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Being the yaoi fairy xD
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Two words, "Gundam Wing"
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s-CRY-ed, DeathNote, Trigun, Miazaki movies, D. Gray-man, Sailor Moon, Ouran High School Host club, Yami no Matsuei, Sukisho,FLCL, and paniponi dash!
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Thursday, November 23, 2006
Listening to: Pendulum- Masochist
Watching: The computer screen and drifting in and out between some crappy movie.
Eating: Nothing

Hello otaku. man, updates are a pain in the rear >___<
I'm sorry for no comments and updates. I don't want to neglect otaku but I never want to update and such.
Aspecially artwork because it's ignored. I mean, why do I even bother?
arg. Do I have to sink so low as to steal people's art for people to actually look at me? No, I do not want to sink to a level that low.
Plagerism sucks monkey socks.
So O, how you been? Lovely I hope so ^^
I think I'm doing pretty well. Now that my play is over, I can finally take a breather. My dance compatition is coming up soon though. But i'm thankful that I got the dance down. And besides, practicing stauls in my living room is oodles of fun ^___~
In anime/manga news: I finally got to watching more Ouran,(and finally put it on my fav anime list.) I'm only on 20 and I want to watch more. I might this weekend.(Thanks goodness that we all had Thursday and Friday off because of Thanksgiving; FYI our only vacation break all so far this year. No fall break or nothin'!)
Ah, such a lovely anime ^^
I've also been reading some lovely yaoi doujinshis. Ah, ^_____^
And I got Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories vol. 1. Still need to read XD
I showed it to Becky-kun and let him borrow it.
He read it in like, 1 hour. That little book worm *huggles him.*
I hug Becky-kun a lot only because I like hugging people XD And Becky-kun's my little cutie rag doll thar I glomp to death. I bsically consider him my brother on account we're 9 days apart from each other X3
(Crap my music went off ;__;)
*turns on my chemical romance*
there we go XD
Had to get that out of my system. I don't like any one in my school becase all the guys are either short fat or ugly and mean.
Bah. -______-
Ok. Poll time!
For the Inuyasha fans =D
I personally like Kikyo better, but I do like Kagome. I don't see why people HATE Kagome.
Same thing with Kikyo. Why the hate? ;.;
I like Kikyo better because she's just a cool character and in the manga, she's prettier

purrty ^____^
but so is Kagome

Ok. My relative's are probably going to be here any minute. Lot's of love and Happy Thanksgiving!
Don't eat to much now ^___~
P.S. Please visit my friend neji7 please. It would mean a lot if you did ^^

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Thursday, November 16, 2006
Hmmmm....*currently checking last post.*

My sincerest apologizes otaku. 16 days have past since I have last posted. It feels like I've been intensionally avoided it. What makes tody so different? Change of heart? Guilt? Or constent bugging and annoying of Oro-sama begging me to post...
I'll go with C.
A lot has happened in those days.
all....that i have now forgot DX Well, my play did open, so I'e been busy with that...
As for eerything else...
forgot And I was rehearsing it in my head too -___-
My gaia avi :):

Cute, ain't she?
I have some (somewhat) new art up. Feel free to check out.
But really, I never bother posting art on
My art is constantly ignonred by basically everyone and gets lost in the archives.
But what ever. It's not like I worked on it or anything...
another piece:

Don't think of it all that bad. Drawn on paint with the laptop I usually use.
bah. I don't want to type any more.
I leave you with these parting words:
"Be carefull with the next thing you smash. It might smash you back."
"Don't beat up hobos, they'll bite you back."
Adieu adieu, parting is such sweet sorrow.

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Monday, October 30, 2006
hiyas peeps.
quicky post.

the site theme is only changed for halloween. but when it's over, the site will be changed back to flcl.
and maybe you noticed the bg of my site standing still. cudos to raindrop23 for the tip on that on her site ^^
thankies *huggle.*
okies. I'm gonna talk to Hachi-chan now. bye byes!
Happy Halloween!

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Friday, October 27, 2006
hiya folks. postin' again. la de de de de.
Okies. hopefully you saw the site change. look familiar? it seems i got more feed back when the FLCL theme. sooo, here's the theme for a while ^^
but i'll try to get the other themes a chance when flcl gets boring.
ok. having a dinner with relatives to celebrate my grandma's 80th birthday. but on saturday, the REAL party begins.
see ya!

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Thursday, October 26, 2006
Hiya folks. How are you all? I'm fine, I guess :)
Site change once again. Kingdom Hearts! I love the colors in this theme a lot ^^
So purrty X3~
I like I like. Well, it depends. Do you all like it?
I want to make this short because I got some new art materials I want to use before homework o___o;;
Ok. Let's make this short.
Schools a drag, Choir teacher so dry, she might as well be dead.
It's almost Friday (yay! ^^)
Drew a naked Sora chibi after finishing some paper. XD No! Not really. I just orgot what his clothes looked like and I didn't want to take a chance so....he's wearing...a full body skin suit? 0w0;;
Quote comes from a teacher.
*Sits in an empty desk to continue something about the leason. and consider she's Really tall. 0-o*
"OW! How can you guys sit in these desks? Their so small." *limps over to podeum.*
"Ah! Where's the school nrse when you need her? oh yeah, we don't have a school nurse. Darn buget cuts!"
See ya!

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Monday, October 23, 2006
Hello everyone! I finally posted again today! That's quite the change considering how lazy I am :D
Yes. Yet again another change to my site. I'm really fond of this one. I went to view this to see if I changed everything the way I meant it and I really liked it for some reason.
And in case you didn't see my last themes, here they are:

Oh! And I commented on everyone'ssite today. Yes! Usually I'm to lazy to do so. Bah
But today was different. I was determaned to do so XD I'm such the dork.
Well, I didn't go to school today. My head ache yesterday turned into coughing and sneezing. And this morning, I felt like crap. All I did was sleep all day. I feel a little better so that's good :)
Okey dokie, see ya!

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Sunday, October 22, 2006
Hello everyone. Long time no see? *5 days.*
I apologize. My goal was to update more frequently, but I being a sloth to a great extent put it off until now.
The finsihed art trade I did Raindrop23 is now completed. It should be up in a matter of time. I really dislike this whole 'waiting' thing. Along with rational thought. Jah
And the theme to my site is changed as well, as you hopefully did notice. Vash from the anime Trigun. Please tell me your opinion on it.
Well, many odd occurrences has happened in the last few days. But the strangest of all would have to be the what I believe to be a homeless guy yelling angerly at a bill board. My Father was taking me to play practice and while waiting at a red light, a man on a bike was yelling at a bill board. First we thought someone was actually up there causing the man and him to spark some sort of arguement. But when we got farther up the road, still the light red, we found out that no one was up there onthe giant road sign. So, a man was simply yelling at the sign itself. Even pointing and wwaving his hands to signify that he was quite angry with it. Than this guy rode off on his bike with quite a disgruntled look on his face.
So many 'interesting' people in towns and cities now-a-days.
Many other things did happen this weekend but, if you refer to the top of this post once more, I'm to lazy to type about it now. Maybe another day...
Okay. My head is hurting and getting worse with each throb. I'm going to get some asprain and lie down.
Have a great day or what's left of it.

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Hello everyone! I'm finally posting again. pretty cool, ne'? heh.
Well, my site has been changed! The music too! ^^
Well, here's what I plan to do. Each time I post, my site'll be a theme from my list. and you guys can tell me which theme you like best. And which ever theme everyone likes the best, will be my theme for a while. Does that sound good?
Ok, this is what my Loveless theme might be. I adore it. Actually, I love all my themes ^^
Well, I finished writing my story. Just a quick thing that took no time at all. I'm quite un-satisfyed with it. I'll tell you the quick version.
A kid, Kura, his brother, A.J., goes missing and the whole plot is him trying to figure out where he is. Now when he goes online, meets some dude named Kocoo77, and him and him have a little chat thing (can be seen in my previous post.) Now the guy gives him a hint or 2 that he actually might be his brother. So the whole rest of the story, he's basically bent on finding A.J. Then the final 'scene.' He meets the guy Kocoo77 at some sort of whare house thing, (BTW, don't meet strangers online kiddies,) and it turns out to be A.J.! but one thing leads to another and A.J. explains things, but then.....
I'll tell you in my next post ^__~
Ok. Now I'm watching a movie about a super agent Chimp helping his ex-partner in the spy vision (who is a human,) with my Dad. and they also have to save the guy's daughter -____- Gah, bad movie. Bad Disney movie >__< Oh, have you ever noticed that in Disney movies, the kids ALWAYS have one parent dead, or the parents are divorced and trying to get back together. -__-
Bad chimpy, b-rated movie.
That's also where the quote of today comes from.
*My Dad said this. The chimp is doing crazy back-flips, using ninja swords, and beating the filling out of the bad guys.*
"If real monkeys where like that, we'd be in troble."
XD That made me laugh for some reason.
Also have a question.
"What cha all gonna be for Halloween?" (Even if you only give out candy, what are you going to dress as.)
I'm gonna be Cher! and I'm gonna have one of my buds be Sunny X3

Ain't HE cute? XD Lanny-kun! *huggles.*
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Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Eh. posting once more for no good reason.
splosh, I really want to post often and then when I get to it I don't know what to type about and I want to do something else XD
Still no theme picked out yet. Can't decide.
Here are the choices I'm considering:
2. Trigun
3. Loveless
4. Kingdom Hearts
I dislike choosing >__<
oh. Loveless vol. 3 cam out on Tuesday!
Yay ^^ I got a reserved copy of it because mangas don't always come out exactly on their due date. Gee, now I'm making them seem pregnet Heh.
Well. ow what to talk about? ha.
Oh yeah. I'm currently writing a quicky story thing. Just something to vent my stress about school, dance, and play through. Cheow.
Here's a tid bit. The character Kura's brother is missing by the way and now he's talking to some guy on the net XD
Instant message between RaKuu10 (Kura) & Kocoo7 (A.J. a.k.a Koe?)
RaKuu10: Hey, do I know you from anywhere?
Kocoo7: Hmmmm. idk y?
Rakuu10: 'idk' 'y' what does that mean?
Kocoo7: idk- I don't know. Y- why. lol. Der.
Kocoo7: So whyd ya ask?
Rakuu10: Uh, just because your username sounded familiar.
Kocoo7: relly? lol. I say Kocoo alot sooo i used it for my name :3
RaKuu10: Gosh. Even the way you act, or type at ths point, seems familiar.
Kocoo7: Hmmmmm. well, i act krazy soo i mite sound lik som other krazy u kno lol
RaKuu10: Heh. You can't spell very well, can you?
Kocoo7: Pffft. yay i can. I just don't want to when I IM someone. It just lets a load off knowing the fact that I don't have to speak like a genius when I'm talking to some random person on the internet.
RaKuu10: Well, you spoke perfectly fine there.
Kocoo7: lol. splosh ur rite XD
RaKuu10: hey. how'd you know that?
Kocoo7: wat
RaKuu10: 'splosh.' my brother and I used to say that. our ''catch phrase'' sort of.
Kocoo7: relly? lol that's weird @____o
Kocoo7: oh and hey. wat do u mean by 'used to say that.'
wats the deal wit ''used.'' aint he still ur bro???
RaKuu10: well yeah. he still is, but the thing is that he's gone.
Kocoo7: Gone? hows he gone??
RaKuu10: well. he has gone missing.
Kocoo7: splosh! when???
RaKuu10: a few months ago.
Kocoo7: aw, im sory ;__;
RaKuu10: it's fine. we're all hoping to fing him soon though.
Kocoo7: well thats good kocoo :)
RaKuu10: & that's another thing! my brother also said kocoo a lot!
Kocoo7: ha!!!1 small world i guess :3
RaKuu10: you and him say many similiar phrases.
RaKuu10: I sapose it's a coywekedink.
Kocoo7: Supose *
RaKuu10: yeah well, you knew what i ment.
Kocoo7: Meant *
RaKuu10: GAH! you know what i meant **
Kocoo7: lol. splosh. u were all about grammer a little bit ago but now ur spelling tings rong. jus lik me :3
RaKuu10: yeah, but your using internet slang Kocoo7
Kocoo7: Yup XD oh! and call me A.J. :3
RaKuu10: A.J.? that's my brother's name.
Kocoo7: well duh Kura :D
RaKuu10: wait. How do you know my name?!?
(Kucoo7 left at 3:42 pm.)
So far so good? well, that's jsut a part XD Still have a ways to go ^^''

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Sunday, October 8, 2006
short post
Uhhh. I do not want to up date >_<
I'll change my site soon enough. When I have energy again.
This weekend was fun though. Go to hang with Ky Ky-chan. I want to borrow one of her friends mangas badly >_<
Oh. I'm also trying to convince Becky-kun to join theO. But I think he's afraid of being molested or something XD
Ok. See ya.

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