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| cole dylan fan
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
I'm back! And here with great news!
Guess what!
I didn't forget about you guys, my totally awesome friends here.
Anyways, me and one of my friends have built a website (layout by me) called Skylight-Crystal!
That's where I spend most of my time now.
I post blogs on there and everything.
So I most likely won't come on here often,
but PLEASE check out the site, and post a comment!
So that way I can talk to you guys!
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Friday, December 1, 2006
Marissa walked one seat past Dylan and Katy. She went to the second seat up and sat down. Dylan turned around and said to Marissa, "Hey, fatty! You're not going to have enough room for Cole!"
Marissa smiled. She knew she was super skinny. "I'm sorry! Those cupcakes are just soooo good!" Marissa leaned over to look in her bag for her laptop. When she came back up, she saw Cole next to her. She jumped and Cole laughed. Cole brought out his TekMate. He texted Dylan. The message said, 'Dylan, r we going 2 tell them tomorrow?'
Dylan's beeped. He opened it up and the message appeared. He texted back, 'No, on the last day here.' Cole got the message and closed his TekMate. He poked Marissa.
She looked at him. Cole said to her, "Do you want to go out on Friday?"
Marissa smiled. "Of course!" She kissed him on the cheek."
I want to ask her now!
Is there something going on Friday that I missed?
Marissa leaned on Cole's shoulder and fell asleep.
Diary, she's always tired. It's a partial-vegitarian thing. She doesn't get enough iron or protein or something... But she's not tired when she's out with Cole. She will party till she's purple.
Aww! She fell asleep on my shoulder!
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Monday, August 14, 2006
Updates And Dylan and Cole Sprouse
IM SO SORRY!!!!! I haven't been on in like, forever. Im so sorry! But I wont be coming on much anymore! So e-mail me at:
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Sunday, June 25, 2006
Surfer Girl- Story Line By: cole_dylan_fan
Chapter 1
The day I woke up at the hospital was the scariest day of my life. I opened my eyes to find that next to me laid wires attached to my skin. A nurse came up to me, checked my blood pressure. A doctor came up to the nurse to say: “Her record for today states that she has permanently damaged her left leg and right arm.” I pinched myself. I felt pain. How could this be? I’m paralyzed? I didn’t feel any pain except for left arm, but that’s probably because I had just pinched it. “She will never be able to surf again.”
They thought I was sleeping, so I just exploded inside. I thought to myself, no more surfing, no more swimming, no more life. They noticed I was awake, gave me an automatic wheelchair, and let me explore.
This had happened during the biggest surfing competition of my life. Trophies would be awarded with a cash prize of $20,000 and your name engraved in the school wall. I was a foot away from winning the contest, until I slipped on my board and was rushed to the hospital. I understand you haven’t heard much of what happened, so I’ll go back two weeks before this happened.
Copyright 2006 © (meaning that if you steal my work, i can sew you) *i dont think i spelled that right...*
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Surfer Girl- Story Line By: cole_dylan_fan
Chapter 1
The day I woke up at the hospital was the scariest day of my life. I opened my eyes to find that next to me laid wires attached to my skin. A nurse came up to me, checked my blood pressure. A doctor came up to the nurse to say: “Her record for today states that she has permanently damaged her left leg and right arm.” I pinched myself. I felt pain. How could this be? I’m paralyzed? I didn’t feel any pain except for left arm, but that’s probably because I had just pinched it. “She will never be able to surf again.”
They thought I was sleeping, so I just exploded inside. I thought to myself, no more surfing, no more swimming, no more life. They noticed I was awake, gave me an automatic wheelchair, and let me explore.
This had happened during the biggest surfing competition of my life. Trophies would be awarded with a cash prize of $20,000 and your name engraved in the school wall. I was a foot away from winning the contest, until I slipped on my board and was rushed to the hospital. I understand you haven’t heard much of what happened, so I’ll go back two weeks before this happened. Copyright 2006 ©
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Disney Channel Games
*scream* This weeks contests for MVP are Cole Sprouse* Vannessa Anne Hudgens, and Kyle Massey. What I find funny is Cole was nominated for "Best Outfit" hehe! Funny!
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Saturday, June 24, 2006
My First Save Lilo And Stitch Glitter
OMG!!!! This is my FIRST glitter!! Isn't it touching? I wrote the words myself.

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My FREE E-Mail Site!!!

Click on the picture!!!
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Save Lilo and Stitch Week

Ok everybody. Listen up. This week is "Save Lilo and Stitch Week" Yesterday, Leroy and Stitch premired on Disney Channel secureing the end of the show on Disney Channel: "Lilo and Stitch The Series" People, seriously. Do you want the "Fluffyness" to end? Disney has a 65 episode rule, and Lilo and Stitch hit that rule yesterday. We have until the 27th to save "Lilo and Stitch" Remember the whole "627" Experiments thing? (Minus "Ruben" and Stitch) Makes 625 experiments. That means we have to have at least 600 episodes, because some episodes had 2 experiments. We have to stop The Disney Team from canceling this show in little time necessary. I need your help. The "Save Disney Shows" corperation helps save your shows. Kim Possible? It is now in it's 4th season because fans all around saved it. That's So Raven? Yup. Please. Isn't Stitch the most adorable thing you have EVER seen? Dont take that away. I feel very strongly about this!!!

I will soon make "Save Lilo And Stitch" Glitters!!! PLEASE!! Help save disney shows!! Click HERE To see what's up!!!
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