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• 2006-03-28
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• Two words, "Gundam Wing"
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• s-CRY-ed, DeathNote, Trigun, Miazaki movies, D. Gray-man, Sailor Moon, Ouran High School Host club, Yami no Matsuei, Sukisho,FLCL, and paniponi dash!
• Work for Tokyo Pop one day ;3
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| CobwebDreams
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Wednesday, October 4, 2006
Hello friends. I thought I would post again just for the heck of it.
New art up by the way. It's a colored version of a sketchy sketch I did. I really love how it turned out, but man did my hand hurt after-wards. I can't belive I took about 5 hours. I have NO patience what-so-ever when it comes to coloring, and detail. Gah.
Oh. I'm probably going to change my site theme again. It's not that I don't like this theme, I like it very much! It's just hard to see the text for starters and it's really hurting my eyes. I don't know why but it is.
Well, any ideas for a theme?
Well, Tuesday didn't suck as much as I thought it would. Even though I had an incerdible amount of homework.
The docters was wierd though. I felt like I was being violated XD
But the shot didn't hurt as much. But it stang for quite some time.
Dance, as usual, wore me out. We're eventually going to competition, so that'll be an interesting experience. Got to gather my costume peices by November. Eh.
Now what to type? heh. Oh! I saw a guy working at wall-mart who looked like Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite! But, that isn't much news now is it?

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Monday, October 2, 2006
Hiya everyone! I'm posting again. Yes sir. It actually feels weird posting more often. heh.
Well, I've been downloadng alot of songs lately. Just a mix of j-pop, anime music, and other random stuff. Like right now I'm listening to Wind from Naruto. Goodness, I adore this song. It gets stuck in my head like crazy. Wind and the theme to Ouran get stuck in my head all the time XD Gosh, I don't know what to talk about.
Gosh, Tomorrow's going to suck. I have school (duh,) dance, and a phisical at the doctors.
School's a pain to begin with, and we have to do endurence in dance. Jumping Jacks, push ups, planks!
And...I belive I have to get a shot at the docs too. I hate getting shots. Always have and probably always will.
Oh my goodness. House of Carters. XD I feel smart watching them.
Goodness, what happened to Aaron Carter?
He...grew. Last time I remember seeing him, he was like...what? 4'2.
Sorry. Just watching it in awe.
Ok, gonna finish this post and hopfully watch more Ouran.
Can't think of a quote. Sorry -.-''

yes. 2 pictures. Fear it
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Friday, September 29, 2006
Hi everyone! I'm posting again?! What! This can't be! It's amazing, huh?
It's only a short post. I have to go in a matter of minutes. XO I'm going to be swamped TT_TT
Oh! I changed my site once more! I really loved the Spirited Away theme, but photoshop has failed me. Ugh. Well, I like this theme though.
It's Sukisho! Which is weird because I've never watched or read it. Thank goodness for google. I'm in love with the game's art :D So pretty X3
Ok! I gots to go. Bye Bye!

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Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Hi everyone! I'm here again ^^
I'm leaving for school in like 2 minutes right now.
I don't want to go T__T
Oh by the way, check out my friend OrochimaruTMMJ
He's one of my friends from school.
I told him about theotaku and h signed up ^^
Go check out his site! He's on my friends list.
Well, I'm out.
Have a great one!

Chibi Vincent Valentine!
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Sunday, September 24, 2006
Hello again friends *waves.* Yet again, sorry for not posting. I actually would've updated earlier in the week, but I was, and still am, swamped with all the requests at school I'm getting. And they all are from Naruto. Well, except one but come on!
I had to make a list to keep track, on account of my bad memory. I'm so slow -___-
RainDrop23 is right. All people really want you to draw is main stream anime. Aspecially Naruto.
Oh yeah. I changed the theme to my site. It's Spirited Away! I was in a Miyazaki movie kind of feeling. And the piano music is from Final Fantasy. I forget what it's called though ^^'' But I wish my background would stay in place again though.
Also, new artowrk up. B
pth requestsfrom my friends.
Well, this weekend has been to short as usual. This is the time when you really miss summer. Sure, school isn't the worst but We all just miss freedom. But there was an early relese day Wendsday, so that was pretty cool. That extra 2 hours of freedom sure was nice.
Weekend are always a plesure. I even got a new volume of Fruits Basket ^^
Just need to wait until October and the 3rd volume of Loveless comes out. *sigh* I hate waiting for stuff. I have no patience what-so-ever.
Well, nothing else interesting to type about, so I'll get with the quote of today.
*This comes from way back on Fruits Basket Volume 3. Omake theater.*
"Shigure: This is supposed to be a preview for the next Fruits Basket ... but instead, I have an important announcement.
Yuki: *super glare*
Shigure: I kid! I kid! See, I thought it would make more of an impact... If I said something dramatic.
You're 100% male, Yuki-kun.
Well... At least 80%."
p.s. And news about my parents and the divorce, They're trying to work things out. My Dad is even wearing his wedding ring again! ^^

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Friday, September 8, 2006

Thank you all so much!
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Monday, September 4, 2006
Well, I can tell my popularity has deminished ever since I left for Petosky weeks apon weeks ago. Only getting 1 comment per post, 2 if I'm lucky has clearly showed it. and even someone went so far to delete me in a week's time. Well, maybe if they would've taken the time to see that I would be gone, I could've remained a friend. But noooo. Ha.
Well I am living, just incase you all are wondering. I've just been to much of a sloth to update. That and working 5 hour shifts at the renaissance festival every weekend. and now I don't know how much I'll update, on account of school starting tommorrow. Ohh, I don't want to go. Aspecially because Ky Ky-chan's not going to be there DX Now who will I bitch about my problems to?
Well, back to school clothes shopping turned out to be a waste of effort on the first day. Got alot of jeans, none of which fit. That I found out when I tried them on at home. Well, at least the shopping trip didn't turn out to be quite a waste. I got 2 anime shirts! A FLCL shirt, and a Fruit Basket shirt! I aspecially like the fb shirt because it has Kyo looking very mad and mad kitty Kyo in the back XD Loves it. Hoo-blah!
Well, moving on. Does everyone know Steve Erwin? The crocodile hunter? The "good da' mate!" guy. Or "Crikey!" Yeah? Well, he died. Yes, a stingray got him in the heart. That's so sad. Now everyone will feel guilty for making him the but of their jokes. geez, what's the world coming to? Choas? Discruction? Another Rocky movie? Who knows.
Ugh. School starts tommorrow. This summer was too short. Well, hopefully I'll see some friends like Paige-chan, and Vennesa-chan.
Well, I'll get on to the quote of today already.
Comes from a comic Meggy-chan and I made up.
*Our character George is in a book store.*
George: Princess pony fantastic sprinkle cupcake tea party? Oh give me a break.
Random Bi-standers: *start snaping* Break me off a piece of that kit-kat bar!
George: Stop following me!
tee hee. Uhhh...Have to go to bed. so....tired...
p.s. Can anyone help me with my site? The background won't stay in place anymore. Can anyone tell me how to get the background to stay in place again?

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Friday, August 25, 2006
Hello everyone. I'm not dead, just incase your wondering. Sorry I haven't updated in, what's now 12 days. I've been dealing with alot. My parents are getting a divorce. It's been making me sad and very depressed in the last few days. I've been crying alot too. This whole divorce thing is really taking a toll on me. But I'm not as sad as I was, which is a good thing. And I have to say because of my great friends ^^ *huggles squishes Becky-kun, Chapin-chan, and Nick-kun.* I'm so lucky to have them *hugs them again.* They made me feel alot happier. They were very comforting, until Nick-kun Took a a squirt gun out of apperntly no where,(from his little brother I suspect,) and started attacking us. Poor Becky-kun, he looked like a drenched rat XD
Well in other, less bittersweet news, I have officially become a Ouran High School Host Club fan! Omg, i'm hooked on it. I can't stop watching the episodes *glooed to screen.* Now all I need to make it better is get the episodes in english. Yeah, I've been watching them in Japanese. ut it's still just as funny in another launguge. Thank god for sub-titles! Tamaki is still my favorite *pets.* He's such a spaz, I love it *pets again.*
Also, I have checked out another manga! Loveless! And I'm terribly addicted to it! *glooed to screen once more.* I love it. I heard people talk about it and I googled it once, so finally, I went to Borders and got the first 2 volumes of it ^^ Now, all I need is all the other volumes. I'm having withdrawl from lack of it. I need more Loveless *twitch.* I can't find anymore volumes of it anywhere! Does it stop at two volumes or something? God, I can't find anymore. Not Borders, not Barnes and Noble, or anywhere. *sigh* I guess I'll jut have to wait.
Time for the quote of today. This comes from when my Dad and I went grocery shopping.
Dad: *We are reaching home* I'm going to park in the drive way so it's easier to bring in groceries.
Me: Ok.
Dad: *parks in on the lawn* Hey Austin! *beeps horn* Help us get these groceries in!
Austin: *comes out the front door* Hey......that's not the drive way! XD
P.S. My site has been acting up. I mean, The background isn't staying still, and the text won't just move. Can anyone help me out please?

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Sunday, August 13, 2006
! I Need All requests As Soon As Possible! Please PM Me For What You Want!
Hey guys. How are you guys today? I'm peachy kean :D First of all, I have to appologize for not commenting on people's sites. I kinda felt like a douche bag for not. Sorry. I'm such a lazy ass *hits head*
Okies, new artwork up! It's a Naruto one. A crossover Naruto one that is. I like this picture even though it's sorta cruddy. I've been wanting to do that picture since March. Just never had the time or attention span to. Actually, there are a number of pictures I've wanted to do for some time. Just I need to improve a little more. Here is a list of what I need to improve on
1. Giant Guns
2. Alien animals
3. Feet and Shoes
4. Gaara
Yeep. I stink at drawing those things XP
I'm gonna be real busy this weekend because I'm going to be working on consession at a play. Yep, I worked tonight and it was fun! I love working at those kind of things ^^ And next weekend I'm going to be working at the rennisance(sp?) In the food section, dressed as a peasent! I'm doing this with a theatre group that I'm part of. I don't want to sound conceited, but they ALWAYA count on me to be in shows and guide everyone, because, (I feel like I have such a swollen head,) I'm better at acting and singing than the the other people in the plays. It's a Kid's theatre company, but not for little kids. The ages are from kinergarden to 18 years old, so I got that going for me ^^
Anyway, I can't wait for the rennisance ^^
The quote of today comes from Larry
the Cable Guy.
*He was singing wierd, but funny, songs.*
" I was watching a movie, and I got so darn turned on; that I called the 900 number, and I think I got my mom..." XD

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Thursday, August 10, 2006
! I Need All requests As Soon As Possible! Please PM Me For What You Want!
Hellos everyone. Are you all well? I'm fine thank you ^^ On the contrary, Very excitied. Me get to see Ky Ky-chan again today (She's known as SilverEye on TheO.) We are going to see a movie, which I belive is Lady in the Water, so I'll just have to see. Im glad I get to see her again. Only get to see her once or twice a month ya know. So, I thought I would post last minute, since I'll be gone today & tommorow.
I have nothing interesting to tell right now, so I figure I'll go back to a Petoskey story (Came back from there from visiting family recently). This was funny. We, as in we, I mean my cousins and I, were watchin' the boob-tube, and the Vonage comercial came on. And you know how their trade mark song can get stuck in your head so easily. So, none of us are really paying attention to one another and the end of the song came up. You know, "ohh hoo, ohh ohh ohhhh," part, almost sounds like yodeling? Well, we weren't paying any mind to anyone, and then we all just sing that part in unison. It was weird. My younger cousins were playing with toys or something, and the older kids were on the couch, and everyone just randomly sang that part all together. Then we all just bursted out laughing. Wacky loose family huh :D No. That's like telling Florence Henderson has a nice ass.
The Quote of Today Comes from Live
at Gothem with Dan Cumming
"You know, I don't only do comedy. I also write greeting cards. Yeah, let me sample one for you.
'Each day, you grow older and weaker. I've been working out; getting stronger with each passing day...........Revenge Is Near..................
Happy Fathers Day." XD
Lots of Love, and wierd gushy feelings,

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