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On the earth...of course!!!
Member Since
High School Student
Real Name
Secret agent (Shhh... don't tell... It's a secret ).
Anime Fan Since
Scince I can remember.
Favorite Anime
My faves are Inuyasha, YuYuHakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, Tokyo Mew Mew, Cowboy Bebop, Fruit's Basket, Gungrave, Boogiepop Phantom, Bate Keepers, Gate Keepers 21, Trigun, Paranoia Agent, S-cry-ed, One Piece, Outlaw Star, Samurai X,, Full Metal Alchemist...
I want to be happy in life.
I read alot and yes... I am a nerd! I like music, singing, playing the piano as well as a tuba (Which I suppose dosen't mix at all (>.<)) poetry, and I like to see things go BOOOOOM!!!!.......hehe...^_^
I go to school every day without killing myself.( Errrr... atleast I think its a talent.....) ...and............Yeah....
| Colored Flowers
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Tuesday, September 6, 2005
I need help and advice.
I have been having strange dreams.
That have been coming true for the past week now. And I dont know what to do. So, if any of you have any ideas. Please comment. I just feel confused. Please help.
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
Got Marching Band!
Man, today has been all right. Today was the second day of highschool, and yes, I'm a freshmen (or should i say FreshWOMAN...hmmm...) It wasn't that bad, though the halls of the school are totally messed up. I barely got lost, though if you saw me yesterday I was going around in circles. This teacher had a pencil up her ass making her all stuck up, I gotta get my schedule changed, and since I have a lot of honors crap (and no, I'm not smart, I just try hard) I got Geometry (not honors) with a whole bunch of tenth graders. So I'm the only freshman in that class...It feels kinda weird being there, but I got homework already yesterday and today I stayed after school and got the Marching Band crash course, though I must say, there are quite a few hotties in the band... ^_^
I play the tuba, and I have to march with it. Well, as long as i get marching band i won't have to do physical fitness. *I don't like changing infront of other me the heebie jeebies! >.<* And marching band is pretty cool, though it's mostly for rich people (and I'm not one of them!). They are nice people.
I guess I had fun. Well, now I will excuse myself, I gotta do my homework until maybe 12:00 in the morning,
see ya! Hope you have had a great summer,
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Please read this if you want luck and are able to send this to 15 people!!!
please read this even if its going to take you forever to read it in spanish
Había una vez..... un chico que nació enfermo. Una enfermedad que no tenia cura. Con 17 años y podría morir en cualquier momento. Siempre vivió en su casa, bajo el cuidado de su madre. Ya estaba harto y decidió salir solo por una vez. Le pidió permiso a su madre y ella acepto. Caminando por su cuadra vio muchas tiendas. Al pasar por una tienda de música y ver el aparador, noto la presencia de una niña muy tierna de su edad. Fue amor a primera vista. Abrió la puerta y entro sin mirar nada que no fuera ella. Acercándose poco a poco, llegó al mostrador donde se encontraba ella. Ella lo miró y le dijo sonriente:
"¿Te puedo ayudar en algo?"
Mientras el pensaba que era la sonrisa más hermosa que había visto en toda su vida. Sintió deseos de besarla en ese mismo instante. Tartamudeando le dijo:
"Si, eeehhh, gustaría comprar un CD".
Sin pensar, tomó el primero que vio y le dio el dinero.
"¿Quieres que te lo envuelva?" - Pregunto la niña sonriendo de nuevo.
El respondió que si, moviendo la cabeza; y ella fue al almacén para volver con el paquete envuelto y entregárselo. El lo tomo y salió de la tienda. Se fue a su casa, y desde ese día en adelante visito la tienda todos los días. para comprar un CD. Siempre se los envolvía la niña para luego llevárselos a su casa y meterlos a su closet. El era muy tímido para invitarla a salir y aunque trataba, no podía. Su mamá se entero de esto e intentó animarlo a que se aventurara, así que al siguiente día se armo de coraje y se dirigió a la tienda. Como todos los días compro otra vez un CD, y como siempre, ella se fue atrás para envolverlo. El tomo el CD; y mientras ella no estaba viendo, rápidamente dejo su teléfono en el mostrador y salió corriendo de la tienda
Al otro dia "......Ringggg !!!" Su mama contestó:
era la niña, pregunto por su hijo; y la madre desconsolada, comenzó a llorar mientras decía:
"?Que, no sabes?...murió ayer".
Hubo un silencio prolongado, excepto los lamentos de su madre. Más tarde; la mamá entró en el cuarto de su hijo para recordarlo. Ella decidió empezar por ver su ropa, así que abrió su closet. Para su sorpresa se topo con montones de CD envueltos, Ni uno estaba abierto. Le causo curiosidad ver tantos y no se resistió; tomo uno y se sentó sobre la cama para verlo; al hacer esto, un pequeño pedazo de papel salió de la cajita plástica. La mama lo recogio para leerlo y decia:
"Hola!!!, estas superguapo,
¿quieres salir conmigo?".
De tanta emocion, la madre abrio otro y otro pedazos de papel en varios CD; y estos decian lo mismo.... Moraleja:
Asi es la vida, no esperes demasiado para decirle a ese alguien especial lo que sientes. Diselo hoy. Mañana puede ser muy tarde. Este mensaje ha sido escrito para hacer reflexionar a la gente; y asi, poco a poco, ir cambiando el mundo. Si creés que es importante que este mundo cambie, manda esta página a todas las personas que quieras y estimes !!!!
Este mensaje es para decirle que eres muy especial, así es que haz lo mismo que yo y manda este mensaje AHORA, no al rato, no mañana porque recuerda ...puede ser muy tarde....
Besa a alguien que amas y harás magia. Con amor todo es posible, Esta carta te ha sido enviada para tu buena suerte. El original se encuentra en Nueva Inglaterra, ha dado la vuelta al mundo 10 veces y ahora la suerte te ha llegado. Recibiras un golpe de suerte dentro de los 4 dias siguientes de haber recibido, esta carta y tu obligacion en respuesta a ello es enviarla a otros. Esto no es una broma, no envies dinero pues las buenas intenciones no tienen precio. No mantengas esta carta en tu poder. Debe dejar tus manos en menos de 96 horas, a partir del momento en que la recibiste. Un oficial de Panama recibio 170 millones de dolares despues de haber enviado las copias a sus amigos. Los Elliot recibieron 20 millones por no haber roto la cadena. Mientras en Filipinas, CanaWalap perdio a su esposa luego de una enfermedad de 6 dias a contar desde el dia en que recibio la carta, fallo en hacerla circular entre amigos y conocidos.
la cadena viene de Venezuela fue escrita por Paul Montes, misionero Sudamericano.
Para que esta carta siga dando la vuelta deberas mandarla a tus amigos y asociados, despues de algunos dias recibiras una SORPRESA. En verdad aunque no seas supersticioso, considera lo siguiente:
Constanza Diaz recibio la cadena en 1953, le pidio a su secretaria hacer 20 copias de inmediato y algunos dias mas tarde gano la loteria, un total de 82,000 dolares.
Debora Falhills, recibio la cadena y al no creer en ella la tiro y en 9 dias murio.
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Saturday, July 9, 2005

What Anime Angel Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
This is me when I'm pissed, but I have many different sides...
This is just how I feel right now...hehe...
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What's up?
I love the new song of the gorillas, Feelling Good Inc.!
It's awesome!
Today, I went walking with my sis and my dog, Ruffo, and I told my parents that we might be gone a while because we were takng the long way. Ok?
Then we were about 3 bloks from home and it started to sprinkle. We were too far to go back, so we kept on going. Our bangs were flying, but we still walked on and we imagined our friends going
"Are you two stoopid or somethin?!!!"
And we started cracking up like crazy and were repeating the word "stoopid". Somebody walking by might have thought we were the ones who were stoopid!!! And since it was a long walk, when we were almost home, we saw our moms van with our grandma driving it.
She cliked the window down and started telling us how worried they were and that we had to come home pronto cauze it was still sprinkling! And when we got home, our mom was all like I thought someone took you away with a gun in thier car and then how am I supposed to find you.
And i was going, "Who is gonna do anything to us with Ruffo around?! He's huge!!!
Well, that's all that happened.
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Saturday, July 2, 2005
Yum Yum!
Today I went to Yum Yum chinese restaurant. I gotta let my sis use the computer so I'll update soon...well, I hope!
And i went to the dentist!
Yay for clean teeth!!!
And I love Chinese and Japanese food!!!
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Thursday, June 16, 2005
All I wanna say is....
Grave is awesome.
That's all I had to say....
Bye. LOL!
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Sorry I haven't updated in a while...Now that it's summer vacation i have so much to do...
i feel like a slave, but atleast i enjoy doing these chores daily. And now I gotta take care of my grandma, little brother and baby brother (not evn one year old) cause my grandma's back is going bad and wach the house too (including sweeping, dusting, cleaning, my sis cooks, I de-weed the garden *Damn those rose thorn bushes!!!*, walk and feed and wash my pup, thouhg i don't have much to complain about. The house is turning out fairly pretty. It's just like I have to work to earn my room in the parent's work at their jobs, so I have to help them from home...That's not such a bad trade. But what really sucks is that i had to go to a hospital with my family and we had to wait in a room with people with children with cancer and other sicknesses when the peoples cheeks get swollen. The parents were nice, but you could see the hoplessnes in their didn't make me too happy...
Well, enough of that. We should all be happy that we weren't born with disabilities or sicknesses like cancer, but we should care for the people that did just like normal people.
And then we all got stuck in an elevator (ON THE FIRST FLOOR!!!) and me and my sis were cracking up so bad, it was hilarious for us and our parents kept telling us to shut up because it was not funny and that we were wasting all the oxygen in the elevator. When the security got us out, a little boy started clapping for us and there was a whole bunch of people and my mom was like "That was scary" and "I was so scared" and when they saw the baby get out of the elevator they all went "AWWWWWWWWWWW!!!" (LIKE IN THE MOVIES) by that time I was blushing like crazy and had a strong urge to laugh my ass off!
And then me, my mother and my little brother ended up having to climb those stairs (Why did they have to make them double stairs! T_T) all the way to the 5th floor (THE ROOF) and man, was I tired afer that!
So hows everybody doing?
I hope everyone is ok out there!
Hugs and Kisses,
*In your dreams boys*
lol ^_^
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Oh how I missed writing on this key board!
I finally changed my background! It was starting to annoy me! Nice darker colors! My eyes sting from a little too much pink!
I have so much to do for my finals!!!
This sucks! So much stress is not good for a person, ya know?
Well, this past week I have been messing up names like crazy! I called my mom grandmaw and I called my band teacher mom!
I felt stupid.
My friends were laughing at me like crazy. I think my drawings are getting better!
And it turns out this guy likes me.
When my parents heard that, they
gave me the longest lecture about how I have to keep on studying, and not get pregnant!
It get's snnoying about the 15th lecture.
Well, I hope everyone is having the time of their lives instead of my crazy life, and will people that have lot's of time teach me how to get my fan art on the computer! And yessssss, I have a scanner. I just need to learn how to adjust the size, and I'm sorry if I asked before, cauze I have bad memory!
C ya!
Have fun.
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Wednesday, April 6, 2005
Hello. I know my background might seem a bit...wait, a whole lot perkier...but I like it. So if you have a problem, deal with it!
Now that That's grandmother thinks my math teacher wants to fail me and my sis, and she is really pissing me off! (as you can tell math is not my strongest subject) My math teacher is really nice and, though strict, teaches us very well. It is Algebra 1 and it's hard as hell, but I'm trying! And I go to tutering all the time! Well life's not perfect...Now we are working on linear equations and I'm ok with it exept the standard form of the equations.
well, I gotta go.
Love ya!
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