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myOtaku.com: CoMeDiAn PrIdE

Sunday, July 2, 2006

2day was crap. nothin but crap. da party wasnt really a party. lots of drunked older cousins where gambling and drinkin. ok, maybe I WAS gambling, but i didnt play alot... jus 1 game of Texas Hold'em, 8 people with 25 chips each (each worth 1). who ever had all the chips, would win $16, $2 from each person. i won the whole game, but people started cussin cuz i beated da adults. got pissed, but didnt care cuz i was leavin. went home, went in my room, punched da door, and layed in my bed... now im here tellin this crap 2 other people... but wutever, who cares... u want a joke? heres ur dam joke:

if there were 1000 sticks on the wall, how many would u choke on?

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