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Being the yaoi fairy xD
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Two words, "Gundam Wing"
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s-CRY-ed, DeathNote, Trigun, Miazaki movies, D. Gray-man, Sailor Moon, Ouran High School Host club, Yami no Matsuei, Sukisho,FLCL, and paniponi dash!
Work for Tokyo Pop one day ;3
Drawing, singing, acting~ :D
Psh, like you'd wanna know.
| CobwebDreams
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Hi everyone. I hope you guys like the new theme to my site. I for one like it. What about you? Well, 1 new contest entry by E.E.L. Go see, it's so cool! I was thinking about this all day and I want to say it. There was a certain someone, who shall remain nameless, she added me as a friend and I thought that was really nice, so I added them. I commented on their site every post and was trying to be a good friend. But she never commented on my site. I didn't think much of it, so I didn't bother. But a little while later, I looked on their friend list and they deleted me! I knew they added me because I was on their list previously but they deleted me. I commented on there site and artwork, and they never paid mind to me. I think that was very rude. I'm sorry, but that was mean.
Ok, enough about that. My older brother came to visit everyone. He lives in Georgia and we hardly get to see him. Turns out, he's been here since last Wendsday. He thought we were still in California. It was nice to see him again. But he couldn't stay long. He went back to his Mom's house and the next day, he had to go to the hospitle. He has Heart problems. He had an irregular heartbeat, so he had to go there. My Dad was really worried about him and he went to the hospitle very early, like 2:00 am or something. My Dad and I went there to visit him. His Mom, Step-dad, and Trevor(his step-brother) were there also. We all just sat and talked with my brother and them. It was nice. He got out today after what I belive was some sort of test.
Ok. I guess it's time for the quote of today.
*This comes from an interesting conversation between Ky Ky-chan (SilverEye.) This is after our aguement about the angels in Evigeloin.
GrayStar(my Oc) and SilverEye(her Oc)*
Me: Hey Ky Ky?
Ky Ky: Yeah?
Me: If GrayStar and SilverEye were supposed to, I don't know, have hot man sex, who'd be on top?
Ky Ky: *Her Face* 0________0 what?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
XDDDDDD We have the most interesting chats, now do we? OMG Her face was priceless!
Have a good one,

Oh and one more thing.

ZOMG IT's JACK SPARROW!!! XDDDDDDD I got that at Mcdonalds! I didn't get a Happy Meal though TT_____TT XD Gt that for a dollar 90!
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