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Being the yaoi fairy xD
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Two words, "Gundam Wing"
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s-CRY-ed, DeathNote, Trigun, Miazaki movies, D. Gray-man, Sailor Moon, Ouran High School Host club, Yami no Matsuei, Sukisho,FLCL, and paniponi dash!
Work for Tokyo Pop one day ;3
Drawing, singing, acting~ :D
Psh, like you'd wanna know.
| CobwebDreams
Friday, July 28, 2006
Hi everyone! How's is everyone? I'm fine! I finally know when the contest will end! It will end August 5th. Why? Because my family and I are going on vacation up north and we'll be back then. We go up there every year, since forever, even when I was a baby. I'm going Saturday, and I don't think I can access a computer (darn.) I'll do what ever I can though before to visit your sites and such ^^
Well moving on, I got my tablet today! Yay! I love it sooooo much! I drew a few pictures with it of Kakashi-sensei! Mainly for Ky Ky-chan.
Here's one,

And another one...

Kakashi is so fun to draw ^^ I also have a new art up! it's of some random anime guy I thought was pretty :D He has pretty eyes...
Something wierds been happening. I think my stomach shrank. I mean, I eat smaller portions than usual and when my Mom and I went to her friend Delana's house, she kept saying how skinny she thought I looked. She hasn't seen me in a month so I thought that was weird. Now my parents are worried and think I'm secretly anirexic. and I'm not, so I keep telling them that but nooooo. So odd.
In other news *shuffles papers* I am suprised at myself. Actually, kinda freaked. I don't like yaoi at all. Not a supporter of it either. I mean, I belive in gay marrige and stuff, but it's just anime yaoi that I don't like. Like SasuNaru and various others that I don't care for. But, I should practice what I preach. I have stumpled apoun a yaoi couple I love.
Kaworu X Shinji. I love those two. I mean, I adore Kaworu, and Shinji is awesome. And when they are together, I just squel. I feel stupid for so, but I just can't help it. I loveeee them together. And they're the only yaoi couple I like and will stand to look at. Wierd huh? They're so glompable -______-
Well, I'll get with today's quote before you guys get bored to death. This comes from Futurama.
*Fry has traded hands with the robot devil, and is trading back now.*
Fry: My fingernails! What did you do to them?
Robot Devil: I cleaned them. XD So funny.
Have a great one!

Please don't kill me for this!!!! I'm soooooooooooo sorry *cries*
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