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• 1992-04-30
• Skyback, checking out a book on compound EX skills. hee hee, actually PA
Member Since
• 2006-05-29
• student. I want to be an eigth grade American History teacher someday though
Real Name
• Sara
• 58 combo in TOS, I won some charaters awards at school, and have great friends! ^__^
Anime Fan Since
• Pokemon came out. I was in 2nd grade
Favorite Anime
• DBZ, DBZ GT, Zatch Bell, Inu Yasha...can't think of any more right now...
• TO BECOME THE BEST TEACHER IN ALL THE LANDS! MUHAHAHAHAHA! lol. I also want to make some comic books on the side...
• reading, writing, playing video games, sleeping, walking, playing video games,...playing video games. lol
• cooking, drawing, writing, playing video games
| Collette Collette
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Guestbook Entries:
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arcticwulf (10/12/07)
Wow your sit is sooo cool! Collette themed! I loved her she was just so cool and help greatly in the Abyssion fight( Tripe para ball stunned him for a bit). Anyhoo just saying I like your site.
Bye (^o^)/~~
Colette123 (08/19/06)
You have such a cute site! Colette is the best character ever!
Oh, and can I add you as a friend?
I hope to be seeing you stop by my site too. ^^
Arrekusu-sensei (07/31/06)
Hey there Collette Collette,
Shisu-dono told me to visit, so here I am. Cool that you're such a TOS fan. I never get sick of playing that game. And who could hate Collette? ;) Just point me to them and I'll take care of 'em. >:(
Anyways, see ya later.
IceEnchantress (07/28/06)
Yay! A ToS fan that likes Colette! I'm personally more of a Raine or Zelos fan, but that's okay! hehe, sweet site.
I saw you on Shisu-dono's guestbook, and figured I might as well check your page out... even though my page doesn't show it, I am a Tales fan, seriously.
A 58 combo??!! Congrats! Well, I hope we can be friends, Sara! Later!
JD Person (07/26/06)
Please visit my Chosen!
Martel commands it!
queenbakura3 (07/26/06)
Hi, Collette! I love Tales of Symphonia! I got it not very long ago, so I'm still trying to figure it out. I don't use you much, though...Kratos is my favorite character! Awesome site, c ya around!
Sessy514 (07/25/06)
I like your site! Its very cool. Come visit my site sometime and I hope we can be good friends. C-ya
~The Great Destroyer~
Night shade2 (06/17/06)
I like your site it is very nice.What anime is your theme from?
Paigy (06/13/06)
......hey there just saying hello to the members of otaku and came across this page and just like it anyway hope you visit my site, if you feel like it so hollar later......
MilleniumRing (06/12/06)
Hey, cool site. I looove your avatar and background. C'ya.
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