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Being the yaoi fairy xD
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Two words, "Gundam Wing"
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s-CRY-ed, DeathNote, Trigun, Miazaki movies, D. Gray-man, Sailor Moon, Ouran High School Host club, Yami no Matsuei, Sukisho,FLCL, and paniponi dash!
Work for Tokyo Pop one day ;3
Drawing, singing, acting~ :D
Psh, like you'd wanna know.
| CobwebDreams
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Hello everyone! I'm finally posting again. pretty cool, ne'? heh.
Well, my site has been changed! The music too! ^^
Well, here's what I plan to do. Each time I post, my site'll be a theme from my list. and you guys can tell me which theme you like best. And which ever theme everyone likes the best, will be my theme for a while. Does that sound good?
Ok, this is what my Loveless theme might be. I adore it. Actually, I love all my themes ^^
Well, I finished writing my story. Just a quick thing that took no time at all. I'm quite un-satisfyed with it. I'll tell you the quick version.
A kid, Kura, his brother, A.J., goes missing and the whole plot is him trying to figure out where he is. Now when he goes online, meets some dude named Kocoo77, and him and him have a little chat thing (can be seen in my previous post.) Now the guy gives him a hint or 2 that he actually might be his brother. So the whole rest of the story, he's basically bent on finding A.J. Then the final 'scene.' He meets the guy Kocoo77 at some sort of whare house thing, (BTW, don't meet strangers online kiddies,) and it turns out to be A.J.! but one thing leads to another and A.J. explains things, but then.....
I'll tell you in my next post ^__~
Ok. Now I'm watching a movie about a super agent Chimp helping his ex-partner in the spy vision (who is a human,) with my Dad. and they also have to save the guy's daughter -____- Gah, bad movie. Bad Disney movie >__< Oh, have you ever noticed that in Disney movies, the kids ALWAYS have one parent dead, or the parents are divorced and trying to get back together. -__-
Bad chimpy, b-rated movie.
That's also where the quote of today comes from.
*My Dad said this. The chimp is doing crazy back-flips, using ninja swords, and beating the filling out of the bad guys.*
"If real monkeys where like that, we'd be in troble."
XD That made me laugh for some reason.
Also have a question.
"What cha all gonna be for Halloween?" (Even if you only give out candy, what are you going to dress as.)
I'm gonna be Cher! and I'm gonna have one of my buds be Sunny X3
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Ain't HE cute? XD Lanny-kun! *huggles.*
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