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s-CRY-ed, DeathNote, Trigun, Miazaki movies, D. Gray-man, Sailor Moon, Ouran High School Host club, Yami no Matsuei, Sukisho,FLCL, and paniponi dash!
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Monday, July 10, 2006

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Saturday, July 1, 2006
Hi everyone!!~ ^___________________________^ I'm very excited!!!! I'm going to add a last minute post before I have to do stuff. I'm going to california tonight at 3:00 am (which is techonaly Sunday ^^) I have so much to do, but I'll worry about that later X3333 Oh yeah! New art up!!!! X3333 My naruto Oc, and my first request!!!! Can, someone request something please?!?!?!?! Well, now, besides being excited, I'm typing while watching MonkeyBone!!!!! Even though that movie is a little crappy with quality and script and such, I like this movie! Okies, *turns off Tv* I'm gonna get my stuff together and get ready, then when thats done, I might come back down. Bye Bye Guys! See ya when I find a computer in LA! Bye Bye.

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Thursday, June 29, 2006
Hi again. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. My mind has been on a few other matters. For example, I'm going to California on Sunday and I had to go shopping for a dress, (which I ended up buying this chinese dressy thingy :D) had to get luggage, go and plan what I'm going to do there, do a little reserch, ect. I might not be able to get on, unless I find a computer conveinuntly located in LA :P So, don't be surprised if I'm not on at all next week but I will search all of Cali for a Pc XD What else was I going to say......Oh yeah, I've also changed my background to a Loveless theme. I really need to check it out. Oh well, I'll just download the episodes XD Also, new art work up. Gee, I'm very bord art wise. I don't know what to draw. It would be cool if someone could request something but I have no idea who would want my sucky art. Well, I was cleaning out my basement today,
F.Y.I. It's where my computer is :D) and I stumbled apoun a barbie doll. But not just any barbie doll. A rare collecter barbie. But it wasn't just any run-of-the-mill rare collecter barbie; It was a rare collecter doll of Jackie Kennedy!!!! I didn't even knew they made those XD I've had that doll since I was about four and I just re-discovered it X333333 and it's one of them before barbie got smaller boobs and bigger hips X3333 And now it's next to me as I type & as we speak! Jackie says hi! X33333 Okies, Now it's time for........The Quote Of Today! This comes from the Colbert Report. *They were doing the word of today and were talking about SuperMan.*
Stephen: And he pretends to be a journalist.
Screen: Just like Brit Humes does. XDDDDD I thought it was funny.
Truly yours with sencerity,

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Monday, June 26, 2006
Here are some pics I've done. You probably haven't seen them because I couldn't shrink them enough, so be warned. They're pretty big. Hope you like the ^^
My first Kakashi pic
A pic I drew for a friend. I've never drawn Hei before. I also drew her one with her and youko-kurama and her but she kept it and glomps it daily XD
This is my contest entry for Shelby P Wolfwood's contest
My naruto Oc Neku
My entry for Sasukesangel's contest
This is the character for my original manga. His name is Despraux( I know it's spelled wrong, but I'm to lazy to change it -__-) and he's a thief. The manga takes place in England in the late 1800's or so. You now, back then.
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Sunday, June 25, 2006
Yo people. I wanted to quickly tell everyone about my friend I just signed up. Her name is Mauiman180. F.Y.I. She's on my friend list. Please check out her site.I helped her make it ^^
Ok, I decided to add a post after chasing my cat around my house. He is so fast. I couldn't catch him. He's an orange little kitten with hazel eyes. So Kawaii! Oh, and I named him after a anime character. Can you guess the character I named him after? I'll give you a hint. My kitty's name is Kyo. O'tay I went to see the movie cars with Meggy-chan( a.k.a Mauiman180) and It was ok. I thought it could've been better. But the movie theater we went to was the hugest place on earth. It was brand new and I first thought it was a maxi mini mall. Crazy. It was so nice. It had airplane seats with velvet on them. You could get free refills on pop, popcorn and more. And the movies are day AND night ones. We got home at 12:44 AM. But the worst part was when I went to bed. I stayed up until 4:50 AM because I was sick to my stomach on popcorn and the gallons of Vault I drank. And I had wierd Car themed nightmares. It was so freaky! I want to go back there so bad. And today I went to go see the Lake house. It's so good! I usually don't like chick flicks, but that is such a great movie. O'tay, heres the quote of today.
* It's a Very wierd poem a friend made up. They combined a Little Willie poem with Naruto XD*
Itachi with a thirst for gore,
Nailed Sasuke to the door
Itachi said with humar quaint,
"Hope I didn't scratch the paint." XD! Ha! Brotherly love.
Your friend and loonatic,

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Sunday, June 18, 2006
Ah! We meet again friends ^^ Hey, does anyone know the game Balderdash or has played it. I own that game and it's my favorite game. I haven't got the chance to play it lately because theres never enough people around. Well, anywho I wanted to ask everyone something. I was thinking of having an art contest. I thought it would be interesting. But then I relized I probably couldn't because I hardly have any fanart. I would submit them, but I can't shrink them. CAN ANYONE OUT THERE TELL ME HOW TO SHRINK THEM?! But if I get any more up, I might hold one. It would be neat but I don't know how to turn it into icons and put it on my page to show the entrys. There are so many flaws, I probably can't. Oh well. I was surfing channels on the Telly and Super Size me was on. Now, I remember when that came out. Not because of the reveiws or the movie it self, but because when I went to McDonnalds after the movie, no one was there. It was like a ghoust town. I swear, it had such a less amount of people, I was excpecting one of those tumble weeds to come through. I was amazed. Then after the movie came out, McDonnalds started having salads and water on the menue. Remember? I thought that was so weird. Well, you know what time it is? The quote of Today! This comes from Robot Chicken. *Barney was going aroun to random strangers and singing his trade mark song. Now he was singing it to a whore*
Barney: I love you, You love me...
Whore: Yeah, but it's still gonna be 10 dollars. XD I don't know, I thought it was funny.
Truly yours with sencerity,
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Thursday, June 15, 2006
Konechiwa Everyone. Well, I changed my background. It's quite a change from Good ol' Jack Skeleton. The old background made me feel sorta depressed but I love that movie. Heck, I love all Tim Burton movies. My favorite is Edward Scissorhands. I love that movie to pieces. What's your favorite Tim Burton movie?
Nothing really happened today, except I had to go to The Home Depot. Ok, let me put something out. I HATE THAT STORE!!!!!!! I don't know about you but I just despise that store! I had to get trim or something, I wasn't really paying attention. I was to busy complaining. God. Well, nothing else worth saying so I guess it's time for the quote of today. This comes from a joke Becky-kun told me.
Becky-kun: Hey. What's orange, fuzzy, and has 18 legs?
Me: I don't know.
Becky-kun: Me neither. XD Becky-kun always makes me laugh. Well, I'll be here all day. Have a great one.
Truly your with sencerity,
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Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Hello everyone. I am so happy that people are signing my GuestBook. It makes me feel all warm inside *Hugs* Well, from my last post I had explained that I had the misfortune of viewing a truly destirbing picture. Well, some people wondered what it was. Three words,"Cloud, Siprorth,F***." Enough said. Well, today nothing has ruined my mood, not even house work! It's such a beautiful day, that even adds to my good mood. And aspecially you guys on here! *hugs* I feel like I have new friends! But let me tell you, my friends are old, old ones. I have known Ky Ky-Chan(A.k.a SilverEye,)Since 3rd grade! So many years ago.
And my other friend, Becky-kun is the zanyiest piece of work. Ever since I met him, he said he wanted to be a comedian. He has said that for a long time and he still manages to make me laugh my socks off! And that's where the quote of today comes from. Becky-kun was talking to this little kid for some strange reason.
Becky-kun: So, what do you want to be when you grow up?
Kid: I want to be a person who makes people feel bad.
Becky-kun: You want to be Dr. Phil?! XD
Soyannara friends,
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Monday, June 12, 2006
Hello everyone. I now have a new favorite anime. Ouran High Host Club! I heard ElvesAteMyRamen talk about it and so I downloaded a few episodes And let me tell you, I love it. The beautiful blonde haired boy Tamaki is my favorite character so far! It's funny but I, for a split second, Thought the twins were gay. I know they aren't but last time I checked, brothers don't get THAT close to eachother's faces. But I love them any way. Well, back to the real world
(I don't want to go back!) It's a beautiful day outside and I'm inside, surfing the web. Oh, that reminds me.
Yesterday was the grossest day of my life. I was searching google for no aparent reason when I come across a site. But not just any site. A Yaoi website. And the theme was final fantasy. I haven't been that grossed in 10 years. It was so wrong that I actually ran to my bathroom, And puked in my toilet. Curse my curiousity! Oh well. The quote of today comes from Family Guy( Love that show) * Lois and Peter were talking about Peter getting nutered.*
Lois: Peter We need to get this done. We can't take the risk of having more kids.
Peter: Yeah, We have so many kids already. Like Neil, Anthoney, Tyson...
Brain: Peter, those aren't your kids, those are basketball players.
Peter: Kurt, Leisal, Brigetta...
Brain: Thats the Von'Trap family.
Peter: Red, Blue, Orange...
Brain: Those are colors. XD
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Saturday, June 10, 2006
Hello everyone. *yawn.* Well, evidently, everyone hates me on theotaku because no one comments on my posts. Well, maybe it's because I don't have a million fanarts. Well, sadly I have a life to live and can't spend my free time on drawing, and when I do draw, I can't shrink it enough to fit in the 'effin site. If anyone cares enough, can thay tell me how to shrink fanarts? Nothing interesting really happened except I had to babysit my 2nd coson(excuse my horrid spelling. I haven't slept in 3 days 0.0) She is such a sweet heart. I read her a few baby books and I played with her and she can walk now. T^T I'm so pround of her. Well, I'm home now to my empty house and I'm all alone (again)
Any way. I just finished my contest entry for Neko-chan's contest. It looks so horrid on the computer because I had to scan it. I really need to get a tablet. That would be nice. But what I really disire is photoshop. Oh, the things I could do with photoshop. But if I had a tablet AND Photoshop, I would be the happiest person on the face of the galaxy. Well, Here's the quote of today. This comes from a conversation me and my friend had the other day. *We were having a conversation on party supllies.*
friend: So, We'll get some party hats.
Me: Yay. Then I'll hang them on the ceiling.
friend: Aren't you thinking of
(To tired to remember how to spell it.) pinyatas? Me: Party hats, Pinyatas; they both begin with an 'L' What's the differnce? :D * Falls asleep on computer*
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