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myOtaku.com: CobwebDreams

Sunday, August 13, 2006

! I Need All requests As Soon As Possible! Please PM Me For What You Want!
Hey guys. How are you guys today? I'm peachy kean :D First of all, I have to appologize for not commenting on people's sites. I kinda felt like a douche bag for not. Sorry. I'm such a lazy ass *hits head*

Okies, new artwork up! It's a Naruto one. A crossover Naruto one that is. I like this picture even though it's sorta cruddy. I've been wanting to do that picture since March. Just never had the time or attention span to. Actually, there are a number of pictures I've wanted to do for some time. Just I need to improve a little more. Here is a list of what I need to improve on

1. Giant Guns

2. Alien animals

3. Feet and Shoes

4. Gaara

Yeep. I stink at drawing those things XP

I'm gonna be real busy this weekend because I'm going to be working on consession at a play. Yep, I worked tonight and it was fun! I love working at those kind of things ^^ And next weekend I'm going to be working at the rennisance(sp?) In the food section, dressed as a peasent! I'm doing this with a theatre group that I'm part of. I don't want to sound conceited, but they ALWAYA count on me to be in shows and guide everyone, because, (I feel like I have such a swollen head,) I'm better at acting and singing than the the other people in the plays. It's a Kid's theatre company, but not for little kids. The ages are from kinergarden to 18 years old, so I got that going for me ^^
Anyway, I can't wait for the rennisance ^^
The quote of today comes from Larry
the Cable Guy.
*He was singing wierd, but funny, songs.*
" I was watching a movie, and I got so darn turned on; that I called the 900 number, and I think I got my mom..." XD

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