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myOtaku.com: Colored Flowers

Saturday, July 9, 2005

What's up?
I love the new song of the gorillas, Feelling Good Inc.!
It's awesome!
Today, I went walking with my sis and my dog, Ruffo, and I told my parents that we might be gone a while because we were takng the long way. Ok?
Then we were about 3 bloks from home and it started to sprinkle. We were too far to go back, so we kept on going. Our bangs were flying, but we still walked on and we imagined our friends going
"Are you two stoopid or somethin?!!!"
And we started cracking up like crazy and were repeating the word "stoopid". Somebody walking by might have thought we were the ones who were stoopid!!! And since it was a long walk, when we were almost home, we saw our moms van with our grandma driving it.
She cliked the window down and started telling us how worried they were and that we had to come home pronto cauze it was still sprinkling! And when we got home, our mom was all like I thought someone took you away with a gun in thier car and then how am I supposed to find you.
And i was going, "Who is gonna do anything to us with Ruffo around?! He's huge!!!
Well, that's all that happened.

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