY-ed, DeathNote, Trigun, Miazaki movies, D. Gray-man, Sailor Moon, Ouran High School Host club, Yami no Matsuei, Sukisho,FLCL, and paniponi dash!
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Wednesday, January 17, 2007
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listening: My collection of Tatu songs
Watching: Well, I was watching teletubies but now it Between the Lions :D
Eating: Nothing
Drinking: 7up (yet again!)
Reading: Fruits Basket
jah my lovelys~ I need to update more often. gah ><
I didn't go to school today because last night I felt sick and todays the same thing. In dance, I felt incredebly sick to meh tummy. It felt like I was going to hurl x:
yuck >>;;;; Besides, I'll turn in my stuff tomorrow and get my work. Probably just some math and notes xD
The only downside to being absent is getting that work and I hate being behind. gah, i'll finish it though 83
Sooo, how's everyone doing? I'm okay, not considering the singing rock, singing sock, and rhinos jumping on a bed on between the lions which is kinda freaking me out o____o
My birthday was exactly one week from yesterday sooo 6 more days until it comes! And my mom ordered some manga for me. Angel Diary vol. 4 <3 and Wild Rock <3 My parents don't know that Wild Rocks yaoi/bl/how ever you want to express malexmale soooo if they find out, I made a plan. When my mom ordered it, I said, "I've seen it in book stores and I thought the art was oretty so I'll get and see what it's about!" xD I've read Wild Rock, thanks to Tiffu's older Sister Crystal <33333333 It's reeeeeaaalllyyy good and I wanted to own it. I love Kazusa Takashima's art <333
Anyhow, My birthday's on the 23rd of January, which is on tuesday this year. The only sucky things about that is that I that I have a semester test that day and hip-hop crew ><;;; *hip-hop crew's the compatition dance group I'm in.* Speaking of which, I now hate one of the teachers at dance. Robert's his name and by golly does he make you stretch. Crystal our instructer wasn't there, (and was reported to have not even gottne out of bed that day xD)so another instructer, Robert came in to sub. Good gracious to the all mighty jelly gods did he make us stretch. It was AWFUL. planks, jumping jacks, push-ups, butterflies as we call them xD (where you sit with your feet together and put your nose to your toes,) pull-ups and more crap like that @__@ it was sooo tiring ><;;
I auditioned for a play group branched out from KTK (a play company or kids pre-k-18 that I'm in) called "Academy" for serious young actors. I made it but I had to quit in order to be in the local play M*A*S*H, because the rehersals interfered with each other. Yet again, M*A*S*H is going to oodles of fun! I can't wait to preform it. I'm one of the USO girls, and along with the other USO girls, we're only on for a few scenes but the lines won't be hard to learn and I get to wear a kimono! ^__^
But I feel REALLY bad for one of my friends (more of one of the people I constantly bug xD) Oliver, (who I sometimes refer to as 'dad' xD)
They called hima and said he didn't make it because he didn't dance good because he walked on his toes........jerks.....When Oliver was born, something was wrong with his legs so he had to wear braces for some long time to make them ummm....a little normaller?
well anyway, now the only way for him to walk is for him to walk on the balls of his feet, (or toes :P) And he can't walk normal or else I would imagine it would hurt extremely bad. And those people said he couldn't be in because of the way he walked....*sigh.* I feel really bad for him *hugs.*
I'll get out of your guy's hair.
lots of love kids
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Why I added that TrowaxQuatre picture at the end is beyond me but I felt like puting up beautiful art <3
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Saturday, January 6, 2007
Hiyas people. I'm posting over from Tiffu-chan's house on her computer. She's hates otaku and the only reason I'm on is cuz she's in the shower. I'm feeling better since last post and I'm trying to do what I said I would. I'll try and contact my friend asap. Aaannnnddd, last post I got....2 COMMENTS!!!!! :OOOOOO I never get that many comments. It was shocking o.o
The most comments I got on a post was back in the summer on a post that I got 6 comments. xD
Anywho, I should finish up here. Tah tah for now loves!
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p.s. My gaia avi's doing well. I'm trying to get an angel bow and I'm about 20 k away form getting it >__>;;;
Here she is.
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ain't she purrty 83
p.s.s. I found this on Tiffu's files xD
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Friday, January 5, 2007
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Listening: Cage-Dir en Grey
Watching: nothing
Eating: nothing
Drinking: Soda
Man. I couldn't find a good icon of how I feel. I feel really sad and mad at myself. It feels like im losing control of stuff. I keep screwing up relationships with my friends. and I just got off the phone with my oldest friend who I haven't hanged out with since July. It was kinda sad. She asked what I got for christmas and she told me what she got. It was extremely sad because here's a very nice girl who I've been buddies with since kindergarden and we can't even keep in touch anymore. Lately, I've been making people mad at me and losing friends it seems like. I might be cross with that person, but in the end I'll keep pushing people away until I'm a alone. But hey that's life I guess. I've really been hating myself lately. I'll hope I can restore old bonds between friends. I'll try, oh goodness I will.
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Tuesday, January 2, 2007
I have to go to bed sooo I'll make this quick >__>;;
happy new year! Did everyone have a good holiday? I did! I'm typing from my very own lap top right now :DDDDD
anywho...I'm 1 signature from 50 guestbook signings 83 And I made 3 friends in 2 dyas <3
Ish da happy shizzy ;D
Imma start school again tomorrow though which sucks >.< buuutttt, it's close to the weekend and I'm going to try and upload
some pics then ^___~
okies. I'll probably delete
this tomorrow and add a 'real'
post, but tah
tah for now my loves ;D~<3
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Sunday, December 24, 2006
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Listening: Royskopp- Only this Momment
Watching: A holiay movie highlight special
Eating: Nothing
Drinking: Nothing
I'm very very sorry about my last post.
I was really made when it was written.
I'm just a little tired of hardly any
votes and no comments. Just somthing
to blow off steam ^^;;; and if you
hadn't noticed, I've sumbitted a mock
naruto piccu XD
Whell, It's 5:15 and at 6:30, we're
going to my aunt's on meh dad's side
for dinner I'm assuming and some
dad got a 'suprise' gift for 'someone'
that he's not telling. It's a heavy
box and since I asked for a computer,
I'm thinking it's for me. But we'll
have to see ^___~
Well, my uncle just pulled up and
We're gonna go in a little so,
this is our farewell my loves *hugs.*
Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah!
Merry Kwanzaa! And for my atheist
friends, Have a good winter!
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Saturday, December 23, 2006
ZOMFGHFRTSGHZRWD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE MY ART
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I am soooooooo freaking pissed...WHY DOES MY ART CONSTANTLY GET IGNORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!!!?!?!?!!?!?!??!?!?!!??!?!?!!??!?! no one gives a flying fuck about my art! Why to hell do I even submit my fucking art here in the first place?!?!?! and the only time i get a fucking comment is from a friends who OBVIOUSLY took pity on me. What do I have to do?!?! submit fucking Naruto fanart to get a little attention? Sure! I'll sell myself out and go into a fucking generaic anime like Fucking Narutard!!!!! Pffft, fuck no! In my opinion, Naruto can go stright to hell! Last time I submited a narutard fanart, I got votes and comments for some shitty doodle!!! while I worked hard for a long time on my serious work and just because it's not some shitty god awful fucking generic anime, I get no votes! Sometimes Come on! Even fucking stealers get more votes and comments than me?!?!?!!?? I know I'm being extremely bitchy but it's true!!!! pshhhhhhh..... why the fuck do I even post on this site!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I don't get comments ever! I'm sorry I don't comments. Comments from me are rare I know!!!!!! but other popular users who don't even bother visiting sites get more comments!!!!!!!!!! Now my parents are arguing and that made me feeling more bitchy and sad...I'm gonna end up deleting this anyway. I was thinking about deleting this account but that won't help any. please leave me the fuck alone.
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Friday, December 22, 2006
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Listening: Stone Sour- Looking through the glass
Watching: The computer
Eating: Nothing
Drinking: 7up
Updates?! What?! OH MY GAWD XD Sorry budds, that I never update. I get destracted by things...ohh look a butterfly! *eats* 0.o Sorry, I'm feeling a little hyper because Kye spent the night at my house and I was happier than Rosie O' Donald at an all you can eat buffet of Little Debbie oatmeal pies by golly! XD cousins Sam and Noah are coming over on the weekend for x-mas sooooooo that made me happier :)Oh yeahhhh... SITE CHANGE >:}.
Don't tell anyone! but I skeaked a peak at some of my presents yesterday...shhhh! But it'll be our little sercret! Soooo Shhhh!
But my presents that I looked at were a nice sketch book and some pens and that was cool of my mother to get meh XD But my brother looked at one of his presents and he got some costers...XD I was cracking up when he told me. funny funny like honey honey.
But in less happy news...I didn't get to submit my breast cancer awarness piccu! D: I believe the due date was the 20th er something. I tried scanning it but it didn't work! I tried many times it just wouldn't work. It kept mocking me with it's no wanting to work. I think it's going hay-wire. Actually, the main computer's not been working very well because my brother messed it up D:< He was the last one to use it before it went all wonky. Hopefully my Dad will help me with the scanner but I wish I could've submitted it though T_T
FIZZLE POOP TO MIKERS! D:< my music stopped.
*Turns to Malchik Gay*
Well....if my scanner wants to work again, I'll scan the BCA pic and show it even though I can't submit it XD And I got my entry for Shelby P Wolfwood's contest. Her character Syme was asked to be drawn and I thought it turned out pretty good ^^ One of my very few favorites actually 83
I drew him pretty femme though XD I hope she doesn't mind XD
FIZZLE POOP TO ALL MIKERS ON NEPTUNE! D:< Now that music stopped.
*Clicks Puttin on the Ritz.*
This better last -___-
Okies den. I'm gonna leave now....
Quote of the day comes from Jambi again.
*At lunch, I got disgusting chickeny things that were rock hard and I didn't touch XD*
Jambi: What are those?
Me: I'm not sure ut whatever they are, their Really hard.
Jambi: You know whatelse is hard?!?!?!
Me: 0___0
Jambi: ......this table!
Funny shizzy.
p.s. I'm almost done with Yami no Matsuei which I recently started watching and am addicted to. Only a few more episodes :D
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Sunday, December 17, 2006
guys....I think someone is hacking on my gaia site. I'm scared that they'll mess my account up and steal my stuff. Every time I try to log on, and go somewhere there, I have to log on again. It automatically kicks me off. and It's not malfunctioning either. I tried it with a different account and nothing happened. I think I know who it is and if it turns out it IS them, I swear I will never talk to them or even jester to them again. They'll do the same thing that they did when they hacked into my otaku account and change the password for kicks,(if it is who I think it is.) Oh my god, I'm so scared for my account. I've never really been hacxked before and I hope this isn't the frst time. I know I should probably be on gaia reporting this but I can't stay on long enough without being kicked off to do so. I hope I don't get hacked.
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Thursday, December 14, 2006
Listening to: My Skin- Natalie Merchant
Watching: Ouran High School Host club 21(had to pause it from posting lol)
Eating: nothing
Gee wilikers, I need to update more. XD
I'm sorry guys. I don't forget you all ever!
*hugs you all.*
Just with school and everything it's hard to get a chance to type. And I've been on gaia a lot. I used to wonder why people were sooo addicted to it and I see now XD
*My name on there is CantaShoRua. If you're on there, add me ^^*
A few days ago, something awesome happened.
I DOWNLOADED OPEN CANVAS! *runs into the wall*
It's only a trial, but if it doesn't cost much, my dad will download it for us for christmas
^_________^ *3*~~~~ <3 thank you Daddy!
And I recently heard that theres a contest going on. Breast Cancer Awarness. That's an interesting topic for a contest, but did you see the prizes?! I'll try to get a pic done for it. Really, I will try my best. Not because of the prizes but a while back, my Mom was diagnosed(sp?) with breast cancer. I clearly remember coming from school to the hospital. My mom lost her hair through kemo therapy as well. But she survived an we're very thankful. So, when I finish the pic, it'll be dedicated to my mom ^^
Also, this evening, I auditioned for a local play. The play is M*A*S*H. I love that show. But I really don't want to be in the lay, (the only reason I auditioned was because my parents draged me there and the director kinda...put me on stage XD.) Really, I know it would fun, but plays are time consuming and I need time XD
And I'm trying to work a little bit on a manga for the fan manga section.
*juggling that and the breast cancer awarness pic will be exciting XD*
Mainly I rew it to take a break from Number !7!
(A yaoi/shota manga my friend Ky Ke-chan [SilverEye] and I are working on.)
She basically writes the plots while I draw XD
We make sure work is equally done too. Maybe I can submit some of it here ^____~
I'm trying to design a cover for it, but it's hhhaaaarrrrddd. I keep messing it up >___<
We're hoping to get a few volumes XD
*hey, we can dream, right?*
But at least the first one will be a good read. When we made the dialoge, Kye and I made sure for it to have lots of humor.....
oh crap.....
I got side tracked. About the breather manga,
after dissapointing tries at a cover for number !7!, I HAD to take a break. Then I got a kinda cute idea. I drew the characters and wala! finished XD yay, I wish it were that simple! lol
Hopefully, during winter break I can get a few pages in, and a cover for Number !7!
I'm gonna be tires XD
Well, I'll stop ranting now. Time for a quote (for the first time in a long time lol)
It was at lunch and Jambi said this.
Jambi: "You were an accident! Your mom was at Mardigras and she ran out of beads!"
He's such a funny shizy *huggles.*
*FYI, you'd have to a little older to understand that ^__~*
OMFGTHOGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PEE WEE'S PLAYHOUSE IS ON ADULT SWIM RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That soooooo made my week ;D
bye bye chitlans!
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I know. Sorry for the many pics. I'm currently obbsesed with No Money (manga I belive.)
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Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Hello folks. Just a quick post before I hit the hay.
I got my site's winter theme up. Maybe after the holiday's flcl will be up. idk
Gah. I sooooooooooo tired. My choir concert's this week and so is my dance TT___TT
Ok, bye bye luffs!
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