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Being the yaoi fairy xD
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Two words, "Gundam Wing"
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s-CRY-ed, DeathNote, Trigun, Miazaki movies, D. Gray-man, Sailor Moon, Ouran High School Host club, Yami no Matsuei, Sukisho,FLCL, and paniponi dash!
Work for Tokyo Pop one day ;3
Drawing, singing, acting~ :D
Psh, like you'd wanna know.
| CobwebDreams
Friday, August 25, 2006
Hello everyone. I'm not dead, just incase your wondering. Sorry I haven't updated in, what's now 12 days. I've been dealing with alot. My parents are getting a divorce. It's been making me sad and very depressed in the last few days. I've been crying alot too. This whole divorce thing is really taking a toll on me. But I'm not as sad as I was, which is a good thing. And I have to say because of my great friends ^^ *huggles squishes Becky-kun, Chapin-chan, and Nick-kun.* I'm so lucky to have them *hugs them again.* They made me feel alot happier. They were very comforting, until Nick-kun Took a a squirt gun out of apperntly no where,(from his little brother I suspect,) and started attacking us. Poor Becky-kun, he looked like a drenched rat XD
Well in other, less bittersweet news, I have officially become a Ouran High School Host Club fan! Omg, i'm hooked on it. I can't stop watching the episodes *glooed to screen.* Now all I need to make it better is get the episodes in english. Yeah, I've been watching them in Japanese. ut it's still just as funny in another launguge. Thank god for sub-titles! Tamaki is still my favorite *pets.* He's such a spaz, I love it *pets again.*
Also, I have checked out another manga! Loveless! And I'm terribly addicted to it! *glooed to screen once more.* I love it. I heard people talk about it and I googled it once, so finally, I went to Borders and got the first 2 volumes of it ^^ Now, all I need is all the other volumes. I'm having withdrawl from lack of it. I need more Loveless *twitch.* I can't find anymore volumes of it anywhere! Does it stop at two volumes or something? God, I can't find anymore. Not Borders, not Barnes and Noble, or anywhere. *sigh* I guess I'll jut have to wait.
Time for the quote of today. This comes from when my Dad and I went grocery shopping.
Dad: *We are reaching home* I'm going to park in the drive way so it's easier to bring in groceries.
Me: Ok.
Dad: *parks in on the lawn* Hey Austin! *beeps horn* Help us get these groceries in!
Austin: *comes out the front door* Hey......that's not the drive way! XD
P.S. My site has been acting up. I mean, The background isn't staying still, and the text won't just move. Can anyone help me out please?

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