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myOtaku.com: Collette Collette

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I'm at my Mom's house, so I can actually comment on your sites. It's like 8:39 a.m. right now, but I can't go back to sleep. Anyways, Yuki evolved this morning! Now he;s a cute hampster thing. You know, the one that they always advertise? Oh, and Yubiko, Yui says "Hi Fake Aunt Grace!" hee hee. If you're anyone other than Yubiko you probably wouldn't understand. I got my Tamagotchi while I was at teh beach with her, and since she's one of my best freinds, I dubbed her Yuki's fake aunt. So...yeah...I'm going to comment on everyone's site now! Have a nice day everyone! ^__^ enjoy the pic!
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