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Being the yaoi fairy xD
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Two words, "Gundam Wing"
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s-CRY-ed, DeathNote, Trigun, Miazaki movies, D. Gray-man, Sailor Moon, Ouran High School Host club, Yami no Matsuei, Sukisho,FLCL, and paniponi dash!
Work for Tokyo Pop one day ;3
Drawing, singing, acting~ :D
Psh, like you'd wanna know.
| CobwebDreams
Monday, September 4, 2006
Well, I can tell my popularity has deminished ever since I left for Petosky weeks apon weeks ago. Only getting 1 comment per post, 2 if I'm lucky has clearly showed it. and even someone went so far to delete me in a week's time. Well, maybe if they would've taken the time to see that I would be gone, I could've remained a friend. But noooo. Ha.
Well I am living, just incase you all are wondering. I've just been to much of a sloth to update. That and working 5 hour shifts at the renaissance festival every weekend. and now I don't know how much I'll update, on account of school starting tommorrow. Ohh, I don't want to go. Aspecially because Ky Ky-chan's not going to be there DX Now who will I bitch about my problems to?
Well, back to school clothes shopping turned out to be a waste of effort on the first day. Got alot of jeans, none of which fit. That I found out when I tried them on at home. Well, at least the shopping trip didn't turn out to be quite a waste. I got 2 anime shirts! A FLCL shirt, and a Fruit Basket shirt! I aspecially like the fb shirt because it has Kyo looking very mad and mad kitty Kyo in the back XD Loves it. Hoo-blah!
Well, moving on. Does everyone know Steve Erwin? The crocodile hunter? The "good da' mate!" guy. Or "Crikey!" Yeah? Well, he died. Yes, a stingray got him in the heart. That's so sad. Now everyone will feel guilty for making him the but of their jokes. geez, what's the world coming to? Choas? Discruction? Another Rocky movie? Who knows.
Ugh. School starts tommorrow. This summer was too short. Well, hopefully I'll see some friends like Paige-chan, and Vennesa-chan.
Well, I'll get on to the quote of today already.
Comes from a comic Meggy-chan and I made up.
*Our character George is in a book store.*
George: Princess pony fantastic sprinkle cupcake tea party? Oh give me a break.
Random Bi-standers: *start snaping* Break me off a piece of that kit-kat bar!
George: Stop following me!
tee hee. Uhhh...Have to go to bed. so....tired...
p.s. Can anyone help me with my site? The background won't stay in place anymore. Can anyone tell me how to get the background to stay in place again?

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